Hi everyone,

I've been searching the net trying to find some information about some
work that i am doing.  What i wish to do is filter all my posts by the
site_id's.  But now to make the select box easier for the user to
understand i wish the select box to show the name of the sites and
they can choose which site posts they wish to view.  Now the problem
i'm having to solve is getting the name of the site into the select
box, the select box is in the posts page.

So let's check if i'm in the right direction...sort of.  Right now i
have the $uses variable in my posts_controller with 'posts' and
'sites' which i believe would make the controller look at the tables
posts and sites?  Now the view is where i'm having the problems, of
course.  It cannot find $site.  I've tried setting 'sites' to $site
but that does not seem to work( $this->set('sites', $site) ) and then
for the select i have  $form->select($this->Site->findAll('name')).  I
had also added array('controller' => 'sites') in the select options to
see if that would do anything but i don't think that is what i want
since that only grabs the controller of sites.

Thank you to everyone who replies, and please if you can give atleast
a little description of your solution, not just links to some articles
that i have most likely already read, thank you again.
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