Hi folks,

im goggling for this a few days but can't find a clear solution for my 
So what i am trying to do is quit simple.
I created a *Container* model and this $actsAs tree.

Container Database:
id, containertype_id, name, parent_id, lft, rght

Now i want to create a Contact. A Contact $hasAndBelongsToMany Container 
over contacts_to_containers:
A Contact can be created in a Container.containertype_id 1 and 2
        public $hasAndBelongsToMany = array <http://www.php.net/array>(
                'Container' => array <http://www.php.net/array>(
                        'className' => 'Container',
                        'joinTable' => 'contacts_to_containers',
                        'foreignKey' => 'contact_id',
                        'associationForeignKey' => 'container_id'

No i want to create a contact group. And i want that a contact group is 
still a Container in a Container and this is the big problem.
So i created a Contactgroup model and a contact groups table. The table 
just save a name an a description at the moment.
A Contactgroup should be a Container.containertype_id = 6
        public $belongsTo = array <http://www.php.net/array>(
                'Container' => [
                        'dependent' => true,
                        'foreignKey' => 'container_id',
                        'className' => 'Container'

If i now call $this->Contactgroup->save() CakePHP create a new record in 
Container and link it correctly to *contactgroups.container_id*. This is 
fine. But cake don't create a new link in contacts_to_containers (to the 
new container id witch is the contact group)

I tried it with my own save function but than cake wants to validate all 
the required files of a contact. So i think cake thinks it needs to save a 
complete new contact but i just want that cake adds a new record for 
contact X in contacts_to_containers

An other problem is, that if i define conditions in $hasAndBelongsToMany 
like this:
        public $hasAndBelongsToMany = array <http://www.php.net/array>(
                'Container' => array <http://www.php.net/array>(
                        'className' => 'Container',
                        'joinTable' => 'contacts_to_containers',
                        'foreignKey' => 'contact_id',
                        'associationForeignKey' => 'container_id'
                        'conditions' => ['containertype_id', =>  1 ]

and run $this->Contact->find('all'); cake only select the containers with 
containertype_id === 1. Thats perfekt! But, if i now run 
$this->Contact->save($this->reuqest->data); cake can't save this date and 
throws the error containertype_id not found in contacts_to_containers. 
Thats true because this column is in the container, but why does this work 
in find() but not on save() ?

I hope i could explain my problem that someone was able to understood^^

Best regards,


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