Re: Oracle autoincrement : PROBLEM

2009-09-05 Thread logislack

Hi Xanax

Try this


On Sep 4, 8:30 am, Xanax wrote:

 I have a BIG problem.

 There is no autoincrement option in Oracle like in MySQL.

 Apparently, with CakePHP and Oracle, people use sequences and triggers
 to bypass this.

 My problem : I can't use triggers on my database, it's forbidden by my
 And of course i don't want to replace all the model-save() methods
 by their corresponding SQL request.

 Do you know what would be a good solution for me ? Thanks in advance
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Re: CKEditor in combination with images controller

2009-09-05 Thread logislack

Hi Marco

I needed something like what you want. I decided to convert Encode
Explorer on a Controller. And extend it to where I need it.


On Sep 4, 8:40 am, Marco wrote:
 Hi guys,

 I'm wondering how I can combine CKEditor's image function with my own
 image controller, responsible for managing image upload and image
 detail data. My goal was to select from an image list provided by the
 image controller from inside CKEditor's image dialog. But maybe this
 is the wrong way. What would be the best practise?

 Thanks in advance.
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Re: 500 Internal Server Error

2009-09-05 Thread logislack

Hi keyser_soze83

When I have trouble problems to install cakephp on a server, I use
this method and never fails:

1.- Create an Alias on httpd.conf
Alias /cakesite /home/user/public_html/cakesite

2.- Edit all .htaccess.
Add: RewriteBase /cakesite after RewriteEngine on and before of
Rewrite Rule


On Sep 4, 4:17 pm, keyser_soze83 wrote:
 Dear co-developers,

 I know this problem keeps on appearing quite a few times on the
 groups, but anyway, after searching for a while, I did not found a
 solution yet.

 Hopefully you can help me out here because I'm getting desperate.

 I've developed some site with cakephp 1.2, but on the domain there
 were alread some blogs and photoalbums created in an earlier version
 of the site.

 They were all accessible at:

 Since I've installed cakephp for the new part of the site, these blogs
 and albums are not accessible any more.

 I get:
 Internal Server Error
 The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was
 unable to complete your request.
 Please contact the server administrator, and inform
 them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done
 that may have caused the error.

 More information about this error may be available in the server error

 I think I need to adjust the .htaccess file to allow accessibility on
 these sub-domains.

 It currently looks like this:

 IfModule mod_rewrite.c
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteRule    ^$ app/webroot/    [L]
    RewriteRule    (.*) app/webroot/$1 [L]

 Can someone tell me what to do?

 Thanks in advance
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Re: Problem with hasMany

2009-09-01 Thread logislack

hi brian, thanks for reply

I made the changes you mentioned in the models and now the error is
the same but in another line:
Fatal error: Can not access empty property in / sitiotmp/www2/
nuevositio/cake/libs/model/model.php on line 948

I added lines before the 948 and got the DUMP 1

After this i add these lines:
if(!isset($this-alias) || empty($this-alias))
{ die('Es $this-alias'); }
if(!isset($model) || empty($model))
{ die('Is $this-{$model} = '. $model . ' on ' . 
$this-alias); }

I got this response:

Is $this-{$model} =  on Contenido

see something important?
thanks again.

/**die(debug($this-alias)); **/



Contenido Object
[name] = Contenido
[primaryKey] = id
[displayField] = titulo
[belongsTo] = Array
[Grupos_de_contenido] = Array
[className] = Grupos_de_contenido
[foreignKey] = id_grupo_contenido
[conditions] =
[fields] =
[order] =
[counterCache] =


[hasOne] = Array
[Pagina] = Array
[className] = Pagina
[foreignKey] = id_contenido
[conditions] =
[fields] =
[order] =
[dependent] =


[useDbConfig] = default
[useTable] = contenidos
[id] =
[data] = Array

[table] = contenidos
[_schema] = Array
[id] = Array
[type] = integer
[null] =
[default] =
[length] = 11
[key] = primary

[id_grupo_contenido] = Array
[type] = integer
[null] = 1
[default] =
[length] = 11

[id_contenido_padre] = Array
[type] = integer
[null] = 1
[default] =
[length] = 11

