(Off-topic, but I didn't know where to post this, so...)

I like functional programming, but I also like classes because they
sort of auto-organize the scripts. Here's a piece of code I've come up
to join them. Is there any reason I
shouldn't use this techique (reliability, performance, limitations)? Is
there an easier way of creating new functions on the fly or mapping
functions to static methods?

Basicaly, this code takes a list of class methods and dynamically
(using eval()) creates functions that call those methods. This way you
can keep your helper functions in classes (I use quite a few), but
still be able to call them as functions to keep the code concise.

It also creates a unified class constructor method in PHP4 --

The other reason I'm playing with this is because I want to tackle the
issue of code generation. I've done some testing and it seems that a
large portion of script processing time is taken by include()/require()
calls. I want to be able to "compile" a whole application into a single
PHP file, and I need to organize my code to allow for that.


class Base {

    /** Methods specified here will be exported into global namespace
as functions. */
    var $_export = array();

    function Base() {
        Base_Lang::export(get_class($this), $this->_export);
        Base_Lang::call($this, '_init');

    /** This function is executed at object's creation.
      * To be overrided in descending classes. */
    function _init () {}

} new Base;

class Base_Lang extends Base {

    var $_export = array('export', 'call');

    /** Exports class methods (specified with $funcs) into
      * global namespace as functions. */
    function export ($class, $funcs=array()) {
        $php = '';
        foreach ($funcs as $func=>$alias) {
            if ($func*1==$func) $func = $alias;
            if (!function_exists($alias)) {
                $php .= "function $func(){ \$args=func_get_args();
return Base_Lang::call('$class','$func',\$args); }\n";

     * An alias for call_user_func_array() with simplified syntax
    function call ($obj, $fn=false, $params=-1) {
        if (is_string($fn)) {
            $C = array($obj, $fn);
            $P = is_array($params)? $params: array();
        else {
            $C = $obj;
            $P = is_array($fn)? $fn: array();
        return call_user_func_array($C, $P);

} new Base_Lang;

class MyTest extends Base {

    var $_export = array('foo', 'bar', 'baz'=>'woot');

    function foo(){
        return 'Ea';

    function bar(){
        return 'sy';

    function baz(){
        return '!';

} new MyTest;

// outputs 'Easy!'
print foo().bar().woot();


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