Does anyone have any insight on how to customize PagesController
(pages_controller.php)? I want to add my own methods like add, edit,
and delete but I can't get it working. First, I copied
cake/libs/controllers/pages_controller.php to app/controllers and added
my own method called add(). I browsed to /pages/add in my browser and I
got an error about a missing view. Okay, that makes sense.

So, I made my view file (app/views/pages/add.thtml) with a form to
submit data to /pages/add using $html->formTag. I browsed to /pages/add
and I saw my form. Hooray!

I filled out my form and submit it but nothing happens, it just returns
to my page. So, to test, I add a simple echo command to the add()
method but it doesn't work, the echo command doesn't run. I also tried
using $this->set('testing', 'testing') in pages_controller.php and echo
$testing in add.thtml and still no luck.

I also tried not using the word 'page'. So, I renamed pages to posts in
my filenames, classes, and database. So, to clarify, I renamed
pages_controller.php to posts_controller.php (PagesController to
PostsController), page.php to post.php (Page to Post), views/pages/ to
views/posts/, and my table pages to posts. That works!

So, I can't use the word 'page' because it's already used by CakePHP.
Am I right about that? Just so you know, I'm kinda following the blog
tutorial on for reference. Does anyone know a way to use

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