Re: 301 Redirect with Server Webroot Setup

2009-06-17 Thread jabocs

Any help please?

I'm trying to give my CMS users the ability to declare a custom URL
301 redirects to a new page in their new websites.

Basically, I want to have a Table in my MySQL table that contains
OldURL and NewURL ...

I would like to be able to compare a URL inside of CakePHP before it
actually tries to process it.

In other words if somebody types in
... that it can look at the URL and compare it to the OldURL fields in
my new table...

If I find a match, then send it to a controller that takes that URL
and creates a 301 redirect header to the NewURL field of the table.

I thought about maybe beforeFilter but that's too far in at that point
after it errors out... are there any "beforeSomething" that I'm not
aware of?

Any thoughts?
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Re: 301 Redirect with Server Webroot Setup

2009-06-08 Thread jabocs

Well, I found one solution to put something like this:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule ^test/test.htm$ /pages/oilgas [R=301,L]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [QSA,L]

HOWEVER... still one more question if anybody can help.

As in my first example, is there a way to interpret the passed in
variable from the original setup?

In other words, put something in code to take the url=blahblah

and create a custom redirect based on that blahblah for custom
redirects in a CMS style setup, so the CMS users can customize what
their redirects are on the fly?
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301 Redirect with Server Webroot Setup

2009-06-08 Thread jabocs

I have a quick question... My server is setup with the Core and App
directories setup NOT in the root httpdocs directory of the domain.
The only thing in my httpdocs directory is my webroot.

So the .htaccess of my root domain is:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [QSA,L]

I'm having trouble trying to put 301 Redirects in at this level.  I
tried putting

Redirect 301 /old.html

But I get the following:

And it blows up with old.html not working.

If I need to redirect specific pages... how does this work in Cake?
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Re: Creating an uploader component

2009-06-04 Thread jabocs

Are you keeping track of files uploaded in a DB?  How bout using a
Upload Progress Bar for the front end?  Or is this just the backend
only part?

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Re: Unlimited Slugs for an Action

2009-03-11 Thread jabocs

Ok, I kept digging, and found my own answer again across a couple
different posts so in case it can help anybody else in the future:

I added this to the very end of my routes.php:

Router::connect('/*', array('controller' => 'slug_pages', 'action' =>

to catch all wild card created sections to go to the view action of my

Then in my view action my first line of code is:

$getParms = func_get_args();

so as in my example of
I would get an array like this:

[0] => about
[1] => sub1
[2] => sub2
[3] => sub3
[4] => page1

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Unlimited Slugs for an Action

2009-03-11 Thread jabocs

Looking for a way to have a unlimited number of slugs for sub-

For Example:

Would this be in the Routing or Bootstrap?

Thanks for help!
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Re: $viewPaths in BootStrap not seeming to work

2009-03-06 Thread jabocs

ARRGH... Can we delete this ? :)

one hour of FAIL could have been solved if I had read the full article
on this at

But I missed the last sentance... "Make sure that each path specified
includes a trailing slash. "

so I changed my bootstrap code to include a '/' at the end of each
path and worked:

$xch_core_path = '/Users/hardy/Sites/xch_core/app/';
$modelPaths = array($xch_core_path.'models/');
$viewPaths = array($xch_core_path.'views/');
$controllerPaths = array($xch_core_path.'controllers/');

Interesting tho that the controllers and models worked... which was
throwing me off... I guess since the views have subdirectories, it
wasn't recursing down into the subdirs... but it must have seen the
base folder of controllers and models.

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Re: $viewPaths in BootStrap not seeming to work

2009-03-06 Thread jabocs

whoops...copy and paste ...

The controller "not found error" was:

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Re: $viewPaths in BootStrap not seeming to work

2009-03-06 Thread jabocs

More details

When the view can't be found the error shows it's looking in the fully
qualified path for the app like:


But when a Controller or Model can't be found it just looks starting
in the app folder like:


Is there something that might be forcing it fully qualify to the path
of my current app?
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Re: $viewPaths in BootStrap not seeming to work

2009-03-06 Thread jabocs

Further testing ... My $modelPaths also works...

I moved the model out to the "core" app directories and my app was
able to use the model in the core.

So still wondering about $viewPaths
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$viewPaths in BootStrap not seeming to work

2009-03-06 Thread jabocs

I have placed the following code in my Cake 1.2 RC2 bootstrap file:

$xch_core_path = '/Users/hardy/Sites/xch_core/app/';
$modelPaths = array($xch_core_path.'models');
$viewPaths = array($xch_core_path.'views');
$controllerPaths = array($xch_core_path.'controllers');

Controllers are working fine... I have moved a controller over the
xch_core app/controllers folder and my second app can use it...

However when I move my app/views/xpage_types folder over to the app/
I get the following:

Error: The view for XpageTypesController::xchange_index() was not

Error: Confirm you have created the file: /Users/hardy/Sites/

Seems like it can find the $controllerPaths but not the $viewPaths ??

