I have an application that uses SoapSource for one of its datasources.
The Web Service that I am using only defines one method:
sendTransaction. The data set that is sent to this method includes an
element called TransactionCommand that contains a string that
represents the actual command I want to run on the server. For

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/
envelope/" xmlns:ns1="http://www.etisoftware.com/wsi18n";>
        <id>09-02-11-58:51:am - QueryLocale</id>

The method that I am actually running is QueryLocale. I used to have
one model file per web service (we have about 5 of these) and each
method in the model mapped to one of the TransactionCommands. I
recently updated SoapSource to add the extra parameters I need to
build the SOAP packet and I can use find() and read() on the models
and I dont have to map the TransactionCommands. So now my model looks
more like this:

class Epg extends AppModel

    public $useDbConfig = 'epg_soap';
    public $useTable = false;

    public function find($method, $params)
        $this->responseKeys = $params['responseKeys'];
        return $this->afterFind($this->query('sendTransaction',
$params['conditions'], $method), true);

    public function afterFind($results, $primary)
        return $results->transactionResult->{$this->responseKeys[0]}-

$method is a string that represents a TransactionCommand.

Is there a better way to do this? I cannot change the Web Service. Do
you see any gotchas in what I am doing?


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