Re: Problem with updating data with HABTM (Posts and Tags).....too much data is deleted from JOIN table.

2008-10-27 Thread snowdog

Anybody knows if there is any chance to have it fixed soon? It is hard
to test (or use) RC3 without knowing what should be the correct way of
using join tables.
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Re: Problem with updating data with HABTM (Posts and Tags).....too much data is deleted from JOIN table.

2008-10-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

There is a ticket for this already. I found it yesterday when I was
looking into this myself. The problem is new to rc3. Rc2 works just as
Cake always has.
Add your tests and thoughts there if you can.

About requiring join tables and their pk requirements.
Cake has tests for both types of tables. There is also a test for a
join with "extra" fields.
I personally prefer using a composite pk:
CREATE TABLE `modules_users` (
  `module_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  `user_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`module_id`,`user_id`)

Cake, on the other hand, creates a pk-less table where the two ids are
instead made a unique key. The working result is afaik the same.

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Re: Problem with updating data with HABTM (Posts and Tags).....too much data is deleted from JOIN table.

2008-10-15 Thread LunarDraco
I still may add code to the testcase that would show the problem when
using a join table that does NOT have a primarykey id field.

If someone from core dev could confirm weather or not HABTM join
table's must have an id field or if the framework should be made to
work with HABTM join tables that do not have an id field this would

In either case, I think if cake framework should require an id field
for the HABTM join tables we should add a warning or log entry that
shows the problem during debug >= 2 if a join table is missing the id

If we would like to support HABTM join tables without a primary key
id, I'd be more than happy to add the testcases, I've built as well as
the fix that makes it possible.

Thanks in advanced


On Oct 15, 3:10 pm, LunarDraco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> An update to this issue,
> After spending some time building testcases I've found that the
> correct fix is to add an 'id' to the mapping table.
> So in your case Posts_Tags needs an autoincrement 'id' int(10) field.
> On Oct 2, 9:57 pm, Action <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a form that displays all tags for a specified Post in a text
> > input field (separated by a space). If I add a tag to it and run the
> > save operation, everything goes fine. BUT, if I remove a tag and save,
> > it not only deletes the association with that Post, but also all
> > associations that tag has with other Posts from the join table. If I
> > set "unique" to true in the model, I have the opposite problem,
> > nothing gets deleted when I call the save operation.
> > My Controller:
> >         function edit($id = null)
> >         {
> >                 if($this->Session->read('login') != 'admin')
> >                 {
> >                          $this->redirect('/users/login');
> >                 }
> >                 if(!$id)
> >                 {
> >                         $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
> >                 }
> >                 else
> >                 {
> >                         $this->pageTitle = 'Edit Post';
> >                         if(!empty($this->data))
> >                         {
> >                                 $this->Post->create();
> >                                 $this->data['Post']['id'] = $id;
> >                                 $tags = explode(' ', 
> > trim($this->data['Tag']['name']));
> >                                 foreach($tags as $tag)
> >                                 {
> >                                         
> > $this->Post->Tag->create(array('name' => $tag));
> >                                         $current_tag = 
> > $this->Tag->findByName($tag);
> >                                         if(is_array($current_tag))
> >                                         {
> >                                                 $this->data['Tag']['Tag'][] 
> > = $current_tag['Tag']['id'];
> >                                         }
> >                                         else
> >                                         {
> >                                                 $this->Post->Tag->save();
> >                                                 $this->data['Tag']['Tag'][] 
> > = $this->Post->Tag->id;
> >                                         }
> >                                 }
> >                                 $this->Post->save($this->data);
> >                                 $this->Session->setFlash('Your changes have 
> > been saved.', $layout
> > = 'flash_success');
> >                         }
> >                 }
> >         }
> > My Models:
> >         var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
> >                         'Tag' => array('className' => 'Tag',
> >                                                 'joinTable' => 'posts_tags',
> >                                                 'foreignKey' => 'post_id',
> >                                                 'associationForeignKey' => 
> > 'tag_id',
> >                                                 'conditions' => '',
> >                                                 'fields' => '',
> >                                                 'order' => '',
> >                                                 'limit' => '',
> >                                                 'offset' => '',
> >                                                 'unique' => '',
> >                                                 'finderQuery' => '',
> >                                                 'deleteQuery' => '',
> >                                                 'insertQuery' => ''),
> >         );
> >         var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
> >                         'Post' => array('className' => 'Post',
> >                                                 'joinTable' => 'posts_tags',
> >                                                 'foreignKey' => 'tag_id',
> >                                                 'associationForeignKey' => 
> > 'post_id',
> >   

