Posting Data to Controller Function that has no view

2014-12-30 Thread Randy

?php echo $this-Form-create('user', 
array('action'='view','inputDefaults'= array('div'= 
false,'fieldset'=false))); ?
 p?php echo $this-Form-input('username');?/p
 ?php echo $this-Form-postLink('Find User', array('action' = 

When I try to send this with a submit button I get an error msg that the 
view file does not exist. 
When I try sending as above with a post link I get undefined variable or 
undefined index. 

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Re: I'm coming from Rails 3.2. There are some specific things I'd know how to do in CakePHP 2.0. Can someone help me?

2012-06-06 Thread randy
Hey Bruno,

I can answer some of these with some of my experience. I don't have much
experience in Rails but I try to keep up with what's happening in that camp.

Packages: Personally, for plugins and libs, I use git submodules. There are
pitfalls there, but it works and since I'm the only one that owns the code,
I just work through them.

Migrations: I believe Cake supports migrations but have not used them much.
I believe it works similar to Rails.

Automated Deploys: I've read that people use Cap for PHP deployments. Cap
seems pretty flexible and can be used outside the Rails domain. There's
also things like ant and Phing but haven't looked into this just yet (but
seriously need to)

Asset Compression: Yes. Via plugin written Mark Story ( It works pretty well and
supports CDNs. Also supports things like coffee script and lesscss.

Workers, etc: Cake has a Task/Shell framework that allows you create, well,
tasks and shell programs you can run from cron or wherever. Beyond that,
you can add event handlers/listeners to respond to custom events in Cake's
Event system (
which is new in 2.1. Then there's things like Gearman and Beanstalkd
(neither of which I have exposure to but the concept sounds interesting)

Skipping some points...  Testing: PHPUnit is the framework used by CakePHP

Like you said, there's many ways to skin a cat, but these are some off the
top of my head.


On Wed, Jun 6, 2012 at 8:19 AM, Bruno Dias wrote:

 Hi guys. My intention is not to make comparisons or discuss which
 framework is better. I know the power from both CakePHP and Rails. I'm
 sure that there's a way to do similar things in both of them.

 So, this is the situation: in Rails framework, I'm used to do
 somethings that I'd like to do on CakePHP (some of them I haven't
 found on the documentation).

 They are:

 - Package management
 In Rails, I have the Gemfile file, where I write the version of each
 gem used in the application. If I want to upgrade or downgrade, I
 change the version and run the bundle update command. How do you
 update plugins? Do you use tools like GIT to checkout each one to
 newer versions?

 - Migrations
 When I need to change the database, I create a empty migration file
 through the console command rails generate migration. Then, in the
 generated file, I add the changes, like
 rename_column :users, :address, :location. After that, I run rake
 db:migrate and the database is migrated. How to do that on CakePHP?

 - Automated Deployment
 Deployment in Rails can be made automated using the Capistrano ruby
 gem. Basically, I run cap production deploy in the command line.
 Then, based on the instructions on the deploy.rb file, it logs into
 the server(s), clone the newest version of the code from the git
 repository, and backups the current release, so I can rollback. It
 also can create symlinks for shared folders (like user uploads),
 recompile the assets, run pending migrations, install new
 dependencies, restart some server processes, restart the application
 itself, and can execute other command line tasks. Is there something
 similar on CakePHP?

 - Assets compression
 In Rails, when I'm in production mode, the CSS and JS assets are
 automatically compiled into single files, and regenerated after each
 deployment. That's a native feature in Rails 3.1+. Is that possible on

 - Workers and Background Jobs
 Rails can use a gem called delayed_job to enqueue tasks to be
 executed in background by workers, like sending an e-mail after user
 signup, for example. How do you do that?

 - Namespaces for controllers
 If I want to create an admin interface, or a web service (using the
 api namespace, for example), or a mobile namespace, I just create
 the respective folders on the controllers folder. Then, I put the
 controllers there and create the routes to access them. What's the
 best way to do that on Cake?

 - Access model methods from view
 It seems that CakePHP return an associative array when I grab data
 from the database, and not the true objects. So, I can not access
 the model methods.
 Let's suppose my UserModel class provides a method called age that
 calculates the user current age based on his birthday. In Rails, I
 could do this on the view: %= @user.age %. I need to create a view
 helper for doing that on Cake? Like ?php $helpers-
 calc_user_age($user); ? (or something like that) ?
 Another situation: Let's suppose I want to get the last comment from a
 user, and within the comment, insert a link to the related post using
 the post title.
 In Rails I would do something like to
 get the post title. How could I do that in Cake, without using that
 recursive=3 feature that gets lots of unnecessary data?

