I need a help in Autocomplete in cakephp.

My controller:

class AmaladdsController extends AppController {

        var $name = 'Amaladds';
        var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form', 'Javascript', 'Ajax', 'Layout');
function autoComplete() {
        //Partial strings will come from the autocomplete field as
        $this->set('posts', $this->Amaladd->find('all', array(
                                'conditions' => array(
                                        'Amaladd.subject LIKE' => 
                                'fields' => array('place')
        $this->layout = 'ajax';

My view (auto_complete.ctp)

 <?php foreach($posts as $post): ?>
     <li><?php echo $post['Amaladd']['place']; ?></li>
 <?php endforeach; ?>

My form:

<?php echo $form->create('User', array('url' => '/users/index')); ?>
        <?php echo $ajax->autoComplete('Amaladd.subject', '/amaladds/
<?php echo $form->end('View Post')?>

in my layout file i included:
print $javascript->link('prototype');
print $javascript->link('scriptaculous');
print $javascript->link('scriptaculous/src/effects');
print $javascript->link('scriptaculous/src/controls');

Everything is similar to the Manual. But It doesnot work. In the
generated script in Firebug it show this line after submitting the

<form method="post" action="/amaladds/index">
<fieldset style="display:none;">
<input type="hidden" name="_method" value="POST" />

<input name="data[Amaladd][place]" type="text" id="AmaladdPlace"
autocomplete="off" value="" />

<div id="AmaladdPlace_autoComplete" class="auto_complete"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">

new Ajax.Autocompleter('AmaladdPlace', 'AmaladdPlace_autoComplete', '/
amaladds/index', {});

</script><div class="submit"><input type="submit" value="View Post" /

What is wrong here??? when I type first 3 or more letters of the
'Place' field in my database, nothing happens.

Please help me....

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