Re: Form width fieldset and different button types

2015-05-19 Thread Rob M
In CakePHP 2.x, FormHelper::inputs doesn't make buttons. It makes input 
elements. If you want a button, try using FormHelper::submit for a submit 
button, or in this case FormHelper::button as in:

echo $this-Form-button('Cancel upload', 
array('type' = 'reset',
  'class' = 'btn btn-warning cancel')


On Monday, May 18, 2015 at 1:48:35 PM UTC-4, Sam Clauw wrote:

 Hi there!

 I'm trying to use the jquery file uploader in combination with 

 The HTML form uses 3 different button types:

- submit (button type=submitStart upload/submit)
- reset (button type=resetStart upload/submit)
- button (button type=buttonStart upload/submit)

 With CakePHP, I try to create those buttons via $this-Form-inputs, but I 
 don't find out how I should sum up those different type of inputs.

 I tried the following, but it ends up that those buttons are becoming 
 input fields instead:

 echo $this-Form-create('OutletPhoto', array(
 'type' = 'file',
 'novalidate' = true, // browser validatie
 'inputDefaults' = array(
 'label' = true,
 'div' = 'form-group',
 'class' = 'form-control'
 'role' = 'form'

 echo $this-Form-inputs(array(
 'legend' = false,
 'name' = array(
 'type' = 'file',
 'label' = false,
 'id' = 'file_upload',
 'name' = 'file_upload',
 'class' = false,
 'before' = 'Pick photos',
 'after' = ''
 'Start upload' = array(
 'type' = 'submit',
 'label' = false,
 'class' = 'btn btn-primary start'
 'Cancel upload' = array(
 'type' = 'reset',
 'label' = false,
 'class' = 'btn btn-warning cancel'
 'Delete' = array(
 'type' = 'button',
 'label' = false,
 'class' = 'btn btn-danger delete'

 echo $this-Form-end('Save');

 Here's the HTML output of this code:

 div class=form-groupdiv class=submit*input class=btn 
 btn-primary start type=submit value=Start upload*/div/div
 div class=form-group*input name=data[OutletPhoto][Cancel upload] 
 class=btn btn-warning cancel type=reset id=OutletPhotoAnnuleerUpload*
 div class=form-groupbutton class=btn btn-danger delete 

 Anyone who can tell me why my Start upload and Cancel upload don't show up 
 as a button? Thanks in advance! ;)

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Re: Site down after restart

2014-06-04 Thread Rob M
If this happens, start checking logs. CakePHP logs errors to /tmp/, and 
your server access and error logs should also be reviewed. CakePHP depends 
on an operating system, a web server, and a database server. Each of these 
need to be up and running for Cake to do its thing.

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Re: prevent uploaded file duplicate or double click in cake php?

2014-06-04 Thread Rob M
First you need to identify what makes a file unique. Is it the contents of 
a row? a set of rows? a row ID? Second, you need to write code to query 
your existing database to see if your uploaded file has already been added 
(run a SELECT to see if the rows you are about to add have already been 

Adding rows to a database from an uploaded CSV file is not a typical 
CakePHP project. It can be done. Actually it's on my someday/maybe ToDo 

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Re: 2 tables wont display

2014-05-24 Thread Rob M
It looks like your `posts` table doesn't have a `user_id` column. CakePHP 
convention wants it to have one so Cake can make the association Posts 
belongs to Users.

On Friday, May 23, 2014 12:56:48 AM UTC-4, Andrew Townsley wrote:

 I am getting an error on a simple display of 2 tables as i am just 
 learning it.
 I know sql but cakephp is awkward with sql/

 Anyway I have

 *Error: * SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 
 'Post.user_id' in 'on clause'

 *SQL Query: * SELECT `Post`.`id`, `Post`.`title`, `Post`.`body`, 
 `Post`.`created`, `Post`.`modified`, `User`.`two`, `User`.`three`, 
 `User`.`id` FROM `jagguy`.`posts` AS `Post` LEFT JOIN `jagguy`.`users` AS 
 `User` ON (`Post`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) WHERE 1 = 1 

 models ( I have 2 tables with 1 files with id in common

 class Post extends AppModel
 /*var $name='User';*/
 public $belongsTo = array('User');

 class User extends AppModel
 public $hasMany = 'Post';

 class PostsController extends AppController
 public  function home2()