 - Chaining model scopes
 Let's suppose I have a model

Re: Problem with using xampp on cakephp?

2012-06-02 Thread randy
CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH is already defined by the time your code is reached. 
Move your define() above the if(!defined…)


On Jun 2, 2012, at 7:28 AM, alvin567 wrote:

   if (!defined('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH')) {
 define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', 'C:' . DS . 'wamp' . DS . 'www' .
 DS . 'cake' . DS . 'lib');
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Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
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Running javascript on render

2011-08-15 Thread Randy
I'm trying to format input boxes based on the input data.
In particular there is an asset field that is available (or not) based
on a type field.
If the type field is changed to one of several options the asset field
display is turned on and off.

I have it working using a small javascript function within the view,
when an item type is changed.   But I want to use the same javascript
to run when the view is loaded for default behavior.

I tried the windows.onload, but this runs before the page is rendered,
and crashes because the fields on the page have not been created yet.

Anybody have an Idea how to accomplish this?


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Re: Media Plugin - Getting Started

2010-07-18 Thread randy
David, thanks for all the hard work, it is a great contribution!

On Jul 9, 9:01 am, David Persson wrote:
 The current documentation in the media plugin wiki isn't yet updated
 to match with the upcoming 1.3 version of the plugin. The new version
 will relax and (hopefully) simplify the expected directory structure.
 All support for assets (css and js) is going to be removed and moved
 back into the hands of the FW itself. The initial idea of the plugin
 was to deal with all kinds of media files including treating assets as
 media files. This turned out to be a bit overdone so this support is
 removed from the plugin. I know that setting up the plugin can be a
 bit hard in the first place, but the topic needs a bit understanding
 as it may become critical to your app. When I'm updating the docs for
 1.3 I'll be keeping that in mind. If you've got any suggestion or
 wan't to write up a quick how to get started page just add one to
 the plugin wiki.

 - David

 On 5 Jul., 19:30, dbme wrote:

  I'm just getting started with CakePHP and also DavidPersson'sMedia
  plugin ( I've got my app working
  but I'm having a difficult time getting the Media plugin working. I
  figured I'd start this thread so I could A.) get it working and B.)
  create a reference for beginners like me.

  Here's what I've done so far (following the README and Configuration
  wiki - Steps
  marked with a * didn't go as documented :(

  1. Download and extract the files to /path/to/your/app/plugins/media
  2. Include the Media plugin config file in the /path/to/your/app/

          define ( 'MEDIA_TRANSFER', APP . 'transfer' . DS);
          define ( 'MEDIA_TRANSFER_URL', false);
          require APP . 'plugins/media/config/core.php';

  * 3. Create the directory structure using the console

  cd  /path/to/your/app/
  ../cake/console/cake media init

  The Configuration wiki says that there should be a static, filter, and
  transfer directory under the webroot/media/ directory but the command
  above will put the transfer directory under the app directory. Not
  sure if this is how it should be or if I did something wrong.

  * 4. Copy/move/collect the media into the new location

  ../cake/console/cake media collect

  But this results in a bunch of errors :(

  Media Shell
  PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/your/
  app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 119

  Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/your/app/
  plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 119
  PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: pluginVendorPaths in /var/www/
  portfolio/app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line

  Notice: Undefined variable: pluginVendorPaths in /path/to/your/app/
  plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 130
  PHP Warning:  array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /path/to/
  your/app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 130

  Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /path/to/your/
  app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 130
  PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/your/
  app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 132

  Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/your/app/
  plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 132
  Would you like to add another path?

  So I'm assuming maybe I've done something wrong. I will press on and
  instead just move the files manually:

  mv webroot/js/* webroot/media/static/js/
  mv webroot/css/* webroot/media/static/css/
  mv webroot/img/* webroot/media/static/img/
  mv webroot/vendors/js/* webroot/media/static/js/
  mv webroot/vendors/css/* webroot/media/static/css/
  mv webroot/vendors/img/* webroot/media/static/img/

  That works, minus the vendors directory (because I dont have one).
  At this point the app is no longer styled. e.g. the stylesheet is not
  in the proper path and afaik there isn't anything telling the app
  where to find it. :-/

  Next step.

