Moving this one along a bit....

I've tried every which way to get this one to work, and I'm stumped.

Using afterFind on info from one table works just fine; putting this
in the Player model:

    function afterFind($results) {
         foreach ($results as $key => $val) {
            $results[$key]['Player']['fullname'] =
$val['Player']['fname'] . ' ' . $val['Player']['lname'];
        return $results;

lets me use 'fullname' in controllers easily enough.

How do I get something from another table to concat nicely.

Code like

    function afterFind($results) {
         foreach ($results as $key => $val) {
            $results[$key]['Team']['teamsport'] =
$val['Team']['team'] . ' ' . $val['Sport']['sport'];
        return $results;

only gets me the field from the Team table when it's in the Team
model, and throws a Notice: Undefined index: Sport in...blahblahblah

Team belongsto Sport, Sport hasmany Team

What kinda hoops do I need to jump threw to get this info in a Cake-y
manner? I need to generate a select in another controller. If
somebody'd hold my hand on this one, it'd be greatly appreciated...


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