 $everything=  $this-Post-find('all', array('contain' = 



  ?php foreach ($everything as $item): 
 echo 'trtd'. $item['Post']['id']. '/td';
 echo 'td'. $item['Post']['title'].'/td';
echo 'td'. $item['Post']['body'].'/td';
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Re: 2 tables wont display

2014-05-24 Thread Rob M
It looks like your `posts` table doesn't have a `user_id` column. CakePHP 
convention wants it to have one so Cake can make the association Posts 
belongs to Users.

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Re: CakeDC's Users plugin action overriding

2014-05-02 Thread Rob M
I think that the result you are expecting is simply to have the default 
plugin functionality?
1. First install and get it working out-of-the-box without any overriding.
2. After that, come back to what you've started (override UsersController 
as directed in the documentation) and also do this:
3. Copy your view files from \app\Plugin\Users\View\Users to 
4. In you AppUsersController::add() method (which is empty) add the line 
return parent::add();

On Thursday, May 1, 2014 3:40:42 PM UTC-4, wrote:

 I have installed CakeDC's Users plugin and I have loaded all the required 
 files in bootstrap.php, as shown below:

 CakePlugin::load('Users'); // Loads the Users 
 pluginCakePlugin::load('Search'); // Loads the Search 
 pluginCakePlugin::load('Utils'); // Loads the Utils 
 pluginCakePlugin::load('Users', array('routes' = true));

 I would like to override the add() action of the UsersController of the 
 plugin, so I created the AppUsersController.php file in app/Controller, as 
 instructed here:

 Then I created an add() action inside the AppUsersController.php, with an 
 empty body, but the original action was not overridden. What am I doing 

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Re: CakeDC's Users plugin action overriding

2014-05-02 Thread Rob M
I think the result you seek is the default functionality? Suggestions:
1. First set it up exactly as directed in the box without overriding, and 
get it working. This makes you certain of correct installation, schema 
set-up, etc.
2. Next extend the controller as you have, with the following extra steps
3. Copy the view files from app\Plugin\Users\View\Users to 
4. Add this line to your empty AppUsersController::model() method: return 

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Re: CakeDC's Users plugin action overriding

2014-05-02 Thread Rob M
I think the result you seek is the default functionality? Suggestions:
1. First set it up exactly as directed in the box without overriding, and 
get it working. This makes you certain of correct installation, schema 
set-up, etc.
2. Next extend the controller as you have, with the following extra steps
3. Copy the view files from app\Plugin\Users\View\Users to 
4. Add this line to your empty AppUsersController::add() method: return 

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Re: Access to specific data cakephp 2.x

2012-12-25 Thread Rob M
Hi Paulo:
To answer your first question: give everyone access to every post by 
*not*checking to see who owns it in the Controller::index() and 
Controller::view() methods. Give only the post's writer the ability to 
edit/delete the post by checking first to see who owns it in the 
Controller::edit() and Controller::delete() methods. With the 
aforementioned WhoDidIt behavior we're talking about only one additional 
line of controller code plus one additional condition:
$user = $this-Session-Read(''); in the Controller::delete() function (for example):
function delete($id = null) {
if (!$id) {
$this-Session-setFlash(__('Invalid id for Post'));
*$*user* = $this-Session-Read(''); *// Only allow deletes 
from user's own records
if (*$this-Post-field('created_by', array('id' = $id)) == $user*  
$this-Post-delete($id)) {
$this-Session-setFlash(__('Post deleted'));
$this-Session-setFlash(__('Post was not deleted'));

To answer your second question: same idea. Check that the manager logged in 
has access to the controller function on that hotel *in the appropriate 
controller function*.

On Monday, December 24, 2012 6:12:02 PM UTC-5, Paulo Braga wrote:

 Hi Rob. Thanks for your answer, the behavior is very interesting. 

 I think I did not express myself well, I dont want just to set that a user 
 has only access to the posts he created.

