
I need to create a website like this:

- Home page with public access for everyone.
- This Home page contains a login/register section and links to
several mini-sites (this number will start small but will grow over
- The minisites will have same header (logo/menu) and footer (contact,
privacy policy) as the home page. What will change is the main content
- To access any of those mini-sites, user bust be logged in

Doesn't sound very complex right? This is the way I'm thinking now
(which obviously I'm not sure it's the best way, that's why I'm asking
for advice):

- One CakePHP app with a global autentication system (using Auth)
- Each mini site would be just a different page of the site, with its
own controller and views (and model if necessary).
- So there would be www.mysite.com/mini-site1, www.mysite.com/mini-site2,

My main concerns about this system are 2:
- What if the number of mini-sites grows a lot? There would be a lot
of controllers, view folders, models and who knows if layouts,
elements, etc... Maybe not the best organization
- What if mini-sites get more complex? More tables, controllers,
scripts, css...

Maybe I'm worrying too much and my concerns are not such an issue, but
I would like to know if anyone has any advice for an alternative
configuration. For example, having one main page (cakephp app), which
would be the home page, and each mini-site being a sub-app (also in
cakephp), whose access would be controlled by the main app. This way
it would be much more organized, with each mini-site in a different
folder with its own controllers, views, models or whatever it needs,
and being as complex as it required. I don't even know if this is
possible, or how the server and folders configuration would look be. I
have some experience with CakePHP, but not that much.

Any ideas/advice would be much appreciated!

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