
I have two issues on JsHelper.
Could someone help me, please?

1) The key "data" in $options parameter of "request" function outputs
a javascript code between quotes. So when I use something like data =>
serializeForm() it doesn't work. In "submit" function the data
parameter is right, but it also happens in "link" function. Is there
any mistake in my use?


This code:

echo $js->submit( "Submit button", array( "url" => "/controller1/
action1", "update" => "#myDiv" ) );

Results in this javascript code:

$("#submit-1111709077").bind("click", function (event) {$.ajax({data:$
("#submit-1111709077").closest("form").serialize() ...

While these:

echo $js->link( "my link", "/controller1/action1", "update" =>
"#myDiv", "data" => $js->serializeForm( array( "isForm" => true,
"inline" => true ) ) );
echo $js->request( "/controller1/action1", array( "update" =>
"#myDiv", "data" => $js->serializeForm() ) );

Result in these:

... $.ajax( {data:"$(\"#myForm\").serialize()" }
... $.ajax({data:$("#link-1111709077").closest("form").serialize() ...

2) Strings in javascript code are always written between double quotes
as the html tag attributes. When something like this "'onclick' => $js-
>request..." is used in a htmlAttributes array, the quotes remain
unpaired. Is there any configuration to use single quotes instead of
double quotes?


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