[id_pagina] = Array
[type] = integer
[null] = 1
[default] =
[length] = 11

[solo_enlace] = Array
[type] = boolean
[null] =
[default] =
[length] = 1

[titulo] = Array
[type] = string
[null] = 1
[default] =
[length] = 255

[imagen] = Array
[type] = string
[null] = 1
[default] =
[length] = 255

[url] = Array
[type] = string
[null] = 1
[default] =
[length] = 255

[prioridad] = Array
[type] = integer
[null] = 1
[default] =
[length] = 11

[publicado] = Array
[type] = boolean
[null] = 1
[default] =
[length] = 1


[validate] = Array

[validationErrors] = Array

[tablePrefix] =
[alias] = Contenido
[tableToModel] = Array
[contenidos] = Contenido
[grupos_de_contenidos] = Grupos_de_contenido
[paginas] = Pagina

[logTransactions] =
[transactional] =
[cacheQueries] =
[hasMany] = Array

[hasAndBelongsToMany] = Array

[actsAs] =
[Behaviors] = BehaviorCollection Object
[modelName] = Contenido
[_attached] = Array

[_disabled] = Array

[__methods] = Array

[__mappedMethods] = Array

[_log] =

[whitelist] = Array

[cacheSources] = 1
[findQueryType] =
[recursive] = 1
[order] =
[__exists] =
[__associationKeys] = Array

Re: Problem with hasMany

2009-09-01 Thread logislack

Hi brian

I solved the problem:

if ($model != $this-alias  !empty($model)  isset($this-
{$model})) { // Line 948
return $this-{$model}-getColumnType($column);

if ($model != $this-alias  isset($this-{$model})) {  // 
Line 948
return $this-{$model}-getColumnType($column);

This in order to avoid running $this-{$ model} if $model is empty

Thanks again!

On Aug 31, 7:24 pm, brian wrote:
 The only things that look odd are 'Prioridad' (should be lowercase?)
 and 'order'='ORDER BY RAND()'. I think that should be just
 'order'='RAND()', but I could be wrong.

 Looking at line 21 of 8166, there are 2 properties that it may be
 failing on. I'd add these lines just above 921:


 Run it once, then comment the 1st line. See if that shows anything helpful.

 On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 4:18 PM, wrote:

  I have a problem with a hasMany relationship. Locally everything works
  fine, but when I upload files to the server I get the following error

  Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /sitiotmp/www2/nuevositio/
  cake/libs/model/model.php on line 921

  I'm using cake

  My models with de problem:

  class Grupos_de_contenido extends AppModel{
    var $name = 'Grupos_de_contenido';
    var $primaryKey = 'id';
    var $displayField = 'nombre';

    var $hasMany = array('Contenido'= array('className'='Contenido',


  'order'='Contenido.Prioridad DESC, Contenido.titulo ASC',

  'conditions'='Contenido.publicado = true'
    class Encuesta extends AppModel {
        var $name = 'Encuesta';
        var $tableName = 'encuestas';

        var $hasMany = array('Respuesta'=array
  ('className'='Respuesta', 'foreignKey'='id_encuesta'));

        function obtenerEncuesta($id = null) {
            $cond = array();
                $cond = array('' = $id);

            return $this-find('first', array('contidions'=$cond,
  'order'='ORDER BY RAND()'));

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Re: Problem with hasMany

2009-09-01 Thread logislack

If i only use die(debug($this-{$model}));  I got the dump of object.
If i only use die(debug($this-alias)); I got the Grupos_de_contenido

It means what the error occurs is not in the first time what
getColumnType function is called. Then the die(debug($this-
{$model})); is killing the application before what the error occurs.

function getColumnType($column) {
$db = ConnectionManager::getDataSource($this-useDbConfig);
$cols = $this-schema();
$model = null;

$column = str_replace(array($db-startQuote, $db-endQuote), '',

if (strpos($column, '.')) {
list($model, $column) = explode('.', $column);
if ($model != $this-alias  !empty($model)  isset($this-
{$model})) { // Line 948
return $this-{$model}-getColumnType($column);

I Added the lines:
 if(!isset($model) || empty($model))
   { die('Is $this-{$model} = '. $model . ' on
' . $this-alias); }

to know what values are in the variables ($this-alias, $this-
($model)) when the error occurs. I got:
Is $this-{$model} =  on Contenido

Only I create a new not empty condition for $model, before try $this-
{$model} and all works fine.

