Re: ROLLBACK in saveAll pass if statment

2009-12-01 Thread
i think this still won't work becouse saveAll still rollBack data and
return true...

On 27 Lis, 16:26, Rick  wrote:
> Try putting the saveAll in an inner if
> [code]
> if ($userValidate && $userProfileValidate) {
>     if ($this->User->saveAll) {
> ...
> [/code]
> On Nov 26, 9:30 pm, ""
>  wrote:
> > if (  $userValidate && $userProfileValidate && $this->User->saveAll
> > ($this->data,array('validate'=>false))) {
> > //$sendRegisterEmail
> > }
> > so saveAll pass true, even dont commit data (rollback true ;P)
> > any solutions ?

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Re: User logs out when doing too much ajax function

2009-12-01 Thread
yeah i think had the same problem but session time solved my

On 29 Lis, 14:55, Ixus  wrote:
> Hi, I'm wondering if it's normal that my application logs out a user
> after let's say he clicks a checkbox like crazy which triggers an Ajax
> action?

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Re: saveAll - fieldList question

2009-12-01 Thread
i have the same problem lok at api i think this havent solution now..

On 30 Lis, 22:05, Raph  wrote:
> Well, It's not very elegant solution and I need to make those inserts
> in one transaction.
> On 13 Lis, 23:47, David Roda  wrote:
> > I would probably split it into two calls
> > assuming this code is in your Model1 model:
> > $this->saveAll($data['Model1'], array('fieldList' => array('date')));
> > $this->Model2->saveAll($data['Model2'], array('fieldList' =>
> > array('date')));
> > On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 8:52 AM, mattalexx  wrote:
> > > Any luck figuring this one out?
> > > On Nov 5, 3:15 am, Raph  wrote:
> > > > Hello,
> > > > Let's say I have a model Model1 with fields 'name' and 'date' and I
> > > > have a Model2 with field 'name'. Model1 is in relation 'hasMany' with
> > > > Model2. How should I use saveAll() method with "fieldList" parameter
> > > > if I only want to save all 'date' from Model1 and 'name' from Model2?
> > > > It looks like in "fieldList" array only fields' names without models'
> > > > names allowed i.e.
> > > > This will work:
> > > > $this->saveAll($data, array('fieldList' => array('date')));
> > > > but this won't:
> > > > $this->saveAll($data, array('fieldList' => array('date',
> > > > '')));
> > > > this won't either:
> > > > $this->saveAll($data, array('fieldList' => array('date',
> > > > '')));
> > > > Any suggestions?
> > > > --
> > > > Raph
> > > --
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> > >

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Re: ACL tutorial

2009-12-01 Thread
function logout() {
$this->redirect('/', null, true);

this fully work

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ROLLBACK in saveAll pass if statment

2009-11-26 Thread

if (  $userValidate && $userProfileValidate && $this->User->saveAll
($this->data,array('validate'=>false))) {

so saveAll pass true, even dont commit data (rollback true ;P)

any solutions ?

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best merge port with po translation

2009-11-19 Thread
how is best solutions for merge exist po translation (stay translated
msgid) with new extract pot file (empty msgstr)  ?


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Re: Trouble getting relationship information in my view

2009-11-12 Thread
filesname and model names should be in singular name e'  => 'Thesis',
-> theses  etc...

On 12 Lis, 00:08, ""  wrote:
> If anyone's interested, it turns out it WAS a really noobish problem.
> I had the filenames for my models plural instead of singular (Category
> model was in categories.php) and that just threw everything off.
> Filenames are singular now (category.php) and it's all good.
> On Nov 11, 3:51 pm, ""  wrote:
> > I'm relatively new to cakePHP and am trying to set up a simple thesis
> > review system in order to get my head around how it works. So keep in
> > mind I've probably missed something very basic.
> > For now, I'm just trying to display some information about a Thesis,
> > including the author and category, which are separate models. Because
> > this system is meant for a competition, authors of Theses are known as
> > Applicants. I have the following models:
> > class Applicant extends AppModel
> > {
> >         var $name = 'Applicant';
> >         var $hasMany = array(
> >                         'Thesis' => array('className'  => 'Thesis',
> >                                                          'foreignKey' => 
> > 'thesis_id')
> >         );
> > }
> > class Thesis extends AppModel
> > {
> >         var $name = 'Thesis';
> >         // Relationships
> >         var $hasMany = array(
> >                         'Rating' => array('className'  => 'Rating',
> >                                                          'foreignKey' => 
> > 'thesis_id')
> >         );
> >         var $belongsTo = array(
> >                         'Author' => array('className'  => 'Applicant',
> >                                                          'foreignKey' => 
> > 'applicant_id'),
> >                         'Category' => array('className'  => 'Category',
> >                                                          'foreignKey' => 
> > 'category_id')
> >         );
> > }
> > class Category extends AppModel
> > {
> >         var $name = 'Category';
> >         //Relationships
> >         var $hasMany = array(
> >                         'Thesis'        => array('className' => 'Thesis',
> >                                                                 
> > 'foreignKey' => 'category_id')
> >         );
> > }
> > And here is my thesis controller:
> > class ThesesController extends AppController{
> >         var $name = 'Theses';
> >         var $components = array("obAuth");
> >         function index() {
> >                 $this->set('theses', $this->Thesis->find('all', 
> > array('recursive' =>
> > 1)));
> >         }
> > }
> > I'm pretty sure that 'recursive' => 1 is the default, but I'm trying
> > things.
> > But in my theses/index view, I can get information from from the
> > $theses object, but there's no information within them for Author or
> > Category... I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
> > Perhaps someone can help me?


