Re: Problem with MySQL query

2008-09-11 Thread krzysztofor

I wasn't writting it by myself, but i have to fix this bug.
I don't have OptionsController, but propably PagesController will be
helpful, because the problem is when i'm on the site with page list.
There is everything okey, but when I click on existing page to edit
it, this warning appears, and all forms are empty, because they can't
be taken from database (wrong query).
The strangest thing is that it works localy...


registerSubmenuItem('Click here to create a new page in 
top level menu', 'pages/add');
 * List action
function index() {
$this->Language->recursive = -1;
$this->set('languages', $this->Language->find('all'));
//$this->Page->recursive = 0;
//$this->set('pages', $this->paginate());

$tree = $this->Menu->getStructuredTree(1);
$extensions = $this->Extension->loadAll();
$this->set('extensions', $extensions);

$this->set('tree', $tree);

//echo '';

 * Edit a page
 * @param int $id
function edit($id = null) {

if (!$id && empty($this->data)) {

$this->flash(__('Invalid Page', true), 

// link fugu libraries

// load Extension model

if (!empty($this->data)) {
if ($this->Page->verifyUri($this->data)) {
// save page
if ($this->Page->save($this->data)) {

if (!empty($_POST['extension'])) {
// save extension
(empty($this->data['Extension'])) $this->data['Extension'] =
$extension = 
$extension_obj = 

$name = $this->data['Page']['name'];
$this->flash(__('The page "'.$name.'" 
has been saved.', true),
array('action'=>'index'), 'success');

} else {
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash('The uri you specified
already exists, please try another one', null);
if (empty($this->data)) {
$this->data = $this->Page->read(null, $id);
$this->set('data', $this->data);
if ($this->data==null) {
$this->flash(__('Invalid page', true), 
'error', __('That page was probably removed', true));



// attach the extension object and extract data
if (!empty($_POST['extension'])) {
$extension_name = $_POST['extension'];
} else {
$extension_name = 
$extension_args = 
// print_r($this->data);
// echo $extension_name;
$extension = $this->Extension->load($extension_name);
$extension_obj = $this->Extension->init($extension_name);
$ext_data = $extension_obj->fetch($id, $extension_args);
$extension['data'] = $ext_data;
if (!empty($this->data['Extension'])) $extension['data'] = 
$this->set('extension', $extension);

// register tabs
$this->registerSidebarTab('General', 'tab_general',
$this->registerSidebarTab('Meta', 'tab_meta', 'MetaScreen');

Re: Problem with MySQL query

2008-09-11 Thread krzysztofor

but i don't know where it is genereted :/

where can it be?
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Problem with MySQL query

2008-09-10 Thread krzysztofor

Hello everybody. I'm begginer with CakePHP. The MySQL query is
genereting in a wrong way:

SELECT `Option`.`id`, `Option`.`menu_id`, `Option`.`parent_id`,
`Option`.`page_id`, `Option`.`order`, `Option`.`extension_name`,
`Option`.`extension_args`, `Option`.`menu` FROM `fk3_options` AS
`Option` WHERE `Option`.`pageid` = 41 LIMIT 1

The problem is in the 'WHERE clause'. The record 'pageid' doesn't
exist, instead of it should be 'page_id'.

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column 'Option.pageid' in
'where clause' [ROOT/system/cake/libs/model/datasources/
dbo_source.php, line 440]

There is no problem on localhost, but it is on the external server :(.
Please help me if you can.

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