Re: Problem with saveAll translations within one form - CakePHP multilingual website

2012-12-10 Thread maurozadu
I have the same problem, did you came up with a solution?

Thank you!

El lunes, 23 de enero de 2012 16:05:43 UTC-3, Anna P escribió:


 I'm making multilingual website and I want administrator to add and 
 edit subpage in all available languages within one form. 

 The add function works fine, the problem is when I want to edit 
 subpage and all translations at one time - one of the fields does not 
 want to update in i18n table. 


 add function (works fine, adds record to subpages table and records 
 to i18n table containing title, link and content in every language): 

 add view: 

 edit function: 

 edit view: 

 Editing title and content and saving form changes only the 
 translations of fields link and content in i18n table. The title 
 just won't change at all in translations table, after editing a form. 

 I've just build another model - Category. Same issue here, although I 
 translate only two fields (name and link, based on the name). The same 
 situation with editing - only link translation is being updated, and 
 name isn't. 

 Anyone has a clue? Or maybe there is some better solution to create 
 and update dynamic translations with the use of one form? 


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Re: CakeFest IV - America - Help us pick a location!

2009-11-27 Thread maurozadu

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form helper issue for associated models inside and outside a plugin

2009-07-23 Thread maurozadu

We have a plugin (let’s name it “Cms”). This plugin has a model called
Image, used to add images to a model. The Image model is inside the
plugin; others models are, of course, outside (for example the “Page”
model). The relationship is made on the fly, with a code like this

$this-Page-bindModel(array('hasMany' = array('Cms.Image' = array
('foreignKey' = 'record_id';

We use Cms.Image because the bind must be donde like: Plugin.Model

Then we want to add a new page, so we write this code in the “add”

echo $form-create(array('type' = 'file'));
echo $form-input('Page.title');
echo $form-input('Page.content');

And now, here is the problem: ¿How do we write the input for the

If the Image model where outside the plugin, we would normally use:

echo $form-input('');

then in the controller we use the method saveAll, and everything is

But the situation is different here, we have a model outside the
plugin (Page) which is associated with a model Inside the plugin

My first attempt was to do this:

echo $form-input('');

but it fails! It generates an input with the attribute name=data[Cms]

If I hardcode the input field with something like name=data[Cms.Image]
[0][name] everything works perfect (with validation and callbacks for
both models). But working in this way I have to do an extra job for
display error messages and I assume I would have some other issues if
I don’t use the form helper.

The second idea was:

echo $form-input('', array('plugin' = 'Cms'));

But it didn’t work either, because the input method in the form helper
doesn’t expect a plugin key in the options array and just ignore it. I
read the code of Form::input() and I found that the separation into
array keys by the point is made by a very parent classes, so I neither
could easily hack the core to find a solution.

What do yo think? Is there a way to solve this issue or the problem is
me misunderstanding something? (or everything maybe)

Thanks for the support!

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