CakePHP Workshop in Munich (15-16. October)

2009-09-08 Thread the_undefined

This is just a quick pointer for those of you that need german CakePHP
training for yourself or the people in your company. We are doing a
workshop in Munich which you can read all about here:

This is a great opportunity especially for those that are still trying
to convince decision-makers or co-workers to adopt CakePHP within your
company in Germany.

Best Regards,
-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined (
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Re: svn or git?

2009-02-04 Thread the_undefined

@pcdinh: The source repository of CakePHP is primarily a tool meant to
assist the *developers* of CakePHP, not the users. Those who wish to
contribute to the development of CakePHP will find Git to be a more
powerful and social tool than SVN.

What personal need to you have to interact with CakePHP's SVN

I totally hear your argument that SVN currently enjoys better all-
around support and wide-spread usage. I'm just not sure if it makes
sense to apply in this context hence my previous question.

-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined

On Feb 3, 5:42 pm, pcdinh wrote:
 It just proves that Linux kernel development is too large and too
 complex to be centralized. New drivers or new file systems can be
 developed separately several years before being merged into the core.
 That is why merging and branching are so good in Git.

 Regarding to medium project like PHP or small project like CakePHP, is
 it relevant to be distributed? Meanwhile, Subversion has better GUI
 and Windows support. Lots of PHP developers out there do development
 on Windows right? Subversion may be slower but I find that its
 performance has been improved significantly in version 1.5. Even with
 big repositories in Google Code, Subversion 1.4 is fast enough

 On Feb 3, 8:11 pm, Esoteric wrote:

  While the PHP Core team is important, the linux kernel the foundation
  of most modern linux systems is on git, that should prove something.
  (just playing devil's advocate to you comment.)

  On Feb 3, 4:44 am, Dinh wrote:

   PHP Core Team decides that Subversion is more relevant than Git.
   That's why PHP source code is migrated from CVS to Subversion. Think
   about that.

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Berlin CakePHP Meetup, Next Friday (Jan 30)

2009-01-22 Thread the_undefined

Hey folks,

if you are in Berlin or close by, Tim and I are organizing a CakePHP
meetup there next week Friday. If you are interested in coming, leave
a comment on our blog:

-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
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Re: Possible bug in Set::extract()

2008-09-03 Thread the_undefined
Nice find, fixed in:

On Aug 6, 6:53 am, XuMiX [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
     [0] = Array
             [Film] = Array
                     [id] = 160
             [Person] = Array
                     [0] = Array
                             [id] = 12
                             [FilmsPerson] = Array
                                     [id] = 1
                                     [film_id] = 160
                                     [person_id] = 12
                                     [profession_id] = 3


                     [1] = Array
                             [id] = 47
                             [FilmsPerson] = Array
                                     [id] = 2
                                     [film_id] = 160
                                     [person_id] = 47
                                     [profession_id] = 1


                     [2] = Array
                             [id] = 48
                             [FilmsPerson] = Array
                                     [id] = 3
                                     [film_id] = 160
                                     [person_id] = 48
                                     [profession_id] = 4



 After  $ids = Set::extract($films, '/Person/
 i got:

     [0] = Array
             [Person] = Array
                     [id] = 12
                     [FilmsPerson] = Array
                             [id] = 1
                             [film_id] = 160
                             [person_id] = 12
                             [profession_id] = 3



     [1] = Array
             [Person] = Array
                     [id] = 12
                     [FilmsPerson] = Array
                             [id] = 1
                             [film_id] = 160
                             [person_id] = 12
                             [profession_id] = 3



     [2] = Array
             [Person] = Array
                     [id] = 12
                     [FilmsPerson] = Array
                             [id] = 1
                             [film_id] = 160
                             [person_id] = 12
                             [profession_id] = 3



 But if i do $ids = Set::extract($films, '/Person/
 FilmsPerson[profession_id=1]'); I have elements with proper
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CakePHP Workshop in Raleigh, NC (Sep 6-7)

2008-08-20 Thread the_undefined

Hey folks,

if you haven't heard about the CakePHP workshop in Raleigh yet, here
is your chance to grab one of the last seats. In 2 days Garrett
Woodworth, Nate Abele, Felix Geisendörfer and Tim Koschützki will
teach you everything you need to know to bake great CakePHP
applications. On top of the normal presentations we have a second room
were the speakers that are not presenting at the time will do
individual consulting, ad-hoc talks and share things they are
currently working on. We got Marc Grabanski from the jQuery UI team to
come. He'll hang out in room 2 and can be bothered with any jQuery /
JS question you might have : ).

For all the information, visit the announcement page.

-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined
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Re: Status Update on Cake 1.2 and Call to Action

2008-05-13 Thread the_undefined

Everybody, I have compiled a list of things you can help with in the
following post:

Also join the new IRC channel #cakephp-dv dedicated to coordinate this
release with the community!
-- Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined

On May 13, 5:17 pm, nate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As many of you have recognized, development on the core has increased
 significantly over the past few weeks.  The expanded CakePHP team is
 working hard to push out a stable 1.2 release, and we've gotten quite
 a bit done, particularly in the realm of testing.  This will not only
 help to ensure the stability of the final release itself, but it also
 helps us guarantee that stability is maintained while we fix the
 remaining issues. We have added code coverage analysis (thanks Tim!),
 so if you have xdebug installed you can enjoy this feature in your own

 In order to push out a timely release, we need some help from you.  If
 there are any enhancements you want implemented, attach a patch and
 test case to a ticket on Trac.  As always, please review the existing
 enhancement tickets before opening any new ones.  Also, even with a
 patch and test, not all enhancements will make it into 1.2. However,
 we can assure that this will receive priority review, who knows you
 patch might help someone else. Check with senior community members or
 someone on the team before investing a lot of effort into something.