  * 5. Protect the transfer directory

  ../cake/console/cake media protect

  Doesn't work. I just get the message: The content of the transfer
  directory is not served. Guess I'll create this one manually as well.

  nano transfer/.htaccess

  Order deny,allow
  Deny from all

  Save and exit.

  6. Give up.

  Actually I pressed on but there really isn't any thorough
  documentation after this point.

  Any help would be appreciated. I'd love to put together some
  documentation that would help other n00bs like me get this thing set

Check out the new CakePHP Questions site 

Re: Media Plugin - Getting Started

2010-07-06 Thread randy
So glad to see someone else is taking a crack at this...

Thanks to your post i was able to make a bit of headway...when i set
this up the first time I had troubles with getting things right in my
bootstrap.php file. However, i had a fairly easy time with other parts
of this, namely the actual file-upload and metadata fields.

I just set this up again using your instructions for bootstrap.php,
and with just a few more adjustments I have it uploading files to the
transfer directory and spitting out copies of the original, in
different sizes.

There are just two more things that I want to get working...I'd like
to use the Media Helper to pull in my uploaded images, and, most
importantly, I'd like to get the file-renaming functionality working
so that users don't overwrite each others files. This also makes it
tough to guess filenames if people go fishing for the uploaded images.

I am running this on a cake 1.3 setup in case anyone was wondering.

On Jul 5, 1:30 pm, dbme wrote:
 I'm just getting started with CakePHP and also David Persson's Media
 plugin ( I've got my app working
 but I'm having a difficult time getting the Media plugin working. I
 figured I'd start this thread so I could A.) get it working and B.)
 create a reference for beginners like me.

 Here's what I've done so far (following the README and Configuration
 wiki - Steps
 marked with a * didn't go as documented :(

 1. Download and extract the files to /path/to/your/app/plugins/media
 2. Include the Media plugin config file in the /path/to/your/app/

         define ( 'MEDIA_TRANSFER', APP . 'transfer' . DS);
         define ( 'MEDIA_TRANSFER_URL', false);
         require APP . 'plugins/media/config/core.php';

 * 3. Create the directory structure using the console

 cd  /path/to/your/app/
 ../cake/console/cake media init

 The Configuration wiki says that there should be a static, filter, and
 transfer directory under the webroot/media/ directory but the command
 above will put the transfer directory under the app directory. Not
 sure if this is how it should be or if I did something wrong.

 * 4. Copy/move/collect the media into the new location

 ../cake/console/cake media collect

 But this results in a bunch of errors :(

 Media Shell
 PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/your/
 app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 119

 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/your/app/
 plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 119
 PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: pluginVendorPaths in /var/www/
 portfolio/app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line

 Notice: Undefined variable: pluginVendorPaths in /path/to/your/app/
 plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 130
 PHP Warning:  array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /path/to/
 your/app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 130

 Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /path/to/your/
 app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 130
 PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/your/
 app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 132

 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/your/app/
 plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 132
 Would you like to add another path?

 So I'm assuming maybe I've done something wrong. I will press on and
 instead just move the files manually:

 mv webroot/js/* webroot/media/static/js/
 mv webroot/css/* webroot/media/static/css/
 mv webroot/img/* webroot/media/static/img/
 mv webroot/vendors/js/* webroot/media/static/js/
 mv webroot/vendors/css/* webroot/media/static/css/
 mv webroot/vendors/img/* webroot/media/static/img/

 That works, minus the vendors directory (because I dont have one).
 At this point the app is no longer styled. e.g. the stylesheet is not
 in the proper path and afaik there isn't anything telling the app
 where to find it. :-/

 Next step.

 * 5. Protect the transfer directory

 ../cake/console/cake media protect

 Doesn't work. I just get the message: The content of the transfer
 directory is not served. Guess I'll create this one manually as well.

 nano transfer/.htaccess

 Order deny,allow
 Deny from all

 Save and exit.

 6. Give up.

 Actually I pressed on but there really isn't any thorough
 documentation after this point.

 Any help would be appreciated. I'd love to put together some
 documentation that would help other n00bs like me get this thing set

Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others with 
their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: Media Plugin - Getting Started

2010-07-06 Thread randy
Quick reply to answer your questions...

My directory structure is like the first one, with app/webroot/
transfer instead of app/webroot/media/transfer.

I'd like to not serve EVERY media file from the plugin, so I'm going
to do what I can to not pull my CSS into that directory structure. styles are still being applied.

I'll gladly share my code and show what I'm doing, but I first will
need to get stuff working.

