Hello fellow cake-bakers! I'm making a small application to handle
project related information in order to learn how to use CakePHP. I'm
having troubles with ACL. The ACL idea is quite straight forward but
implementing it on a real-life app proves not to be easy. I would like
your suggestions on how to deal with the following situation:

My app has the following tables:
users: Keeps the users info (username, pass, email, group, etc)
groups: Groups where the users belong to. I have "administrators",
"managers" and "registered"
roles: Roles for the registered users. I have "leader", "member" and
memberships: This table keeps the relationship between users, roles
and projects.
projects: Keeps the projects info
items: Projects have several information items. This table keeps these

The tables have the following relationships:
users: hasMany Memberships, belongsTo Groups.
groups: hasMany Users
roles: hasMany Memberships
memberships: belongsTo Users, Projects, Roles
projects: hasMany Memberships, Items
items: belongsTo Projects

Basically managers (or administrators) can assign roles to registered
users. Leaders and members can belong to several projects. Those
belonging to a specific project can edit that project's data and its
associated items. Leaders can assign members to a project from the
pool of registered users.

Here is the situation in terms of CRUD:
Administrators: Full CRUD on everything (users, memberships, projects,
Managers: Can CRUD users of type "registered" but not "managers" or
"administrators". Full CRUD on memberships, projects and items.
registered: Can do different things based on their roles:

leaders (role): Can update their own user info and read other user
data that belong to their projects (info stored in the "memberships"
table). Can CRUD memberships for their projects. Can CRUD items for
their own projects. Can update their own projects.
members (role): Can update their own user info and read other user
data that belong to their projects. Can CRUD items for their own
projects. Can read memberships for their own projects. Can update
their own projects.
guests (role): Can update their own user info. Can read projects.

Based on the above situation what do you think will be the best
approach to deal with it? I tried with ACL but somewhere on the way I
lost it. I tried playing with some of the ACL plugins available with
no success. The biggest challenge is to deal with the permission
creation by the managers and administrators. Please help!

I'm not yet an adept cake-baker so please be kind. Your suggestions
and recommendation will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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