Any ideas?
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3rd Party Membership / User / Member Management

2009-02-04 Thread jabocs

Has anybody used any sort of 3rd party User/Membership Management

I am not talking about just a basic ACL... I have that and use it
pretty effectively.

I'm looking for the ability to have payment accounts with recurring
billing and membership services for a website.  I have found a couple
out there like:

I assume it will run along side of my Cake application and I can write
against the API.

Any suggestions?

Thanks so much!
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Re: New Cake site

2009-01-24 Thread jabocs

Is the SecurityComponent used with the $form->token() and specifying
the field names?  Do you have to do anything in the controller when
using this in a view?

On Jan 24, 4:49 am, "jitka (poLK)"  wrote:
> With SecurityComponent, forms contains hidden fields with security
> tokens.
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Re: Which editor for Mac OS X?

2009-01-23 Thread jabocs

I just found something this morning... and plan on playing with it
this weekend... but MacRabbit, who made CSSEdit, is working on a HTML
editor called Espresso that has 'Sugars' or plugins and there is a PHP
sugar.  Might be worth trying out.  It's in a Beta mode right now, but
you can download and play around with it.
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TinyMCE - I keep getting SCRIPT tags added and converting wrong characters

2009-01-12 Thread jabocs


I've been using TinyMCE for a while now in a custom Content Management
System written in CakePHP.

I'm having a weird instance lately where I'm getting some converting
of HTML tags to script... For Example:

Some span and img tags are putting the following code:

into strange places like inside of an alt tag, or completely replaces
the  tag.  Then TinyMCE is converting it's own greater than and
less than symbols to the & version like < and   becomes

any ideas?

Just for information...  I did notice this recently after downloading
and installing the lastest version of Spellchecker, and also buying
and install the latest version of FileManager.  I do have TinyMCE installed as well.

Thanks for any help!
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Ajax Form Multiple Calls

2008-10-28 Thread jabocs

I am using 1.2RC2 and the FIRST TIME IT WORKS...when I save the data
to the table using Ajax... 2nd time it fails unless I refresh the
page.  So I get one update before I get the following error replaced
into my div:
Not Found

Error: The requested address '/golearns/saveprof' was not found on
this server.

I have a simple form with one textarea:


  submit("Save Profile",array('url'=>'/golearns/


My controller has:
function saveprof() {
if (!empty($this->data)) {
$this->data['Profile']['user_id'] = 
$this->data['Profile']['type'] = 'notes';
$this->data['Profile']['notes'] = 
if ($this->Profile->save($this->data)) {

the add_success.ctp is setup to replace the Textarea with a new
Textarea swapping out the text:
saved to profile.'))?>
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$javascript not available in Admin Routing

2008-09-24 Thread jabocs

I am getting a weird issue with my $javascript in my default.ctp:
I have this in the header of the default.ctp:

I have Javascript in my helper of the HomePages controller.  In fact
when I go to:


My javascript works just fine... however, when I go to any other admin
page like:


The $javascript does not exist.

Any suggestions?  And thanks for your help!
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Not getting a 404 error

2008-09-22 Thread jabocs

I am using 1.2 RC2 and creating the first section of the site.
I have 1 model, controller, and view.  I am using
Admin Routing, and I changed the routes.php file default to the

Router::connect('/', array('controller' => 'home_pages', 'action' =>

My question is when I go to any page outside of an actual page (ie.
localhost/anythingelse )  It just gives me a  blank page and actually
tries to display the javascript not found error from the default.ctp
file.  Which I assume has something to do since it can't find a
controller with the Javascript helper.  However, I would think it
should be going to a 404 not found error, or something like that
instead of what it is doing.

Any ideas on how to make the site go to a 404 error when a controller
or action inside of a controller is not found?

Thanks in advance!

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Putting new Helper into Core for Sharing

2008-09-21 Thread jabocs

I'm new to cake and still learning the boundaries.  However, I am
writing a CMS type system that will have the same components across
several CakePHP websites at different domains on our server.  I have
the core cake lib on the server so all sites share the same core.  And
I'm using RC2.

The end goal of this system is to stay in house and not go out, so I'm
not worried about porting it per say... but I just want to be able to
update the helper code and it work across all sites.

Are there issues or just standards in regards to me adding a cms.php
helper in the core app/views/helpers directory that is shared by
several apps?  Thanks again for all your help.

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Apress Beginning CakePHP Model Function Error

2008-09-18 Thread jabocs

I am going through the Apress book, and I ran across an issue that I
had to use the Cake API to resolve.  (For Reference in book.. this is
on page 106)

The function it gave me to put into the Post model for the blog
application is as follows:

function findByYear($year=null) {
 $date = $year.'-01-01 00:00:00';
 $end_date = $year.'-12-31 23:59:59';
 return $this-

Basically I was getting nothing returned... So I turned to the API and
found the findAll and find model functions and I changed my code for
the return to:

return $this->findAll(" > '".$date."' AND < '".

Now it works... Did I just stumble on some bad code in the book?  Or
should the syntax given in the book supposed to have worked?

Jason Hardy

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