Should the model or controller be responsible for sending emails?

2012-05-15 Thread Thiago Colares
In wich layer do you commonly implement (use the CakeMail object) to sen 

By the way, we have been implementing applications with "fat model", 
instead of "fat controller". We believe this way the code is really more 
reusable. We've also read some Mark's (Story) posts that initially 
encouraged us to do this and now we feel that the code is better.

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Is there anyone localizing the Cookbook View page to pt_BR? (cos' We're!)

2012-05-15 Thread Thiago Colares
Me and some friends are about to finish the first View page
section localization of CakePHP Cookbook to pt_BR.

Is there another way to know if there is somebody doing the same, instead
of only asking at the group? (to avoid repeated work or to notice everyone)

For the record: we've already forked the main project.

All the best!

Thiago Colares
@thicolares <!/thicolares>
71 3334-5034

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Re: Does the community intend to localize CakePHP core or its default app/?

2012-05-08 Thread Thiago Colares
about the folder: Oh, of course!! Thanks for notice me, I didn't connect 
the dots: the core's localization .po goes in the app folder, that is it?

yeah, I agree this is really a hard work and important. I just asked 
because I'm about to start to colaborate on translations (terms or 
cookbook) too, then started to looking for some initiative or already 
started project, instead of just start some repeated stuff. Is there some 
existent repository with cakephp's core localizations?

On Tuesday, May 8, 2012 12:39:33 PM UTC-3, Điển vũ wrote:
> /app/Locale/fre/LC_MESSAGES/cake.po (French)
>> create cake.po use PoEdit to translate it . It take you several hours to 
> translate , not lost too much your time .. 
> When you done with translations then post a article to 

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Does the community intend to localize CakePHP core or its default app/?

2012-05-08 Thread Thiago Colares
I was wondering how relevant is to translate* CakePHP core terms or its
default app/. Are there core translations initiatives by the community or
the biggest effort is focused on CookBook??

* I'm talkin about terms, not validation rules.

By the way, how to localize core terms? Where should I supposed to put the
.po files?

Thanks indeed!

Thiago Colares
@thicolares <!/thicolares>
71 3334-5034

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