Hi there,

atm I am trying to implement a feature to upload multiple images with
an article. Apart from the few tutorials I found covering this topic,
I have a much more basic question about that:

When I'm associating the Images model to my Article model (hasMany), I
can simply use something like $this->Article->Image->save() to access/
save it. But what if I want to give multiple files, primarily fromt he
view point?

I have sort of the following code:

 echo $form->create('Article');
 // [...]
 // Image fields
 $maxImg = Configure::read('App.classifieds_addarticle_maximg');

 for ($i = 0; $i < $maxImg; $i++)
   echo $form->file('ArticleImage'); // what to do in this loop to
create an array or whatever can be used?

 echo $form->submit(__('add_article', true));
 echo $form->end();

So how could I create an array of file inputs or something, that is
also passed to the controller as an array, so I could save() them in a
for loop or something?

Of course, any help is very welcome :-)

Thanks in advance


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