 I want also to configure for example:

 We have hotels around a country from the same organization, so in each 
 city there's a manager, and I want a manager to manage just the hotels in 
 his city. but this hotels can be created by another user(admin), is it 
 possible?   I did it with isAuthorized() method, but it requires a lot of 
 code (ugly code)° :p 


 On Monday, December 24, 2012 3:08:31 PM UTC+2, Rob M wrote:

 Hi Paulo: You are describing row-level access control, and I am doing 
 that with CakePHP 2.0 using a modified version of Daniel 
 Vecchiato's WhoDidIt Model Behavior ( Then 
 I check in the controller to see if the id in the table for the person who 
 created the record matches the id of the person who is trying to modify it. 
 - Rob

 On Sunday, December 23, 2012 4:01:28 PM UTC-5, Paulo Braga wrote:

 Hi people.

 I am using cakephp 2.x, and I am trying to build a system with group 
 permissions, ok, I used Acl and Auth component without problem.

 Now I want to configure access to specific data. for example: 

 we have a blog app, and we have users, posts, etc.
 an admin can do anything(no problems);
 a post is posted by a user. (some problems here);

 With acl I configured that admin group can do anything. and that user 
 group can just do anything in posts(add, list, edit, delete). everything is 

 But I dont want a user to edit,delete,list posts that were not created 
 by him. 

 I used to do it with the method isAuthorized(), but imagining a big app, 
 I think it will be too hard to codify it.

 is there a clean way to do it???

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Re: Access to specific data cakephp 2.x

2012-12-24 Thread Rob M
Hi Paulo: You are describing row-level access control, and I am doing that 
with CakePHP 2.0 using a modified version of Daniel Vecchiato's WhoDidIt 
Model Behavior 
( Then I 
check in the controller to see if the id in the table for the person who 
created the record matches the id of the person who is trying to modify it. 
- Rob

On Sunday, December 23, 2012 4:01:28 PM UTC-5, Paulo Braga wrote:

 Hi people.

 I am using cakephp 2.x, and I am trying to build a system with group 
 permissions, ok, I used Acl and Auth component without problem.

 Now I want to configure access to specific data. for example: 

 we have a blog app, and we have users, posts, etc.
 an admin can do anything(no problems);
 a post is posted by a user. (some problems here);

 With acl I configured that admin group can do anything. and that user 
 group can just do anything in posts(add, list, edit, delete). everything is 

 But I dont want a user to edit,delete,list posts that were not created by 

 I used to do it with the method isAuthorized(), but imagining a big app, I 
 think it will be too hard to codify it.

 is there a clean way to do it???

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Re: CakePHP 2.2 and Autocomplete Jquery

2012-11-21 Thread Rob M
This code snippet needs refactoring in order to use JsHelper, but it works:

controller code (Controllers/PeopleController.php):
function autoComplete() {
$this-autoRender = false;
$search_string = trim($this-request-query['term']);
if (!is_null($search_string)  $search_string != '') {
$people = $this-Person-find('all',
'conditions' = array (
'OR' = array (
'Person.first_name LIKE'   = '%' . $search_string . '%',
'Person.last_name LIKE'= '%' . $search_string . '%',
'Person.family_info LIKE'  = '%' . $search_string . '%',
'Person.comments LIKE' = '%' . $search_string . '%',
'Person.home_street LIKE'  = '%' . $search_string . '%',
'Person.work_street_1 LIKE'= '%' . $search_string . '%',
'Person.work_street_2 LIKE'= '%' . $search_string . '%'
'fields' = array(
'Person.first_name', 'Person.last_name',
'', 'Person.requested_do_not_call',
'Person.home_street', 'Person.home_city',
'Person.home_state', 'Person.home_zip',
'Person.work_street_1', 'Person.work_street_2',
'Person.work_city', 'Person.work_state', 'Person.work_zip',
'', 'Person.home_phone', 'Person.mobile_phone',
'Person.tty', 'Person.video_phone', ''
'order' = array(
' DESC',
'Person.last_name ASC',
'Person.first_name ASC'
'recursive' = 0
foreach($people as $person){
$response[$i]['id'] = $person['Person']['id'];
$response[$i]['label'] = $person['Person']['last_name'] . ', ' . 
$response[$i]['value'] = $person['Person']['last_name'] . ', ' . 
echo json_encode($response);

view code (Views/People/search.ctp):
array('inline' = false));
array('inline' = false));
echo $this-Html-script('autocomplete/jquery.ui.autocomplete.html.js', 
array('inline' = false));
source: ../people/autoComplete.json,
minLength: 2
select: function(event, ui) {
selected_id =;
$('#PersonSearchForm').append('input id=PersonId type=hidden 
name=data[Person][id] value=' + selected_id + ' /');
open: function(event, ui) {
$jscript = ob_get_contents();
echo $this-Html-scriptBlock($jscript, array('inline' = false));

