JsHelper loading issue

2010-09-16 Thread hashmich
Hi there,
I have

var $helper = array(
   'Js' = array('Prototype')

declared in AppController and my custom-PagesController.
Anyhow I see some jQuery-script beeing rendered, as I call


from my controller.
I even tried declaring the helper and engine from there with no
If I call a redirect or hit the page directly everything is fine:

My way out of there could be changing the default name of the
engineClass from jQuery to Prototype.
I'm not shure, if this is a bug. Has anyone experienced something
similar or a better idea than editing the JsHelperFile?

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Re: JsHelper loading issue

2010-09-16 Thread hashmich
Forgot to say: This happened with cake 1.3.3

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MySQL takeover by Oracle - petition

2010-01-04 Thread hashmich
Hi to all,

even if this is not cake-relevant, I think this may be of interest for
all of you, who build applications based on a opensource database -
and want to do so in future:

Oracle is going to take over Sun Microsystems - who are the owner of
the copyrights for MySQL.
I think you can imagine, what's the meaning of MySQL being taken over
by its direct commercial competitor.

So just sign the petition:


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Re: the blog post problem

2009-03-08 Thread hashmich

Same as Marcelo: Have a look at the view for index action - And a
closer look at the area, where links for add-, edit- and delete-action
are defined.
Is there is something called like .../posts/posts instead of .../posts/
edit ?

On Mar 7, 6:50 pm, brian bally.z...@gmail.com wrote:
 What do the URLs look like? Paste an example here.

 Also, do you have any routes set up for Posts? You shouldn't
 necessarily need any but, if you have created some Post routes, they
 may be the source of the problem.

 On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 4:19 AM, bilal bila...@gmail.com wrote:

  indeed i am a noob with PHP  Cake, thats why i am having such a silly
  problem, i have the latest stable release
  have followed the example and went over it several times to ensure
  that i am not missing out on something, i can get the index page,
  which looks like this

  CakePHP: the rapid development php framework
  Blog posts
  Add Post Id Title Action Created
  1 The title  Delete Edit  2009-03-06 07:58:15
  2 A title once again  Delete Edit  2009-03-06 07:58:16
  3 Title strikes back  Delete Edit  2009-03-06 07:58:25

  (default) 1 query took 0 ms Nr Query Error Affected Num. rows Took
  1 SELECT `Post`.`id`, `Post`.`title`, `Post`.`body`, `Post`.`created`,
  `Post`.`modified` FROM `posts` AS `Post` WHERE 1 = 1   3 3 0

  however ass soon as i click on ANY of the links i get the following
  error (including delete, edit Ad Post)

  Missing Method in PostsController
  Error: The action posts is not defined in controller PostsController

  Error: Create PostsController::posts() in file: app\controllers

  class PostsController extends AppController {

         var $name = 'Posts';

         function posts() {


  Notice: If you want to customize this error message, create app\views

  here is what my posts_controller.php looks like

  class PostsController extends AppController {

         function index() {
                 $this-set('posts', $this-Post-find('all'));

         function view($id) {
                 $this-Post-id = $id;
                 $this-set('posts', $this-Post-read());


         function add() {
                 if (!empty($this-data)) {
                         if ($this-Post-save($this-data)) {
                                 $this-flash('Your post has been saved.', 
         function edit($id = null) {
         $this-Post-id = $id;
         if (empty($this-data)) {
                 $this-data = $this-Post-read();
         } else {
                 if ($this-Post-save($this-data)) {
                         $this-flash('Your post has been updated.','/posts');


  please help!
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Re: Multi User Login

2009-02-16 Thread hashmich

Last night I spend a little more research on it and brought up a new
keyword, that describes this issue in more common terms:

thread safe application design.

I found some blog entries among thread safe tabbed browsing design...
Everytime a new tab is opened, it is mostly opened as a clone of the
current browser instance - Thats bad, because it uses the same
Therefore a new browser instance has to be opened AND there has to be
an individual session-name or -id.
The user has possibilities to open new tabs as new instances, but I
still don't know how to take any influence on that from within my

These are the questions to go for:
1. How to start a new browser-instance
2. How to customize the session_id - with or without cake's automagic?

I use the built-in session-component, sessionfiles are dropped into
the app's tmp-folder and there is a session-cookie at the client as
I think, it doesn't make any difference between the 3 session-options
in core.php (php, cake, database), because the session name will be
allways the same constant value configuered in the lines beyond.
Seems as if I have to drop this practice and start my own custom-made-

Thanks for your interest,

On Feb 16, 10:54 am, kangghee kangg...@gmail.com wrote:
 Are your sessions tied to cookies or the database?
 I'm new to this issue, but I remember coming across this concern
 previously too, and had to open one FireFox and one IE whenever there
 are 2 users.

