Re: Intégrer un outil dans mon application

2008-06-11 Thread Simon COURTOIS

maldini3 a écrit :
 Salut tout le monde,

 Je suis un nouveau membre de ce groupe :)

 Alors, Je suis un nouveau apprentit de cakephp. Là je dois intégrer un
 outil qui permet de gérer un album photo. Il est ecrit en php. Je vous
 demande où je dois le placer et qu'il est Url que je dois mettre pour
 y accèder.

 Merci pour votre accueil
Bonjour et bienvenue.

Je n'ai pas de réponse a ta question. Par contre un petit conseil.
Pose tes questions en anglais... La ML est en anglais donc tu aura plus 
de réponses je penses...
Hi and welcome.

I have no answer to your question. But a little advise.
Ask your questions in english... The ML is in english, then you would 
probably have more answers...

{EPITECH.} tek4 | (LINAGORA) Developer | [ADITAM] Project Manager
10, rue Brillat-Savarin 75013 Paris | 01 45 42 72 30 - 06 72 44 67 81

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Re: HABTM viewing all elements of an array

2008-06-10 Thread Simon COURTOIS

Peter54 wrote On 06/10/2008 02:05 AM:
 First off I'm not just new to Cake I'm new to programing. I can get my
 head around relatively simple stuff and can generalize once I have a
 concept but even though I know this is either obvious, or been
 answered a thousand times I can't see it anywhere or figure out how it

 I have a two tables Recipes and Ingredients and a JoinTable
 Ingredients_Recipes that contains the foreign keys plus some other

 In my controller I have the following code:
   $recipe = $this-Recipe-find(array('ShowDate'=$today));
   $this-set('todays_recipe', $recipe);

 Which in debug send all the relevant elements of the all tables to the
 $___dataForView   =   array(
   todays_recipe = array(
   Recipe = array(
   recipe_id = 20,
   RecipeName = Banana Bread,
   Ingredient = array(
   ingredient_id = 1,
   IngredientName = Eggs,
   IngredientsRecipe = array(
   id = 1,
   recipe_id = 20,
   ingredient_id = 1,
   Amount = 2,

 In my view code
 echo @The dinner for $today is {$todays_recipe[Recipe]['RecipeName']}

 and I can generalize that to display anyting in the recipe array ie
 serves = $todays_recipe[Recipe]['Serves'];

 But when I try this with the Ingredients using - echo this

 I get undefined constants or undefined variables.

 I assume I have to declare the ingredients array in the controller or
 assign it to a variable but how? I don't know and  at the risk of
 appearing stupid or irritating I thought I'd ask.

Isn't it a quote problem ? U do $today_recipe[Ingredient] instead of 
I hope it's because of it ;)

{EPITECH.} tek4 | (LINAGORA) Developer | [ADITAM] Project Manager
10, rue Brillat-Savarin 75013 Paris | 01 45 42 72 30 - 06 72 44 67 81

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Re: dynamic variable names?

2008-06-08 Thread Simon COURTOIS

Dave wrote On 06/08/2008 02:33 AM:
 ok I got this array from the facebook API:


 now i wrote a function split_vars() that should write the value of
 nid, name, type, status and year into one variable. since there are
 more than one arrays (2 in this case) it would be good if i could have
 the number of the array in the name of the variable so that
 $affiliations_1_name should echo Luxembourg.

