So if I pull up the first page, then click to any of the other pages via the
next or number links, it just pulls up the first page results (though, it
says it is on page 2 displaying results 11 - 20).  The URL for page 2 is:

However, if I first sort the table on the first page by clicking a header
and THEN paging to the next page, things work as they should.
The url then is:

Does this sound familiar to anyone?  Ideas?

Many thanks!

function index() {
                $this->SeoSchool->recursive = 0;
                $this->set('seoSchools', $this->paginate());

<div class="paging">
        <?php echo $paginator->prev('<< '.__('previous', true), array(), null,
 |      <?php echo $paginator->numbers();?>
        <?php echo $paginator->next(__('next', true).' >>', array(), null,

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