So, I've got this rather strange thing happening in my Unit Test. I run 
this series of functions... 

> $this->Product->save($testData);
> $id = $this->Product->id;
> $result = $this->Product->find('first', array('conditions' => 
> array('' => $id)));
> $this->Product->delete($result['Product']['id']);

...and I get this message...

The datasource configuration "default" was not found in database.php
> Test case: ProductTestCase(testDelete)
> Stack trace:
> /home/razorit/ : 94
> /home/razorit/ : 3374
> /home/razorit/ : 1083
> /home/razorit/ : 3400
> /home/razorit/ : 3284
> /home/razorit/ : 2443
> /home/razorit/ : 2386
> /home/razorit/
> : 95

...strangely, it doesn't give me any problem like that, for the create(), 
save(), find(). It only seems to throw this error when I use delete(). I've 
looked all over to see if there are any callbacks which might cause it, but 
so far nothing. Any ideas would help, I'm running out of places to look. 

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