Re: New to CakePHP and already a problem!

2006-08-09 Thread Bernard Grosperrin

nate ,
> You're new to Cake and you already have a problem?  Is that surprising
> because you'd have expected to encounter a problem after having used it
> for longer?  I'd guess that it's more the other way around: you haven't
> used it long, therefore you're inexperienced in addressing issues with
> it.  Causality and assumption are funny that way.  In any case...
I did not have any negative intent in this post. I am sorry if the 
subject was/is perceived as a critic. English is my second language, and 
it may have a connotation I had no idea I was putting in here

> It looks like you're trying to over-complicate your setup, which is one
> thing I definitely wouldn't start with if you're new to Cake.  The
> first two things that jump out at me with your configuration are that
> you've set CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH to C:\Cake, when the actual path is
> C:\cake.  I know Windows is usually case insensitive, but maybe it
> makes a difference in PHP/Apache.
Ho, I did not see that, thanks
> The other thing is your APP_DIR setting.  In all the customizations I
> have ever done to Cake, I've never had to change this setting, and I'm
> pretty sure it should not be set to 'webroot'.  Try changing this setting 
> back to the default, and see if that fixes your problem.
OK, I will re-install, and go from there, thanks.


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Re: New to CakePHP and already a problem!

2006-08-09 Thread nate

You're new to Cake and you already have a problem?  Is that surprising
because you'd have expected to encounter a problem after having used it
for longer?  I'd guess that it's more the other way around: you haven't
used it long, therefore you're inexperienced in addressing issues with
it.  Causality and assumption are funny that way.  In any case...

It looks like you're trying to over-complicate your setup, which is one
thing I definitely wouldn't start with if you're new to Cake.  The
first two things that jump out at me with your configuration are that
you've set CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH to C:\Cake, when the actual path is
C:\cake.  I know Windows is usually case insensitive, but maybe it
makes a difference in PHP/Apache.

The other thing is your APP_DIR setting.  In all the customizations I
have ever done to Cake, I've never had to change this setting, and I'm
pretty sure it should not be set to 'webroot'.  Try changing this
setting back to the default, and see if that fixes your problem.

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New to CakePHP and already a problem!

2006-08-08 Thread Bernard Grosperrin

Hello, I am new and try to discover CakePHP.

It seems I have a problem with my paths. I am on windows XP with PHP 
5.1.4 and Apache 2.0 SSL

here is my directory structure on disk:



Here is my httpd.conf for my test directory:

   ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   #RewriteEngine On
   DocumentRoot "c:/ApacheSSL/htdocs/cake/app/webroot"
   ErrorLog logs/Cake-error.log
   CustomLog logs/Cake-access.log common
  Options None
  AllowOverride None
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

   RewriteEngine On
   RewriteCond c:/ApacheSSL/htdocs/cake/app/webroot%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
   RewriteCond c:/ApacheSSL/htdocs/cake/app/webroot%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
   RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1 [QSA,L]

here is what I get when attempting to see my installation:

*Warning*: require(config\core.php) [function.require 
]: failed to open 
stream: No such file or directory in *C:\cake\cake\bootstrap.php* on 
line *34*

*Fatal error*: require() [function.require 
]: Failed opening 
required 'config\core.php' 
in *C:\cake\cake\bootstrap.php* on line *34

here is my index.php:
if (!defined('ROOT')) {
 define('ROOT', 'C:'.DS.'ApacheSSL'.DS.'Htdocs'.DS.'cake');
if (!defined('APP_DIR')) {
 * This only needs to be changed if the cake installed libs are located
 * outside of the distributed directory structure.
if (!defined('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH')) {
 define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', 'C:'.DS.'Cake');
What I don't understand is that i see, in index.php
 define('APP_PATH', ROOT . DS . APP_DIR . DS);

Which in my case translate as APP_PATH= C:\ApacheSSL\htdocs\cake\webroot
Then, in bootstrap.php

I see require APP_PATH.'config'.DS.'core.php. which translate into 
And it obviously can't work, as config is under app, not webroot

If this was added to ROOT, it would work.

Anyway, I am lost, and would really like to get that to work!



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