 I suspect the newer google chrome may have a solution directly for
 this, as it handles each tab as their individual sandbox.

 Enlighten please, whoever knows the answer.  Thanks.
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Multi User Login

2009-02-15 Thread hashmich

Hi there,

I'm looking for information to build the following:
A possibility to allow more than one user to login my application
within different browser-tabs, but sharing only one browser-window on
one terminal.

The current behavior I have is (I'm using the built in Auth-Comp of, that a current session in the first browser-tab will be
interrupted by login of an other user in a second browser-tab. Now
both will run the session of the second user.

Therefore I think I'll have to tell my sessions, which tab they belong
to. And to start a new session everytime, a new tab is opened.
Could this be the way? Or is there an other?
Yet, I have (and found) no idea, how to retrieve a variable for
tearing the different browser-tabs apart.

Is there anybody, who already did something like that - I'm glad about
every suggestion to get upon this.

Thank you!

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Re: Login problem in 8004

2009-02-15 Thread hashmich

Hi Bjorn,

I experienced similar strange behavior, when I didn't log out before
logging in again.
If $this-Session-read('Auth.User.id') is still valid,
the login-action seems not to be performed, because it's not
necessary. Same happens then to the redirect.
Be sure to destroy all sessions and cookies within your logout-method
before login. That's the way I got it working.

Or set $this-Auth-autoRedirect = false  in appController, and in
our login-action insert the following:

if($this-Session-read('Auth.User.id')) {

This redirects the request without doing the login, whenever a valid
Auth.session is found.
And put the remainig login-action  behind an else-clause...

if($this-Auth-login($this-data)) {
   $this-redirect( $this-Auth-redirect);

That's what I am thinking... hope it's helpful.


On Feb 15, 8:44 pm, Bjorn lindstrombj...@hotmail.com wrote:

 I just updated to version 8004 from 7296 and now I have problem with
 logging in.

 In my beforeFilter in app_controller I have the following

             $this-Auth-loginAction = array('controller' = 'users',
 'action' = 'login');
         $this-Auth-logoutRedirect = array('controller' = 'users',
 'action' = 'login');
         $this-Auth-loginRedirect = array('controller' = 'users',
 'action' = 'index');

 and the login function in users_controller is empty.

 When I click on login (with filled in user and pass) the page just
 reloads and the fields are cleared. While debugging the login method
 in the auth component I see that it returns true... so im really
 confused about whats going on..

 I see some other posts about problem with logins after updating but
 never any real solution. I have already tried to remove the salt value
 and remove the user and re-register.. but nothing helps :/. To make it
 even weirder the code works fine when I upload it to my server (and
 not on localhost). I used different databases but synched them just
 some days a go so im feel really clueless..

 Thanks for any ideas.

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Re: Multi User Login

2009-02-15 Thread hashmich

Yyyess, you're right.
But... I also have a less complicated reason to think about it:
If my user has one (or many :o) brother (they haven't got each an own
computer), he might open a new tab for him to do what ever he has to
do in my app. After that he would be able to edit his big brother's
data, if big brother forgot to log out or just closed HIS tab - what
he wouldn't aprechiate, I think.

On Feb 15, 6:43 pm, Henrik Bjørnskov hen...@bjornskov.eu wrote:
 This sounds Craazzyyy dont do it

 On Feb 15, 4:10 pm, hashmich hendrik.schm...@web.de wrote:

  Hi there,

  I'm looking for information to build the following:
  A possibility to allow more than one user to login my application
  within different browser-tabs, but sharing only one browser-window on
  one terminal.

  The current behavior I have is (I'm using the built in Auth-Comp of, that a current session in the first browser-tab will be
  interrupted by login of an other user in a second browser-tab. Now
  both will run the session of the second user.

  Therefore I think I'll have to tell my sessions, which tab they belong
  to. And to start a new session everytime, a new tab is opened.
  Could this be the way? Or is there an other?
  Yet, I have (and found) no idea, how to retrieve a variable for
  tearing the different browser-tabs apart.

  Is there anybody, who already did something like that - I'm glad about
  every suggestion to get upon this.

  Thank you!
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Re: Looking for a good spam - protection Component

2009-02-14 Thread hashmich

Wow, looks great!

For CAPTCHAS have also a look on
I decided to put it on my site. Scans an actual OCR can't read seem to
be pretty safe to me.


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Re: best component to manage login/registration in 1.2?

2009-01-30 Thread hashmich

 Any existing solutions out there? I've read mentions of things like
 obAuth -- is that the way to go?


exactly my problem... Yesterday I tried dAuth - seems to be well
suited for Version 1.1
but causes amazing errors in (my) version
The first thing were troubles with the html-HelperClass... I didn't do
any further investigation.

Did you already try obAuth? Does it work for

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