 Thanks again for all your help, and for making CakePHP the #1
 framework available for PHP.
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#5 Reasons that make Acl difficult

2006-05-31 Thread the_undefined

I just wrote a good sized article about my experiences with CakePHP and
Acl that has a list of 5 things that I believe make it very difficult
for most people, when trying to get their first Acl experience.

So in order to prevent other people from going through the same issues
I thought it would be appropriate to send out a little notice to the

The article can be found over at:

--Felix Geisendörfer aka the_undefined

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Re: #5 Reasons that make Acl difficult

2006-05-31 Thread the_undefined

Hi John,

well you are right, this article is not directly a how to work with
acl-kind-of-article.*But*, I do
think that some of the stuff covered in there can help people that are
stuck at one or another
point when dealing with Acl. The problem about Acl and support through
Irc / the List is, that
Acl problems are sometimes long, complex and difficult to explain. For
that reason I have choosen
to write a blog entry summing up the ones I had and to explain how I
approached them.

Now, John Zimmermann asked why I don't update the wiki. The reasons
for that are simple:
I think the wiki is full of old and incorrect information and
determined to be removed soon. So
meanwhile I don't think I'm good enough with Acl yet to contribute to
the official documentation
and I needed a place to share my current state of enlightenment *g*.

Let me comment on your comments real quick:

Example 1: I think one can figure out that the Acl classes are Models
by himself, but I figured that
no explanation would be needed if we would use them like such. Just
some request for KISS.

Example 2: I think complaining about the Wiki is valid as long as
official documentation is rare. But
in general I agree. But when it comes to user_id I disagree. It is the
only other way besides the alias
to identify Aro elements (If I'm not completly wrong), therefor those
id's have to be unique, and should
not correspond to the ones of foreign models because if you use
multiple models they could overlap!

Example 3: Well I guess I needed material to make a point ...? ; )

Reason #3: I hear what you are saying and I agree. But, how do I work
it out for multiple models? All
the Acl functions right now don't take model as a param making it only
useful when working with 1 Model.

Reason #4: Why do we organize things in a tree? Because it's a logical
hierarchy that's easy to under-
stand for others. So we also want to show those Aco  Aro trees in our
app, and in order to that, we need to
work with MPTT, or did I miss some existing functions for that? Is
there a core function for retrieving an mptt
tree as an nested array?

Reason #5: As I said, this little writing was about why I (and probably
others) struggle with their first Acl implementation.
I think it's useful by showing wrong path's from a users perspective
and showing a couple ways to omit them. And
like I said in my last lines, I intend to publish 2-3 articles that are
actually going to show how to use acl and not the
opposite ; ). Maybe we can organize it so I write some of it directly
for the cakephp manual and take out some of the spicy
stuff for the weblog. How does that sound?

And before I forget: Thanks for reading this huge piece of Acl
complaints, I appreciate that ; ).

--Felix aka the_undefined

John David Anderson wrote:
 Since most of the article directly references stuff I've worked on,
 let me comment a bit:

 First and foremost, I want to come out and say, that the wiki is
 *not* official documentation. Its a wiki. Its days are numbered, and
 will personally burn an effigy of the wiki when it meets its maker in
 the coming weeks/months. Use it at your own risk, people.

 Example 1

 The manual explains that dbACL is made up of a set of core models.
 These models are used by Cake...  etc. Its all in section three. Do
 a search in the manual for model in that chapter, and you'll see
 that it's everywhere. Point taken about the uses(), though. Maybe I
 assumed that people would know if you want to use a model that's not
 a controller's model, you need to use uses(), but I can see how that
 would be hard to come by for newcomers.

 Example 2

 Yeah, the wiki is wrong. It seems a little funny for someone to
 complain about the verity of a wiki page because for one, they have
 full power to change it. The user_id/link_id field allows you to
 hitch your ACL objects to real models. Its not for unique
 identification of the actual node itself. I'm not even sure what the
 rant is here, but I think you've missed the point of the user_id field.

 Example 3

 Yet another bad wiki example. Seeing a pattern with the wiki? Why are
 you still referring to it?

 Reason #3

 Um, the user_id isn't supposed to auto_increment because it is used
 as a link to another table. Its a normal foreign key to another model
 in your app. Same goes with object_id.

 ACL is a structure that sits completely separate from your other
 data. By leaving those fields in, you can tie a given ACO/ARO to an
 actual model in your application. I think most of the frustration
 you've encountered is because of a misunderstanding about how the
 system works. Maybe I haven't explained it well enough. : /

 Reason #4

 Why should you care how the data is stored and retrieved, as long as
 it is working well? This is a framework after all, and part of the
 advantage is you don't have to know the ins and outs of the guts in
 order to make magic with it. You don't have to know *anything* about
 MPTT to use ACL like a pro.