Thanks again.

On Sep 1, 11:25 am, brian wrote:
 I don't suggest that you modify the core files like that. It will lead
 to problems down the road when you want to upgrade. The hint to put
 the debug statements in there was just that--for debugging. It would
 be better to track down precisely what the problem is in your own
 code. The thing is, I'm having some trouble understanding what it is
 you did.

                if(!isset($this-alias) || empty($this-alias))
                        { die('Es $this-alias'); }
                if(!isset($model) || empty($model))
                        { die('Is $this-{$model} = '. $model . ' on
 ' . $this-alias); }

 Is $this-{$model} =  on Contenido

 So, $model is empty. But, die(debug($this-{$model})); gives you a
 nice bunch of information. So, I'm confused. Maybe I'm not the best
 person to investigate this.

 One thing: Grupos_de_contenido should *maybe* be GruposDeContenido.
 I've no idea if it's related.

 On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 11:48 AM, wrote:

  Hi brian

  I solved the problem:

                 if ($model != $this-alias  !empty($model)  isset($this-
  {$model})) { // Line 948
                         return $this-{$model}-getColumnType($column);

                 if ($model != $this-alias  isset($this-{$model})) {  // 
  Line 948
                         return $this-{$model}-getColumnType($column);

  This in order to avoid running $this-{$ model} if $model is empty

  Thanks again!

  On Aug 31, 7:24 pm, brian wrote:
  The only things that look odd are 'Prioridad' (should be lowercase?)
  and 'order'='ORDER BY RAND()'. I think that should be just
  'order'='RAND()', but I could be wrong.

  Looking at line 21 of 8166, there are 2 properties that it may be
  failing on. I'd add these lines just above 921:


  Run it once, then comment the 1st line. See if that shows anything helpful.

  On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 4:18 PM, wrote:

   I have a problem with a hasMany relationship. Locally everything works
   fine, but when I upload files to the server I get the following error

   Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /sitiotmp/www2/nuevositio/
   cake/libs/model/model.php on line 921

   I'm using cake

   My models with de problem:

   class Grupos_de_contenido extends AppModel{
     var $name = 'Grupos_de_contenido';
     var $primaryKey = 'id';
     var $displayField = 'nombre';

     var $hasMany = array('Contenido'= array('className'='Contenido',


   'order'='Contenido.Prioridad DESC, Contenido.titulo ASC',

   'conditions'='Contenido.publicado = true'
     class Encuesta extends AppModel {
         var $name = 'Encuesta';
         var $tableName = 'encuestas';

         var $hasMany = array('Respuesta'=array
   ('className'='Respuesta', 'foreignKey'='id_encuesta'));

         function obtenerEncuesta($id = null) {
             $cond = array();
                 $cond = array('' = $id);

             return $this-find('first', array('contidions'=$cond,
   'order'='ORDER BY RAND()'));

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Problem with hasMany

2009-08-31 Thread logislack

I have a problem with a hasMany relationship. Locally everything works
fine, but when I upload files to the server I get the following error

Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in /sitiotmp/www2/nuevositio/
cake/libs/model/model.php on line 921

I'm using cake

My models with de problem:

class Grupos_de_contenido extends AppModel{
   var $name = 'Grupos_de_contenido';
   var $primaryKey = 'id';
   var $displayField = 'nombre';

   var $hasMany = array('Contenido'= array('className'='Contenido',
'order'='Contenido.Prioridad DESC, Contenido.titulo ASC',
'conditions'='Contenido.publicado = true'
   class Encuesta extends AppModel {
   var $name = 'Encuesta';
   var $tableName = 'encuestas';

   var $hasMany = array('Respuesta'=array
('className'='Respuesta', 'foreignKey'='id_encuesta'));

   function obtenerEncuesta($id = null) {
   $cond = array();
   $cond = array('' = $id);

   return $this-find('first', array('contidions'=$cond,
'order'='ORDER BY RAND()'));


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