I've read a few of the messages here about integration but I can't
seem to figure out my situation

My existing app sets a session var on login and checks this for each
subsequent page.
When creating my cake app I thought it would be a simple matter of
using $this->Session
to access the vars populated by my old script
But I can't seem to access them at all

I saw a note on the type of sessions possible with cake:
and php
Aha! I'll change it to php so that they are using the same sessions
but this appears to be the default... and I still can't access the
other app's session.

if I print_r $_SESSION I get some values that are set by cake
but I'm not sure where or how this happens
it seems to be a seperate session to the existing app
Any advice on how to stop cake from doing its own session thing while
still starting a regualr session for every page?
can I remove some code and replace it with session_start()?

Thanks in advance .


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