On Tuesday, November 20, 2012 5:34:56 AM UTC-5, franscelstain wrote:

 if anyone can give an example?

 Pada Senin, 12 November 2012 11:01:40 UTC+7, franscelstain menulis:

 Is there someone who can help me make jquery autocomplete using CakePHP 

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Re: Bad Request URL not found - after an JQuery change event

2012-11-18 Thread Rob M
A. To debug, I'd insert the line:
console.log(load + _this.find('option:selected').val());
just above your $.ajax() call. Then watch your Javascript console when 
running the page to see what URL is being submitted and try submitting it 
- Rob

On Friday, November 16, 2012 1:53:13 AM UTC-5, Benjamin Such wrote:

 Hey guys, I am really stuck with that problem. I have a JQuery Dialog 
 which contains a selectbox. When I change the option inside this selectbox, 
 another selectbox shows up with options generated from an .ajax() event. 
 Anyway... everything works fine, but when I submit the form CakePHP says: 
 404 Bad Request - URL was not found, but it DOES EXISTS 100%. I tested it 
 several times to be sure, but another thing is: When submit the form 
 WITHOUT selecting any option from the first selectbox the form is submitted 
 correctly. I dont know what to post really but here is my Javascript:

 $('select[data-onchange=true]').live(change, function() {
 var _this = $(this);
 var element = $('select[data-onchange-trigger=' + 
 _this.attr(id) + ']:first');
 if (typeof element == object) {
 if (_this.attr(data-onchange-load)) {
 var options = element.prop(options);
 var load = _this.attr(data-onchange-load);
 dataType: json,
 url: load + _this.find('option:selected').val(),
 beforeSend: function() {
 success: function(data) {
 $.each(data, function(index, _data) {
 if (typeof _data == object) {
 $.each(_data, function(index, _data) {
 options[options.length] = new Option(_,;
 complete: function() {

 The error occurs only when I submit the form after I change the option on 
 the selectbox.

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Re: 1.3-2.1 migration: aco problem

2012-06-14 Thread Rob M
After hours of trying to sniff out the problem, it came down to a model I'd 
foolishly created in App/Models (Model/Aco.php). Once deleted, this worked. 
My thanks to caggia!searchin/cake-php/caggia/cake-php/j0wgXoj4Ma0/iFA92tzUdiUJfor
helping me find my error. - RM

On Sunday, May 27, 2012 8:13:31 AM UTC-4, Rob M wrote:

 Attempting to migrate my app from 1.3 to 2.1; using xampp. I'm running 
 into an error in the console when I use AclExtras to recover aco ('recover 
 aro' produces no error). The same error is encountered when attempting 
 'aco_sync'. Would you perhaps recognize the stack trace and suggest where 
 to look for solutions? Text follows:

 C:\xampp\htdocs\testpeople\people*cake AclExtras.AclExtras recover aro*

 Welcome to CakePHP v2.1.3 Console
 App : people
 Path: C:\xampp\htdocs\testpeople\people\
 Tree has been recovered, or tree did not need recovery.

