Re: How to Handle Tightly Coupled Database Tables?

2009-03-04 Thread bcreeve

Hey Nate.  Thanks for the feedback but I'm not sure it provided much
help for me.  Hopefully it will provide some insight for some others.

By tightly coupled I simply meant that I pretty much always want to
look at data from both tables together.  I didn't realize the term was
conflicting with an existing notion of coupling.

In hindsight I suppose the contrived example is insufficient to
explain reality.  I have Voicemail hasMany Transcription (and
Transcription belongsTo Voicemail).

When I mentioned a MySQL view to solve the problem of calculated
columns, you replied:

 This is called de-normalization, and is a very common thing to want to
 do, for many reasons, including but not limited to performance
 improvements and reducing code complexity.

For what it's worth, creating a MySQL View to join the two and include
calculated columns is not de-normalization.  Each table is still as
normalized as it is without the view.  Using a view is really just a
valid choice to move some core business logic to the database for
performance and complexity reasons.

You can see an example
 implemented in the CakePHP core in the form of counter caches for

I currently use counter cache where appropriate, however AFAIK I can't
have an auto-magic counter cache while specifying child conditions.
For instance, at the Voicemail level I need to know how many
Transcriptions are transcribed and how many are untranscribed.  Also,
the the voicemail level, I want a boolean column as a flag to tell me
if any transcriptions are transcribed but blank.

In my Oracle and MS SQL experience, no question this stuff would be
best calculated a view or pipeline function.  Cake seems to want
things done in Cake, the Cake way.  I buy into this only as long as it
is possible or practical to do so within the framework.  So I started
adding these calculated columns in the afterFind method of the
Voicemail model.  Now they are always available when I find a
Voicemail (these were referred to as pseudo columns or pseudo fields
in other articles or posts).  Problem is, these columns end up being a
separate SELECT COUNT statement to the DB, which is not going to scale
well in terms of performance.

  For my needs, the above has several limitations:
  1. I cannot query against any Child columns or these calculated

 This seems like an artificial constraint.  Why not query the Child
 object directly?

The context is not at the child level.  I'm trying to search and sort
Voicemails (in the Voicemail index) based on the status of its
collective child Transcriptions.  In my opinion, it is not appropriate
to be querying about Voicemails at the Transcriptions level.  Also,
it's not trivial or appropriate to be asking about information about
sibling Transcriptions that are related by voicemail_id at the
Transcription level.  In other words, I don't want to ask the
Transcriptions if all Transcriptions for a particular Voicemail are
adequately transcribed.  I should be able to ask a Voicemail about its
children Transcriptions.

  2. I cannot sort on said columns.

 See above.

Same as #1 above.

  3. Cake gives each Child get its own SELECT via hasMany, and each
  pseudo column for each parent gets its own SELECT, which likely won't
  scale with respect to performance.

 If you query the Child object directly, Parent will be attached via a
 LEFT JOIN, and everything will happen in one query.  Also, I'm not
 sure what you mean about pseudo columns.  Why not just actually
 create the columns you mentioned above, and use them to cache count

See #1

  4. Lastly, I need to paginate filtered and/or sorted results, which
  just seems to add another layer of complexity.

 See the solution I mentioned immediately above.  The default core
 pagination would apply perfectly in that scenario.

Thanks for the feedback but I'm not sure we were on the same page
initially.  Does my response give you any more clarification?

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Re: How to Handle Tightly Coupled Database Tables?

2009-03-04 Thread bcreeve

On Mar 4, 1:01 am, Miles J wrote:
 Have you tried paginating/searching from the actual HABTM model? In
 this case your model would be ChildParents.

Miles:  Thanks, but I have a hasMany/belongsTo relationship, not
HABTM, so there is no relationship table.
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Re: How to Handle Tightly Coupled Database Tables?

2009-03-04 Thread bcreeve

On Mar 4, 2:05 pm, AD7six wrote:

  When I mentioned aMySQL viewto solve the problem of calculated
  columns, you replied:
   This is called de-normalization, and is a very common thing to want to
   do, for many reasons, including but not limited to performance
   improvements and reducing code complexity.
  For what it's worth, creating aMySQL Viewto join the two and include
  calculated columns is not de-normalization.

 You're quoting out of context/sequence and possibly missing the point.

You're right.  My mistake.  However, my point is still valid as I
believe Nate originally incorrectly considered calculating pseudo-
columns in the model
s afterFind method de-normalization.

 In what way would using a view (if you choose) or using
 counterCache fields for each of your agregate fields, or a stock left
 join, group by and agregate function, NOT solve your question?

Everything you mention is sufficient, except using counterCache.  I
was trying to get a sanity check to make sure I wasn't bypassing some
already existing piece of Cake.  Since it seems the community is
divided when it comes to using views/functions in the database or
using a custom query (really the same thing) I wanted to see if there
really is a Cake way to do what I want.

