
after more than 2 years of hard/heavy work we are really pleased to announce 
the first public beta release of BEdita 3 (pronounced [bi'εdita]), a 
semantic content management framework based on CakePHP.
[our website is still work in progress, some english translations still 

BEdita is not a real CMS (in fact it's a framework), but aims to be a standard 
Web2/3 publishing platform...there are really a lot of things that I could 
tell you about the project (which is really big and ambitious)... but I 
don't want to bother you.. so I stop here ;-)

We just want to thank the CakePHP developers and community for such a great 
tool! Thank you, really.

Here a brief list of technologies and features for the curious. 
We would like to hear comments/suggestions from you.

 * PHP >= 5.2, Mysql >= 5.0.26 (stored procedures and views), Apache2, shell 

Third party components/libraries (bundled)
 * CakePHP >= 1.2
 * Smarty >= 2.6
 * JQuery >= 1.2
 * phpThumb, TinyMCE,...

 * Affero GPL v3
 * Commercial/proprietary

Key Features
 * powerful/advanced backend web application to create/handle contents, with 
some innovative UI design ideas;
 * frontend API to easily build your own frontend applications (backend and 
frontends are different applications)
 * object oriented design: every type of content (documents, news, events, 
videos, images, newsletters, vcards,...) is an object that can be tagged, 
commented, published, categorized....
 * modular design: specific software modules for different tasks and content 
types (multimedia, events, news, administration, publishing, addressbook, 
 * complete internationalization: user interface & contents, specialized 
module for translators
 * ability to create "free semantic relations" between contents
 * every object has a unique "nickname" (friendly URLs and friendly name to 
access each resource)
 * native XML/REST interface
 * and many others...

Stefano Rosanelli

Stefano Rosanelli :: ChannelWeb Srl :: http://channelweb.it

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