Still working on the UUID filenaming issue, but out-of-the-box it
looks like it will NOT overwrite existing files.

I'm also trying to figure out how to config the metadata stuff, I had
this working before, but am unable to restore that functionality. I
swear I saw this in the documentation but am not able to track down
this bit. If you can point me in the right direction it would be

On Jul 6, 10:26 pm, dbme wrote:
 Awesome! So what is your directory structure (step 3)?

 Is it




 Also, did the styles still get served properly after step 5
 (protecting the transfer directory)?

 I would love to see how you made it work! Would you mind posting an
 example or emailing me the relevant code?
 If I can get it working I think it would be great to add this as a
 full-on tutorial in the wiki.

 Thank you!!

 On Jul 6, 6:11 pm, randy wrote:

  So glad to see someone else is taking a crack at this...

  Thanks to your post i was able to make a bit of headway...when i set
  this up the first time I had troubles with getting things right in my
  bootstrap.php file. However, i had a fairly easy time with other parts
  of this, namely the actual file-upload and metadata fields.

  I just set this up again using your instructions for bootstrap.php,
  and with just a few more adjustments I have it uploading files to the
  transfer directory and spitting out copies of the original, in
  different sizes.

  There are just two more things that I want to get working...I'd like
  to use the Media Helper to pull in my uploaded images, and, most
  importantly, I'd like to get the file-renaming functionality working
  so that users don't overwrite each others files. This also makes it
  tough to guess filenames if people go fishing for the uploaded images.

  I am running this on a cake 1.3 setup in case anyone was wondering.

  On Jul 5, 1:30 pm, dbme wrote:

   I'm just getting started with CakePHP and also David Persson's Media
   plugin ( I've got my app working
   but I'm having a difficult time getting the Media plugin working. I
   figured I'd start this thread so I could A.) get it working and B.)
   create a reference for beginners like me.

   Here's what I've done so far (following the README and Configuration
   wiki - Steps
   marked with a * didn't go as documented :(

   1. Download and extract the files to /path/to/your/app/plugins/media
   2. Include the Media plugin config file in the /path/to/your/app/

           define ( 'MEDIA_TRANSFER', APP . 'transfer' . DS);
           define ( 'MEDIA_TRANSFER_URL', false);
           require APP . 'plugins/media/config/core.php';

   * 3. Create the directory structure using the console

   cd  /path/to/your/app/
   ../cake/console/cake media init

   The Configuration wiki says that there should be a static, filter, and
   transfer directory under the webroot/media/ directory but the command
   above will put the transfer directory under the app directory. Not
   sure if this is how it should be or if I did something wrong.

   * 4. Copy/move/collect the media into the new location

   ../cake/console/cake media collect

   But this results in a bunch of errors :(

   Media Shell
   PHP Warning:  Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/your/
   app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 119

   Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path/to/your/app/
   plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 119
   PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: pluginVendorPaths in /var/www/
   portfolio/app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line

   Notice: Undefined variable: pluginVendorPaths in /path/to/your/app/
   plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 130
   PHP Warning:  array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /path/to/
   your/app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 130

   Warning: array_merge(): Argument #1 is not an array in /path/to/your/
   app/plugins/media/vendors/shells/tasks/collect.php on line 130
   PHP Warning

Re: How To Rely on Group/Role for Auth + Acl

2010-07-05 Thread randy
Thanks for the reponse Anthony, but it is not relevant to my actual

When I trace what's going on in the cake/libs/controllers/components/
acl.php file..when I set Auth-authorize to 'actions' or 'crud'...I
NEVER see an aro for the Group coming in to the call to
DbAcl::check(). It is ALWAYS the user's aro.

I have been forced to subclass the Auth component to perform a second
check, when the User aro fails, and this check just looks up the
User's Group and passes in this aro instead.

It seems like it's a bad idea but so far it's working great!

On Jul 5, 9:21 am, Anthony wrote:

     function initDB() {
     $group = $this-User-Group;
     //Allow admins to everything
     $group-id = 1;
     $this-Acl-allow($group, 'controllers');
     //allow managers to posts and widgets
     $group-id = 2;
     $this-Acl-deny($group, 'controllers');
     $this-Acl-allow($group, 'controllers/Posts');
     $this-Acl-allow($group, 'controllers/Widgets');
     //allow users to only add and edit on posts and widgets
     $group-id = 3;
     $this-Acl-deny($group, 'controllers');
     $this-Acl-allow($group, 'controllers/Posts/add');
     $this-Acl-allow($group, 'controllers/Posts/edit');
     $this-Acl-allow($group, 'controllers/Widgets/add');
     $this-Acl-allow($group, 'controllers/Widgets/edit');

 On Jul 3, 11:19 pm, randy wrote:

  In my aros_acos table, I do not want to have records related to Users
  of my site, I would prefer to establish access rights using the Groups
  for my Users.

