Nicer templates with TAL-like variables

2006-11-18 Thread panyasan


since the default templates are simply php-files, normal usage to
inject php-variables is to use, for example,

div id=?php echo $id ? /

In a previous project, I used PHPTAL and could include variables in
templates this way:

div id=${id} /

which is much more readable.

I wrote a hack to include into view.php. line 700:

 * hack CB to allow for nicer, TAL-like templates,
 * e.g. input value=${value}/ instead of
 * input value=?php echo $value ?/
$___content = file_get_contents($___viewFn);
$___content = preg_replace('/\${([^}]+)}/','?php echo \$$1
$___tmpFn  = CACHE . md5( $___viewFn ) . .tmp;
file_put_contents ( $___tmpFn, $___content );

if (DEBUG) {
include ($___tmpFn);
} else {
@include ($___tmpFn);
unlink ($___tmpFn);
/** end hack **/

Now my questions are:

1) Is it possible to do this another way, without hacking cake source?
2) Has anyone integrated PHPTAL into cake yet?



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Re: Updating HABTM relationships

2006-06-15 Thread panyasan

It IS funny that nobody seems to have this problem since many-to-many
relationships are among the most useful features of relational
databases. I have also tried to understand the source code of the model
but it is so complex I'd rather spend my time differently. I would
welcome any moves on the sides of the CakePHP developers to make HABTM
associations even more useful...

Cheers, Christian

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Updating HABTM relationships

2006-05-11 Thread panyasan

This is related to

I have two models, References and Folders:

class Reference extends AppModel
var $name = Reference;

 *  associations

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = Folder;

 * default: no recursive retrieval
var $recursive = 0;


class Folder extends AppModel

var $name = Folder;

var $recursive = 0;

 * many-to-many association
var $hasAndBelongsToMany = Reference;

 * many-to-one association
var $belongsTo = array (
Parent = array (
'className'  = Folder,
'foreignKey' = parent_id

 * one-to-many association
var $hasMany = Folder;

and a controller method that should move References from one Folder to

class ReferencesController extends AppController

var $name = References;
var $uses = array (Folder,Reference);

 * moves references to different folder
function move ( $sourceId, $targetId, $list )
$ids = explode ( ,, $list );
$n = 0;
$this-Reference-recursive = 1;

foreach ( $ids as $id ) {

$data   = $this-Reference-findById ($id);
$folders= $data['Folder'];
$save   = array();
$fIds   = array();

if ( ! count ( $folders ) ) continue;

// link to target folder
$fIds[] = $targetId;

// copy all folder ids except the source folder
foreach ( $folders as $folder ) {
if ( ! array_search( $folder['id'], $fIds) and
  $folder['id'] != $sourceId ) {
$fIds[] = $folder['id'];
$this-Reference-id = $id;
$save['Folder']['Folder'] = $fIds;

return true;

It won't work. Nothing is saved.Is there a fundamental misconception on
my part? The task remove association x should be a trivial one, but
there is nothing in the documentation, as far as I could see.

I am using model_php4.php from (I could not upgrade the rest
because for some reason the cake gets stuck in some long loop so I
reverted to 0.10... for the rest of the code).



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