
When I try to get my project online, I struggle with these 500 Server

PHP Fatal error: CakePHP core could not be found. Check the value of
CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH in APP/webroot/index.php. It should point to
the directory containing your /cake core directory and your /vendors
root directory. in /srv/www/vhosts/my-domain/httpdocs/projectname/
webroot/index.php on line 78

in webrrot/index,php line 78 I have:
define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', DS. 'srv' . DS . 'www' . DS .
'vhosts' . DS . 'my-domain' . DS . 'httpdocs' . DS . 'projectname');

But I still get the same error message.

My files are stored on the server


What means "/cake core directory" ?
Is this not my /projectname/ folder?

I am really lost at the moment....
Please advice!

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