De-normalizing would certainly allow me to search and sort as I
described.  I know counterCache can be used to populate a
voicemails.transcription_count column, but I don't know that I can use
it to populate something like
voicemails.transcribed_transcription_count or a boolean
voicemails.has_blank_transcriptions, can I?  Maybe that is the purpose
of counterScope, which does not appear to be documented at  I'll check into Cake's core and unit tests to see
if it would do the trick.

De-normalizing also does not support a calculated column that depends
on a point in time.  For instance if a transcription can be locked for
15 minutes, and that 15 minute window passes, a
voicemails.locked_transcription_count column is not instantly (or
ever) updated.  The best you could do is set up a cron job to manage
these, which is not clean.  A view with a calculated column (like
DATEDIFF with SYSDATE) handles all of this by trading off a bit of
read-time performance.  I think this trade off very much outweighs the
cost of development complexity to manage de-normalizing data.

Thanks all for the help.  But given my situation, and the lack of
another clear solution that will solve every challenge I've noted, I
think creating a view is going to be the best option.
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How to Handle Tightly Coupled Database Tables?

2009-03-03 Thread bcreeve

Most often the way Cake handles relationships is very efficient for
getting new development off the ground.  However, I recently have hit
a wall when it comes to handling two or more tables that are tightly
coupled.  By tightly coupled I mean the data from multiple tables
makes most sense when looked at in conjunction.

In the interest of simplicity, let's say I have Parent that hasMany
Child (and Child belongs to Parent).  I often want to view, search and
sort using anything like the parent's last name, number of children,
number of male children, are any children under 18, etc.

It's conceivable that everywhere I consider a Parent, I also want to
have access to all the data I mentioned in the paragraph above.  So, I
add some pseudo-columns in the Parent model called child_count,
male_child_count, and has_children_under_18.  Great, now I have this
data available every time I ask for Parent(s).

For my needs, the above has several limitations:
1. I cannot query against any Child columns or these calculated
2. I cannot sort on said columns.
3. Cake gives each Child get its own SELECT via hasMany, and each
pseudo column for each parent gets its own SELECT, which likely won't
scale with respect to performance.
4. Lastly, I need to paginate filtered and/or sorted results, which
just seems to add another layer of complexity.

Basically, I am wondering if there is a native Cake 1.2 way of
handling this.  If this is a case where the framework doesn't fit the
need, I would like a sanity check to make sure the following is the
most Cake-like way to do it.

I am considering writing a MySQL view called something like
parents_children.  It will join parents with children and calculate/
expose the necessary columns.  Then I will bake a model for this MySQL
view and make my ParentsController use the freshly baked ParentChild
model.  My index can programatically build WHERE and ORDER BY clauses
and use $this-ParentChild-query(...).  All my read operations can
then use $this-ParentChild-find(...).  From what I understand, as
long as I alias my MySQL view columns like Model.column, I should
still get a nice associative array like $parentChild['Parent']
['last_name'] from query and find, right?

And then for pagination, I should be able to do something like
described in,
or no?

Again, just looking for a sanity check or if there are any other
suggestions from people who have handled similar problems in Cake.

Thanks a lot!


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Re: Debug Comment Data in JSON Results

2009-03-03 Thread bcreeve

What I do is parse .json extensions and return the JSON with
Configure::write('debug', 0); like brian stated.

If I want to see what errors I'm getting when things bomb, I can hit
the same URL without the extension to return the data as HTML in the
default layout while respecting the environment's debug mode.

On Mar 3, 2:43 pm, brian wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 2:09 PM, Alex wrote:

  I'm using the javascript-object() method to return JSON data for XHR
  requests. All works great when the cake debug level is set to 0, but
  when higher will append an html style comment to my JSON data like so:
  !-- 0.5613s --, indicating the response time of the request. This
  prohibits the JSON data from being evaluated. Is there anyway to keep
  a non-zero debug level and keep cake from appending this value?

 Do you mean, so that you can see debugging info aside from the XHR request?

 Configure::write('debug', 0);

 ... just before you send the JSON data. This way, you can see
 debugging info elsewhere. There's no practical way to output debugging
 info *with* your JSON data, as you've already seen.
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Re: AJAX Delete

2009-03-03 Thread bcreeve

First, I would move the Configure::write('debug', 0); to within the if
block.  Then if you hit that URL in your browser you can see any
specific errors.

On Mar 3, 2:46 pm, Dave Maharaj :: wrote:
 I am trying to delete a record using an AJAX link. The entry gets deleted,
 effects and all that great stuff but after clicking delete I get
 ERROR: The requested address 'users/delete_quote/(id number trying to
 delete)' was not found on this server.

 Now I am deleting the quote from the user page.

 Tables Users haveMany Quotes

 my users controller code :

 function delete_quote($id)
     // delete selected quote from profile
         Configure::write('debug', 0);
         if ($this-RequestHandler-isAjax()) {

 Ideas of whets wrong or missing?


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