  In the console I want to setup access rules such as this

  cake acl grant Group.1 Widgets/index read;


  cake acl grant User.23 Widgets/index read;

  I've looked at a lot of different resources and I can't quite get this
  figured out. The closest I've come so far is a tutorial I found which
  implemented a _checkAccess() routine. Inside this they would call Acl-

  check(). I can post more of that code here if need be.

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am i doing it right? for this question AND overall...

2010-07-04 Thread randy
it feels kind of yucky...

in order to get my auth+acl setup working, i had to subclass the
AuthComponent and override it's isAuthorized() function.

i did this in order to use a User's role/group id as an Aro.

so far i like Cake a lot, i have found problems but it is still very

the way i've had to use it is a bit new to me. it seems like anytime
i'm really struggling, i open up the framework files under cake/libs,
copy the standard class out into my own copy, and modify it to suit my

this is actually quite easy to do, but it seems like The Wrong Way

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How To Rely on Group/Role for Auth + Acl

2010-07-03 Thread randy
In my aros_acos table, I do not want to have records related to Users
of my site, I would prefer to establish access rights using the Groups
for my Users.

In the console I want to setup access rules such as this

cake acl grant Group.1 Widgets/index read;


cake acl grant User.23 Widgets/index read;

I've looked at a lot of different resources and I can't quite get this
figured out. The closest I've come so far is a tutorial I found which
implemented a _checkAccess() routine. Inside this they would call Acl-
check(). I can post more of that code here if need be.

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their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: How to build 3 column page?

2010-07-03 Thread randy
You might want to take a look at the 960 grid bake template, found in
the Bakery a few weeks back:

On Jul 3, 6:24 am, Ahmet Kemal wrote:

 I am new at CakePhp. I want to create a website that has 3 columns.
 One column for latest 20 post, second column for top viewed posts this
 week and third column for top viewed posts this month. I succeeded
 coding one column but my mind frozen about finding a way to implement
 other columns. Should I add code to index() controller or build
 another controller and view for rest columns?

 Thanks for assistance,


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How to Prevent Creation of Records in the Aro Table?

2010-06-28 Thread randy
I am struggling with some Auth/Acl issues at the moment...specifically

I have a basic Users/Groups setup, I'd like to NOT keep a record in
the aros table for each user, and instead rely on Groups to determine

I've got some code which creates a one-time password for Users when
they've lost their password and would like to reset it. When I run
this code and change their password using the saveField() method, I
find it is writing a row to my aros table for the User.

Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

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media plugin for 1.3

2010-06-25 Thread randy
i've downloaded the latest code for david persson's media plugin, and
i'm trying out the 1.3 version. i'd love to have my site running on
the latest cakephp.

this plugin is pretty complicated, totally cool but setup can be
tough. my question is how ready is the 1.3 version of the plugin?

i think it's labelled beta right now, i expect something marked beta
to be generally working. i will continue to wrestle with the setup but
i don't want to do so if the transition to 1.3 is far from ready.

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cake and joomla with single sign on

2010-04-11 Thread randy
Hi allI searched through here looking for more info on this idea I
have but didn't see much discussion of this yet. I noticed there was
at one time an effort to create a bridge between Cake and Joomla,
called Jake, but that project seems abandoned.

So what I would like to do is this. I currently maintain a Joomla-
based site. One part of the site I would like to build out with Cake.
I had planned to host it on a subdomain, and then bridge the two
somehow. This cake-based subdomain is going to be available only to
paying customers. I would use the Cake acl stuff to manage those

But users with logins for the Joomla site need to be able to access
the Cake site. And I'd like to build it so that they can use their
Joomla logins on the Cake sub-site.

I'm really not sure how to go about this, I figured I would need to
dig deep into just how logins work under Joomla. Cake is such a more
agile development platform so I'd really really like to avoid building
a Joomla plugin of any sort. Maybe I could write a small one that just
served as some kind of authentication service...and Cake would make
calls to this in order to make this single sign on happen.

Any advice is appreciated.

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