
We are using PHP 5.3.5, and cakePHP 1.3.7. We are not able to mask the
error messages we are getting - 'Strict Standards", "Fatal errors".
The problem we are running into is -

We tried this solution.....

Configure::write('debug', 0);
Configure::write('log', false);
in core.php but it did not work.

Currently we are commenting  echo $_this->_output($data); in
debugger.php to stop notice/warnings but we are unable to stop strict-
standard/ Fatal errors

Right now, we cannot move to a diff. version of CakePHP as we have an
upcoming imp. milestone and so we want to avoid any regressions that
might happen as a result of moving to a diff. version. We may try that
later on.

We are looking to -
1.) either mask the errors we are getting?
2.) any other way to handle these errors so that they do not get
displayed to a user?


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