Re: cakephp blog english

2010-03-12 Thread pzero
Thanks a lot for your quick reply.

this is my edit function

function edit($id = null) {
$actionHeading = 'Post bearbeiten!';
$actionSlogan = 'Bitte alle Felder ausfüllen.';

if (!$id  empty($this-data)) {
$this-Session-setFlash(__('Ungültiger Post', true));
if (!empty($this-data)) {
if ($this-Post-save($this-data)) {
$this-Session-setFlash(__('Post wurde 
erfolgreich gespeichert',
} else {
$this-Session-setFlash(__('Post konnte leider 
nicht gespeichert
werden. Versuche es nochmal.', true));
if (empty($this-data)) {
$this-data = $this-Post-read(null, $id);

and this is my validation rules

class Post extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Post';
var $hasMany = array('Comment');

/*Validierung der Eingaben*/
var $validate = array(
'message'='Bitte ein Titel erfassen',
'message'='Bitte Kommentar erfassen',

but haven't understood what i have to do for editing a post.
thanks a lot for your help

with kind regards

On 10 Mrz., 18:25, cricket wrote:
 On Mar 10, 4:10 am, pzero wrote:

  Good Morning together,

  I created a blog with Cakephp and now I have two issues. If i edit a
  post instead of updating this post my application create a new post,

 You need to include a hidden field in the form for the id.

 echo $form-hidden('');

 Substitute your model name for Post if different.

 When Cake saves, if the id is present in $data, it will try to update
 an existing record in DB.

  and the second issue is by adding a new post. If i write in my title
  and in my comment box text without blanks it works, but if i write for
  example title: my test with a blank between my and test i receive
  the message that i must write a title.

 You have a validation rule for title that does not allow spaces. Can
 you post the $validate array for the model?

  I can't attached my Blog so if someone can help me write me your mail
  adress so that i can send you my blog. I hope someone can help me. I
  have to present this blog at saturday in my shool and I have no idea
  about this two issues

 No need to send the entire thing. Just post that one part of your
 model. Also, you could post the edit() method from the controller.

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Re: cakephp blog english

2010-03-12 Thread pzero
Hallo cricket,

Thanks a lot, the validation rules works.
But i don't had understood where i have to include a hidden form
input... Sorry im a newbie.

On 12 Mrz., 17:40, cricket wrote:
 The alphaNumeric rule is equivalent to /[a-A-Z0-9]+/ and is only
 useful for something like a password or other code. For something like
 a title, try 'rule' = array('minLength', 1). It's a lot more

 For editing a record, you need to include the id in $this-data for
 the save(). Include a hidden form input with the id so that it is
 included in $data.

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their CakePHP related questions.

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Re: cakephp blog english

2010-03-12 Thread pzero
Hey cricket thanks a lot. i fixed this issue with your help.

You are the best :)
Now it works i put the hidden field

echo $form-hidden('');

when i edit a post now it updates and it doens't create a new post.

i wish you a nice weekend!!!
and thanks a lot

On 12 Mrz., 18:29, cricket wrote:
 On Mar 12, 12:09 pm, pzero wrote:

  Hallo cricket,

  Thanks a lot, the validation rules works.
  But i don't had understood where i have to include a hidden form
  input... Sorry im a newbie.

 That's ok. We all start from somewhere. I'm still confused about a lot
 of Cake things.

 You put the hidden field in the view. Just after your $form-

 create(...) add this:

 echo $form-hidden('');

 What happens is that $this-data = $this-Post-read(null, $id) will
 include the id in the result. FormHelper should then find the id in
 $data inside the view.

 If it still doesn't seem to be working, set debug to 2 and try this:

 if (!empty($this-data)) {

 That is, right before the call to save(). Make sure that the data
 array contains an id. You can also view source when you first load the
 form and ensure that the hidden field is there and that the value is

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cakephp blog

2010-03-10 Thread pzero
Hallo zusammen,

Ich habe ein Blog mit Cakephp erstellt hab aber zwei Probleme die ich
nicht lösen kann.
Und zwar erstellt mein Blog beim editieren eines Posts ein neuer Post
anstatt dass der post editiert wird.
Ein zweites Problem ist wenn ich ein neuer Post erfassen will nur
strings ohne leerzeichen angenommen werden.
Wenn ich z.b Mein Blog schreibe bekommt ich die meldung dass ein
titel erfasst werden soll, irgendwie hat er dann das gefühl es ist
kein titel erfasst oder der string ist empty.

Wenn mir jemand helfen kann kann ich ihm mein Blog per e-mail schicken
sodass es nachvollziehen werden kann.

Liebe grüsse

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cakephp blog english

2010-03-10 Thread pzero
Good Morning together,

I created a blog with Cakephp and now I have two issues. If i edit a
post instead of updating this post my application create a new post,
and the second issue is by adding a new post. If i write in my title
and in my comment box text without blanks it works, but if i write for
example title: my test with a blank between my and test i receive
the message that i must write a title.

I can't attached my Blog so if someone can help me write me your mail
adress so that i can send you my blog. I hope someone can help me. I
have to present this blog at saturday in my shool and I have no idea
about this two issues

kind regards

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