Re: Displaying in Input Field Value of Parent Element

2008-04-25 Thread Galdan

Hi togehter,

first i've to thank you. Both things works now very fine.

But for the concatenation i've antoher question.

In the Members view i can access the new variable "fullname" without
any problems.

But it's not getting passed down to the bill, so i can't reach it

Do you have an idea?

Thank you in advance!


On 25 Apr., 03:01, "b logica" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  > In the Members table i've two columns "lastname" and "firstname". But
> >  > in the most cases i want to display the two names concatenated
> >  > ($lastname . ' ' . $firstname) for this i want to store the
> >  > concatenated string in a "pseudo" column "completename"  (to acess it
> >  > with [member][completename]). How can i do this?
> >  Well, I cannot understand why you want to do this...
> Probably or the same reason the other zillion or so of us want to.
> This is really common.
> There are a few of ways you can approach this. The first is to do it
> in your SELECT query but you might end up just fighting Cake on this.
> Another is to create an afterFind() method in your model and loop
> through the array, attaching a new field to each with the concatenated
> names. But you have to take into account that sometimes you'll have an
> array with just one Member, other times, a list of all (or many)
> Members. So your $data array will be structured differently:
> array(
>   ['Member']
> ['first_name'] => 'foo'
> ['last_name'] => 'bar'
> ...
> )
> vs.
> array(
>   [0]
> ['Member']
>   ['first_name'] => 'foo'
>   ['last_name'] => 'bar'
>   ...
>   [1]
> ['Member']
>   ['first_name'] => 'foo'
>   ['last_name'] => 'bar'
>   ...
>   ...
> )
> finally, you can forego all of that and use Yevgeny Tomenko's 
> AutoFieldBehavior:
> class Member extends AppModel
> {
> var $name = 'Member';
> var $actsAs = array(
> 'AutoField' => array(
> 'full_name' => array(
> 'fields' => array('first_name', 'last_name'),
> 'mask' => '%s %s'
> )
> )
> );
> ...
> }
> The behavior takes care of running through your data, figuring out
> what structure you have. With this in place, you'll have a  new field
> with the concatenated name.
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Re: Displaying in Input Field Value of Parent Element

2008-04-24 Thread b logica

>  > In the Members table i've two columns "lastname" and "firstname". But
>  > in the most cases i want to display the two names concatenated
>  > ($lastname . ' ' . $firstname) for this i want to store the
>  > concatenated string in a "pseudo" column "completename"  (to acess it
>  > with [member][completename]). How can i do this?
>  Well, I cannot understand why you want to do this...

Probably or the same reason the other zillion or so of us want to.
This is really common.

There are a few of ways you can approach this. The first is to do it
in your SELECT query but you might end up just fighting Cake on this.

Another is to create an afterFind() method in your model and loop
through the array, attaching a new field to each with the concatenated
names. But you have to take into account that sometimes you'll have an
array with just one Member, other times, a list of all (or many)
Members. So your $data array will be structured differently:

['first_name'] => 'foo'
['last_name'] => 'bar'


  ['first_name'] => 'foo'
  ['last_name'] => 'bar'
  ['first_name'] => 'foo'
  ['last_name'] => 'bar'

finally, you can forego all of that and use Yevgeny Tomenko's AutoFieldBehavior:

class Member extends AppModel
var $name = 'Member';

var $actsAs = array(
'AutoField' => array(
'full_name' => array(
'fields' => array('first_name', 'last_name'),
'mask' => '%s %s'

The behavior takes care of running through your data, figuring out
what structure you have. With this in place, you'll have a  new field
with the concatenated name.

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Re: Displaying in Input Field Value of Parent Element

2008-04-24 Thread seb

> In my "bill add view" i've currently this entry:
> echo $form->input('member_id');
> The result is a dropdownlist with all the ID's available in the
> Members table. But here i don't want to see the ID, i want to see the
> "lastname" from the "lastname" column.

In your controller, setup the $names variable this way (assuming the 
members table has its model named Member)


Then, in you view :

echo $form->input('member_id',array("type"=>"select","options"=>$names);

Now you should have a dropdown list with members lastnames displayed.

> In the Members table i've two columns "lastname" and "firstname". But
> in the most cases i want to display the two names concatenated
> ($lastname . ' ' . $firstname) for this i want to store the
> concatenated string in a "pseudo" column "completename"  (to acess it
> with [member][completename]). How can i do this?

Well, I cannot understand why you want to do this...

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Displaying in Input Field Value of Parent Element

2008-04-24 Thread Galdan

Hi togehter,

i'am new in the development Webapplications in CakePHP.

And for the beginning i've an absolute newbie question.

My DB model has at the moment two tables -> Members and Bills

Member hasMany Bills
Bill belongsTo Member

In my "bill add view" i've currently this entry:

echo $form->input('member_id');

The result is a dropdownlist with all the ID's available in the
Members table. But here i don't want to see the ID, i want to see the
"lastname" from the "lastname" column.

Whats the best way to do this?

I've a secondary question ;-)

In the Members table i've two columns "lastname" and "firstname". But
in the most cases i want to display the two names concatenated
($lastname . ' ' . $firstname) for this i want to store the
concatenated string in a "pseudo" column "completename"  (to acess it
with [member][completename]). How can i do this?

Thank you very much in advance!

Best regards

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