 I wrote this:

 function split_vars(){
 //This is just a part of the function, $user_info is the big array
 where all the user_info data is
 global $user_info, $affiliations, ${'affiliations_'.$i.'_nid'}, $
 {'affiliations_'.$i.'_name'}, ${'affiliations_'.$i.'_type'}, $
 {'affiliations_'.$i.'_status'}, ${'affiliations_'.$i.'_year'};

   $affiliations = $user_info[0]['affiliations'][$i];
   ${'affiliations_'.$i.'_nid'} = $affiliations['nid'];
   ${'affiliations_'.$i.'_name'} = $affiliations['name'];
   ${'affiliations_'.$i.'_type'} = $affiliations['type'];
   ${'affiliations_'.$i.'_status'} = 
   ${'affiliations_'.$i.'_year'} = $affiliations['year'];

 and outside of the variable I need to echo all these variable

 But I get a Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected ',' in line where
 globals are declared.
Ok there is the thing.

with php you don't declare a global variable with global $var. when you 
use global you say 'I wanna use this $var in my function even if it has 
been declared in superior scope'.
For example :

function say_hello()
global $hello;
echo $hello;

$hello = 'hi';

This script will echo nothing and hi, because the second time the 
variable has a value.
I think you see this in a C/C++ way. That's not PHP's way.

another thing. when you write global ${'affiliations_'.$i.'_nid'}, it 
can't be good, $i is not even declared at this point.

{EPITECH.} tek4 | (LINAGORA) Developer | [ADITAM] Project Manager
10, rue Brillat-Savarin 75013 Paris | 01 45 42 72 30 - 06 72 44 67 81

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Re: duplicate URL's Getting Indexed

2008-06-08 Thread Simon COURTOIS

Kyle Decot wrote On 06/08/2008 05:14 PM:
 I looked on google today and I noticed that both:

 are getting indexed by google. Is there a way to set a redirect to
 prevent this from happening? Thanks as alway

It's like if you have a development configuration...
Is it normal ?
The DocumentRoot should be on /app/webroot if it's a production 

{EPITECH.} tek4 | (LINAGORA) Developer | [ADITAM] Project Manager
10, rue Brillat-Savarin 75013 Paris | 01 45 42 72 30 - 06 72 44 67 81

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Re: dynamic variable names?

2008-06-07 Thread Simon COURTOIS

Dave wrote On 06/07/2008 09:54 PM:
 Hi guys,

 first post :)

 my question: is it possible to have dynamic variable names, I mean
 something like this:

 $y_$i = blabla;

 in other words I want the number of the loop to be displayer in the
 name of the variable.

 Thanks for help

You can test this syntax :

$y = 'test';

for($i=0; $i  3; $i++)
   ${$y.'_'.$i} = 'blabla';

echo $test_0;

it should echo : blabla

voila :)

{EPITECH.} tek4 | (LINAGORA) Developer | [ADITAM] Project Manager
10, rue Brillat-Savarin 75013 Paris | 01 45 42 72 30 - 06 72 44 67 81

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Re: dynamic variable names?

2008-06-07 Thread Simon COURTOIS

Dave wrote On 06/08/2008 01:47 AM:
 On 7 Jun., 23:09, HappyNoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jun 7, 9:54 pm, Dave [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi guys,

 first post :)
 my question: is it possible to have dynamic variable names, I mean
 something like this:

 $y_$i = blabla;

 in other words I want the number of the loop to be displayer in the
 name of the variable.

 Thanks for help.

 You can test this syntax :

 $y = 'test';

 for($i=0; $i  3; $i++)
   ${$y.'_'.$i} = 'blabla';


 echo $test_0;

 it should echo : blabla

 voila :)


 but how do I declare these as global variables?
 I tried:

 global ${$y.'_'.$i};

 but I got a Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected ',
It depends on context... where do u want to declare this variables ? and 
where do you want to use it ?

Understand that when you type : ${$y.'_'.$i}
It's just a replacement.

If $y = 'test' and $i = '0', it's exactly like if you had 
${'test'.'_'.'0'}, or ${'test_0'} or $test_0...

Is your 'global' call in a function that needs previously declared 
variables ?

To help you, I need to understand what you wanna do and what you need ;)

{EPITECH.} tek4 | (LINAGORA) Developer | [ADITAM] Project Manager
10, rue Brillat-Savarin 75013 Paris | 01 45 42 72 30 - 06 72 44 67 81

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