Notice (8): Undefined index: RorSubscriber [APP\controllers
\Ror_subscribers_controller.php, line 61]

it bringing

        if(empty($this->data) == false)


            if(($rorSubscriber = $this->RorSubscriber-
>validateLogin($this->data['RorSubscriber'])) == true)

RorSubscribersController::login() - APP\controllers
\Ror_subscribers_controller.php, line 61
Object::dispatchMethod() - CORE\cake\libs\object.php, line 116
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE\cake\dispatcher.php, line 227
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE\cake\dispatcher.php, line 194
[main] - APP\webroot\index.php, line 88

(default) 6 queries took 52 ms Nr       Query   Error   Affected        Num. 
rows       Took
1       DESCRIBE `ror_subscribers`              14      14      19
2       DESCRIBE `posts`                5       5       5
3       DESCRIBE `comments`             5       5       5
4       DESCRIBE `tags`         3       3       5
5       DESCRIBE `posts_tags`           3       3       5
6       SELECT `RorSubscriber`.`id`, `RorSubscriber`.`email` FROM
`ror_subscribers` AS `RorSubscriber` WHERE `email` IS NULL AND
`password` IS NULL LIMIT 1

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