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Re: how to insert data?

2009-11-12 Thread
man u have a good show by example post model so check it

On 12 Lis, 03:52, ChiCake  wrote:
> I have experience of Codeignitor, but rite now i am learning cake,
> can you please tell how to insert data in cake? i have just go through
> the example give in this group but still not getting


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Re: Header Removal

2009-11-12 Thread
[autoRender] => 0 [autoLayout] => 0

On 12 Lis, 11:20, lionmate  wrote:
> Ho w iremove header in cake?


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Re: Howto save NULL for a date field?

2009-11-12 Thread

this set NULL for data_field

On 12 Lis, 14:38, Braindead  wrote:
> Hi all,
> In my form I have a date field. I use the form helper to generate a
> year, month and day field for the date.
> $form->input('date_field', array('type' => 'date');
> Now I was asked to change the field, so that the users can enter the
> date into a text field using -mm-dd as format.
> $form->input('date_field', array('type' => 'text');
> Actually this works as long as a date is entered. If the field is left
> blank, Cake saves -00-00 instead of NULL, although the field in
> the database is set to accept NULL values.
> Is there a build in feature to force Cake to save NULL instead of
> '' (empty)? Or do I have to process the date field in the beforeSave
> event?
> Thanks,
> Markus


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Re: Header Removal

2009-11-12 Thread
$this->layout = false;

On 12 Lis, 17:10, jburns  wrote:
> Not sure I totally get what you mean, but have you created your own
> default layout? If not, do so, and then you can control the header.
> See
> On Nov 12, 10:20 am, lionmate  wrote:
> > Ho w iremove header in cake?


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Re: If User changes info?

2009-11-12 Thread
u should add `email_temp` field in users table and overwrite `email`
after click information email i this is best method..

On 12 Lis, 17:49, "Dave"  wrote:
> What is the best way to determine if a user changes a specific field when
> updating account?
> I want to suspend the account when a user changes their email address and
> send out a confirmation email that they will have to confirm the address. I
> could make a separate form but that seems like over kill to make a new form
> just for 1 field.
> I was thinking beforeSave() compare the new data field with the record if it
> matches no change so carry onif its different then do what i need to do
> , send email...?
> Anyone have ideas? Simple approach?
> Thanks,
> Dave


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Re: Containable together with Translate Behavior

2009-11-10 Thread
maybe put in before find in B $this->B->behaviors->attach
('Translate'); its stupid solutions but maybe work..

On 2 Lis, 16:43, Marco  wrote:
> Had to add some facts:
> I removed AppModel's beforeFind and beforeSave (I forgot to write
> Config.language, which is used by Translate Behavior). So forget about
> these lines.
> Another important thing is, that field_a and field_b in my real world
> app are named equal. But tested it also with different names. Same
> result.
> I actually don't really know, how should be responsible for replacing
> field_a / field_b with I18n__field_a / I18n__field_b which comes from
> Translate Behavior. And I'm also not sure, if Translate Behavior works
> also for contained Models.
> Marco
> On 2 Nov., 16:22, Marco  wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > i'm trying to combine Containable and Translate Behavior.
> > My setup:
> > Models:
> > A hasMany B
> > A Translate = 'field_a'
> > B belongsTo A
> > B Translate = 'field_b'
> > Controllers:
> > A->contain('B');
> > A->read(null, $id);
> > AppModel:
> > beforeFind:
> > $this->locale = 'de_de';
> > beforeSave:
> > $this->locale = 'de_de';
> > So what I expected was translated content for associated datasets of B
> > in reading A. But what automagically happens with field_a from
> > instance A, doesn't appear with field_b from instance B. I checked the
> > sql command. This seems to be correct.
> > SELECT B.*, I18n__field_b.content FROM b AS B LEFT JOIN i18n AS
> > I18n__field_b ON ( = I18n__field_b.foreign_key AND
> > I18n__name_field_b.model = B AND I18n__field_b.field = field_b) WHERE
> > a_id = 1 AND I18n__field_b.locale = de_de
> > Any suggestions? I don't know how to use it together. Of course I can
> > make the find call manually for B, but I wanted to use the normally
> > really good Containable Behavior.
> > Thanks in advance.
> > Marco


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Re: ACL issue

2009-11-10 Thread

On 3 Lis, 17:17, ""  wrote:
> Please help me resolve this ACL issue. I'm going through the tutorial
> "10.2.6 An Automated tool for creating ACOs"
> (
> ACOs)
> and getting stuck with the following error message when creating the
> ACOs by running the
> build_acl():
> Fatal error: Call to a member function node() on a non-object in C:
> \wamp\www\xchange\app\controllers\users_controller.php on line 92
> Awaiting any help you can offer
> Thnx,
> Sam
try put Acl component in user_controller.php class ... { public
$components = 'Acl'; }


