Re: Login through HTTPS on CakePHP

2006-11-01 Thread mariano.iglesias

This is an auto-response so other people can find a possible method to
solve this.

The idea was to allow certain actions (such as any action within the
Account controller) to *only* be accessed through SSL.

First of all, I wanted to have an array of all actions that should only
be accessed through HTTPS. So in boostrap.php I added:

$GLOBALS['AppConfig'] = array(
'SSLActions' => array (

This means that any action within the account controler must be
accessed through SSL.

Then, I had to extend the Html helper. Now, I didn't want to make a
copy of this helper and then modify, but I wanted to inherit from it
and create my own html helper, so in the future new things could be
added and if ever the html helper gets improved i wouldn't be loosing
those improvements. So I created a new helper called SyHtml, with this

require_once(CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH . DS . 'cake' . DS . 'libs' . DS .
'view' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'html.php');

class SyhtmlHelper extends HtmlHelper
function url($url = null, $return = false)
if (isset($GLOBALS['AppConfig']) &&
isset($GLOBALS['AppConfig']['SSLActions']) && isset($url) && trim($url)
!= '')
$current_url = ($url{0} == '/' ? substr($url, 1): $url);

$current_url_is_ssl = false;

foreach($GLOBALS['AppConfig']['SSLActions'] as 
if (strpos($current_ssl_action, '*') !== false)
$current_pattern = $current_ssl_action;
$current_pattern = str_replace('/', 
'\\/', $current_pattern);
$current_pattern = str_replace('*', 
'(.*)', $current_pattern);

$current_url_is_ssl = preg_match('/' . 
$current_pattern . '/i',
else if (strcasecmp($current_ssl_action, 
$current_url) == 0)
$current_url_is_ssl = true;

if ($current_url_is_ssl)

if (($current_url_is_ssl && !$this->_in_ssl()) ||
(!$current_url_is_ssl && $this->_in_ssl()))
$url = parent::url($url, true);

$url = ($url{0} == '/' ? substr($url, 1): $url);

$current_base_url = ($current_url_is_ssl ? 
'https://' : 'http://');
$current_base_url .= $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$current_base_url .= (!$this->_in_ssl() && 
!= 80 ? ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']: '');

$url = $current_base_url . '/' . $url;

return $this->output($url, $return);

return parent::url($url, $return);

function _in_ssl()
return (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && 
'on') == 0 ? true : false);

Since I'm extending the url() method, any other html helper function
that uses this method will be using our version (as long as we used the
SyHtml helper). For example, on layout.thtml I have the following:

link('Login', '/account/login', array('class' =>
'login')); ?>
link('Forgot', '/account/forgot'); ?>

Our helper will see that these two links should be linked to their
HTTPS version.

Finally, on the AppController class I add the following code to the
beforeRender() method:

if (isset($GLOBALS['AppConfig']) &&
$current_url = ($this->here{0} == '/' ? substr($this->here, 1):

$current_url_is_ssl = false;

foreach($GLOBALS['AppConfig']['SSLActions'] as $current_ssl_action)
if (strpos($current_ssl_action, '*') !== false)
$current_pattern = $current_ssl_action;
$current_pattern = str_replace('/', '\\/', 
$current_pattern = str_replace('*', '(.*)', 

$current_url_is_ssl = preg_match('/' . $current_pattern 
. '/i',
else if (strcasecmp($current_ssl_action, $current_url) == 0)
$current_url_is_ssl = true;

if ($current_url_is_ssl)

Login through HTTPS on CakePHP

2006-10-23 Thread Mariano Iglesias

Hi fellow 
I have an element 
where I have the following ($layout_texts 
reffers to an array of text elements, such as $layout_texts[''] = 'User', obtained through PEAR Translation2 

formTag('/account/login'); ?>:input('account/user', array('size' => '10')); ?>:password('account/password', array('size' => '10')); 
?>input('account/submit', array('type' => 
'image', 'class' => 'button', 'src' => $this->webroot . 
'img/icons/login.jpg')); ?>link($layout_texts[''], '/account/forgot'); 

My first question 
could be a little off-topic, and if that's the case I apologyze: if the user is 
viewing this form through a standard HTTP connection, but the action of the 
login form reffers to a HTTPS page, am I then following HTTPS authentication 
security protocol? Or should I display the login form *only* from a HTTPS 
The other question 
is: is there a standard procedure to change the protocol for a $html->link or $html->formTag page? I could just extend the html 
helper and allow another parameter that would allow me to change protocols, such 

'https'); ?>

But I was wondering 
if this functionality is not already in place.
P.S: I've read 
somewhere on a Simphony-CakePHP comparison that Simphony had better 
documentation. Eventhough CakePHP does lack some documentation I believe that 
CakePHP's google group makes up for it BIG TIME.
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