Re: possible bug in inflector with irregular plurals?

2009-08-03 Thread avastreg

ah it's ok as solution (and i have already done exactly so :P), but i
think the problem remains with that particular case descripted above..
i mean, it's a bug maybe?

On 2 Ago, 19:39, brian  wrote:
> How about model name SerieASquadra, table name serie_a_squadre?

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possible bug in inflector with irregular plurals?

2009-08-02 Thread avastreg

Hi to all, i've a problem with inflector.

I'm italian and i don't want to name my tables/models/controllers with
english words (for a principle of flexibility than for a real problem
with that).

So i've added some inflection to get CakePHP working with my tables.

I have a particular problem with a table named 'squadre_serie_a'. The
singular word for this term is 'squadra_serie_a', while the plural is
'squadre_serie_a'. The only thing that changes is the 'e' in the
middle of the word.

So, my situation is this:

Table: squadre_serie_a
Model: SquadraSerieA (class), squadra_serie_a.php (file)
Controller: SquadreSerieAController (class),
squadre_serie_a_controller.php (file)

First problem was to couple controller with model and tables and i've
reach with adding to the irregular plural array ($irregularPlural)
this: 'squadra_serie_a' => 'squadre_serie_a'

Then i want to add some records to the table so i've made a view with
a form helper in this way:

echo $form->input('nome');
echo $form->end('Save the team');

But i get error because the controller is not inflected right.

Looking at the form class, i've seen that controller is inflected from
the model in this way:

$options['url']['controller'] = Inflector::underscore

So i've added to the $irregularPlural this pair: 'SquadraSerieA' =>
'SquadreSerieA', but this seems to break the inflector; i get this

Notice (8): Undefined index:  squadraseriea [CORE/cake/libs/
inflector.php, line 255]

Tests i've made:

results legend:
$model / Inflector::pluralize($model) /   Inflector::underscore
model / inflected plural model / inflected underscore

adding to $irregularPlural 'squadraseriea' => 'squadreseriea' (all

=> results: SquadraSerieA / Squadreseriea / squadreseriea

ok plural right but the expected controller is squadre_serie_a

 adding to $irregularPlural 'SquadraSerieA' => 'SquadreSerieA' (as
said before)

=> results: SquadraSerieA / S / s  ?

Notice with undefined index..

Can anyone help me?? It's an inflector bug?

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