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behaviors stop work in plugin

2009-11-08 Thread

i have works content model and bahaviors (/app/model/behaviors/
[multivalidatable, who_did_it])

cakephp don't execute model trigger plugin's

2009-10-03 Thread

save section is ok, but this triger beforeSave don't execute and dont
return any value, only working trigers are in >LikecontentAppModel
whats going one ?
'text' => array('notempty')
//The Associations below have been created with all possible keys,
those that are not needed can be removed
public $hasMany = array('Likecontent.LikecontentContent');

public function beforeSave(){
echo 'dupa';
if(empty($this->data['LikecontentSection']['text']) || 
>data['LikecontentSection']['url']) || $this->data
['LikecontentSection']['subpage'] == 0){
$this->data['LikecontentSection']['text'] = '';
$this->data['LikecontentSection']['url'] = '';
return true;
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form && plugin

2009-09-09 Thread

WTF loks at namespaces LikecontentSection && Section


echo $form->input('title');
echo $form->input('desc');
echo $form->input('more');
MODEL && before save debug

[LikecontentSection] => Array
[view] => yes
[Section] => Array
[parent_id] =>
[title] => strona główna
[desc] => strona glowna agreguje wsytzskie
najnowsze informacje ktore pojawiaja sie na stronie naszej funmdacji
[more] =>

[modified] => 2009-09-09 17:45:35
[created] => 2009-09-09 17:45:35
[lft] => 1
[rght] => 2

Why i have 2 dimension and stupid query
Query: INSERT INTO `likecontent_sections` (`view`, `modified`,
`created`, `lft`, `rght`, `url`) VALUES ('yes', '2009-09-09 17:45:35',
'2009-09-09 17:45:35', 1, 2, '')

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change route after authroize users

2009-08-31 Thread

i want to change default route after login my users, i try like this:

public function beforeFilter() {
Router::connect('/', array('controller' => 'users', 'action'
=> 'profile'));

but it dont work and still active first default route form route.php..

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wtf find id=1

2009-08-13 Thread

fk find(){
echo $id; //3
debug($this->Position->find('all',array('conditions' => 

at page
miopromo\controllers\signups_controller.php (line 70)

[0] => Array
[Position] => Array
[position] => Wlasciciel/Wspolwlasciciel
[position_id] => 1


9   SELECT `Position`.`position`, `Position`.`position_id` FROM
`mgt_positions` AS `Position` WHERE `position_id` = 1


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zend profiller and configure.php 67% of available resources

2009-06-24 Thread

its a normal situation ? file configure.php load 67% of available
lease check datasheat

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invalid tree model struct in Xml

2009-05-28 Thread

so i have problem with Xml component

my arry from find loks like that

[Invoice] => array(...)
[Seler] => array(...)

so its good...

$xml = new Xml($invoice);
xml loks like that (this is stupid...)

$result = Set::reverse($xml);

arr loks like bad... that
[Invoice] => array(
   [Seler] => array(...)

full example

$xml = new Xml($arr);
$arr = Set::reverse($xml);

whats wrong ?
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[cakephp r.8147] email component and smtp error +OK <27407.1240210...@sword3>

2009-04-19 Thread

i try sent email by
$this->Email->to = $email;

$config['Email']['from'] = '';
$config['Email']['fromName'] = 'a.borkowski';
$config['Email']['port'] = '110';
$config['Email']['host'] = '';
$config['Email']['username'] = '';
$config['Email']['password'] = 'pass';

$this->Email->smtpOptions = $config['Email'];
$this->Email->subject = $subject;
$this->Email->replyTo = 'AgBorkowski
$this->Email->from = 'AgBorkowski ';
$this->Email->delivery = 'smtp';

cms\app_controller.php (line 92)

+OK <27407.1240210...@sword3>

anybody seen this error ? my mail has not dilivery..

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empty query and 55ms - debug

2009-02-28 Thread

Nr  Query   Error   AffectedNum. rows   Took (ms)
1   DESCRIBE `locations`5   5   3
2   DESCRIBE `countries`4   4   4
3   DESCRIBE `cities`   4   4   3
4   DESCRIBE `states`   3   3   3
5   0   0   42

what is n. 4 ?
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unload app_controller to force speed :)

2009-02-27 Thread

I think so its simple but not for me :) I want unload app_controller
in /app/controllers/sugest_controller.php
so i create
/app/xhr_controller.php extends Controller

class XhrController extends Controller {
public $components  = array('xhr');
public $helpers = array();
public $uses = array();

/app/controllers/sugest_controller.php extends XhrController

class SuggestsController extends XhrController {
public $components  = array('');
public $helpers = array();
public $uses = array();

public function index(){
echo 'test';

and my class cant load Fatal error: Class 'XhrController' not found in
on line 3

any ideas ?
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