 C:\xampp\htdocs\testpeople\people*cake AclExtras.AclExtras recover aco*

 Welcome to CakePHP v2.1.3 Console
 App : people
 Path: C:\xampp\htdocs\testpeople\people\
 Error: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an 
 error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL 
 server version for the right syntax to use near 'recover' at line 1
 #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\cakephp\lib\Cake\Model\Datasource\DboSource.php(437): 
 #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\cakephp\lib\Cake\Model\Datasource\DboSource.php(403): 
 DboSource-_execute('recover', Array)
 #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\cakephp\lib\Cake\Model\Datasource\DboSource.php(647): 
 DboSource-execute('recover', Array, Array)
 #3 C:\xampp\htdocs\cakephp\lib\Cake\Model\Datasource\DboSource.php(589): 
 DboSource-fetchAll('recover', Array, Array)
 #4 C:\xampp\htdocs\cakephp\lib\Cake\Model\Model.php(775): 
 DboSource-query('recover', Array, Object(Aco))
 Model-__call('recover', Array)
 #7 C:\xampp\htdocs\cakephp\lib\Cake\Console\Shell.php(386): 
 #8 C:\xampp\htdocs\cakephp\lib\Cake\Console\ShellDispatcher.php(177): 
 Shell-runCommand('recover', Array)
 #9 C:\xampp\htdocs\cakephp\lib\Cake\Console\ShellDispatcher.php(69): 
 #10 C:\xampp\htdocs\cakephp\lib\Cake\Console\cake.php(41): 
 #11 {main}

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Re: Saving a long list of hasMany Through associasions

2012-05-28 Thread Rob M
It sounds like a HABTM table is precisely what you need. Please elaborate 
on your requirement 'cannot do HABTM due to storing meta info'. - Rob

On Friday, May 25, 2012 9:09:59 PM UTC-4, Benjamin Allison wrote:

 I have two models: Users and Surveys. In my Users index view, each User 
 row has two select lists that are populated with the names of all the 
 available Surveys.

 The idea is to allow someone to assign two Surveys to each user, right 
 from the Index page. The associations take place via a hasMany Through 
 association: the intermediary model is called SurveyAssignments (I can't do 
 HABTM because I'm storing meta info).

 What I'm struggling with is that I can't figure out how to save all those 
 associations, from one page, or how to account for each user's specifica 
 association state: some users will have association records, some will not. 
 Some will need associations created, others changed or removed.

 I would like to avoid large complicated nests of if statements!

 How can I account for multiple records one on page, and handle all of 
 their unique association states without getting overly bloated or 
 complex? Any ideas?

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1.3-2.1 migration: aco problem

2012-05-27 Thread Rob M
Attempting to migrate my app from 1.3 to 2.1; using xampp. I'm running into 
an error in the console when I use AclExtras to recover aco ('recover aro' 
produces no error). The same error is encountered when attempting 
'aco_sync'. Would you perhaps recognize the stack trace and suggest where 
to look for solutions? Text follows:

C:\xampp\htdocs\testpeople\people*cake AclExtras.AclExtras recover aro*

Welcome to CakePHP v2.1.3 Console
App : people
Path: C:\xampp\htdocs\testpeople\people\
Tree has been recovered, or tree did not need recovery.

C:\xampp\htdocs\testpeople\people*cake AclExtras.AclExtras recover aco*

Welcome to CakePHP v2.1.3 Console
App : people
Path: C:\xampp\htdocs\testpeople\people\
Error: SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an 
error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL 
server version for the right syntax to use near 'recover' at line 1
#0 C:\xampp\htdocs\cakephp\lib\Cake\Model\Datasource\DboSource.php(437): 
#1 C:\xampp\htdocs\cakephp\lib\Cake\Model\Datasource\DboSource.php(403): 
DboSource-_execute('recover', Array)
#2 C:\xampp\htdocs\cakephp\lib\Cake\Model\Datasource\DboSource.php(647): 
DboSource-execute('recover', Array, Array)
#3 C:\xampp\htdocs\cakephp\lib\Cake\Model\Datasource\DboSource.php(589): 
DboSource-fetchAll('recover', Array, Array)
#4 C:\xampp\htdocs\cakephp\lib\Cake\Model\Model.php(775): 
DboSource-query('recover', Array, Object(Aco))
Model-__call('recover', Array)
#7 C:\xampp\htdocs\cakephp\lib\Cake\Console\Shell.php(386): 
#8 C:\xampp\htdocs\cakephp\lib\Cake\Console\ShellDispatcher.php(177): 
Shell-runCommand('recover', Array)
#9 C:\xampp\htdocs\cakephp\lib\Cake\Console\ShellDispatcher.php(69): 
#10 C:\xampp\htdocs\cakephp\lib\Cake\Console\cake.php(41): 
#11 {main}

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