Re: Problem with updating data with HABTM (Posts and Tags).....too much data is deleted from JOIN table.

2008-10-15 Thread LunarDraco
An update to this issue,

After spending some time building testcases I've found that the
correct fix is to add an 'id' to the mapping table.
So in your case Posts_Tags needs an autoincrement 'id' int(10) field.

On Oct 2, 9:57 pm, Action <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a form that displays all tags for a specified Post in a text
> input field (separated by a space). If I add a tag to it and run the
> save operation, everything goes fine. BUT, if I remove a tag and save,
> it not only deletes the association with that Post, but also all
> associations that tag has with other Posts from the join table. If I
> set "unique" to true in the model, I have the opposite problem,
> nothing gets deleted when I call the save operation.
> My Controller:
>         function edit($id = null)
>         {
>                 if($this->Session->read('login') != 'admin')
>                 {
>                          $this->redirect('/users/login');
>                 }
>                 if(!$id)
>                 {
>                         $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
>                 }
>                 else
>                 {
>                         $this->pageTitle = 'Edit Post';
>                         if(!empty($this->data))
>                         {
>                                 $this->Post->create();
>                                 $this->data['Post']['id'] = $id;
>                                 $tags = explode(' ', 
> trim($this->data['Tag']['name']));
>                                 foreach($tags as $tag)
>                                 {
>                                         $this->Post->Tag->create(array('name' 
> => $tag));
>                                         $current_tag = 
> $this->Tag->findByName($tag);
>                                         if(is_array($current_tag))
>                                         {
>                                                 $this->data['Tag']['Tag'][] = 
> $current_tag['Tag']['id'];
>                                         }
>                                         else
>                                         {
>                                                 $this->Post->Tag->save();
>                                                 $this->data['Tag']['Tag'][] = 
> $this->Post->Tag->id;
>                                         }
>                                 }
>                                 $this->Post->save($this->data);
>                                 $this->Session->setFlash('Your changes have 
> been saved.', $layout
> = 'flash_success');
>                         }
>                 }
>         }
> My Models:
>         var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
>                         'Tag' => array('className' => 'Tag',
>                                                 'joinTable' => 'posts_tags',
>                                                 'foreignKey' => 'post_id',
>                                                 'associationForeignKey' => 
> 'tag_id',
>                                                 'conditions' => '',
>                                                 'fields' => '',
>                                                 'order' => '',
>                                                 'limit' => '',
>                                                 'offset' => '',
>                                                 'unique' => '',
>                                                 'finderQuery' => '',
>                                                 'deleteQuery' => '',
>                                                 'insertQuery' => ''),
>         );
>         var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
>                         'Post' => array('className' => 'Post',
>                                                 'joinTable' => 'posts_tags',
>                                                 'foreignKey' => 'tag_id',
>                                                 'associationForeignKey' => 
> 'post_id',
>                                                 'conditions' => '',
>                                                 'fields' => '',
>                                                 'order' => 'Post.created 
> DESC',
>                                                 'limit' => '',
>                                                 'offset' => '',
>                                                 'unique' => '',
>                                                 'finderQuery' => '',
>                                                 'deleteQuery' => '',
>                                                 'insertQuery' => ''),
>         );
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Re: Problem with updating data with HABTM (Posts and Tags).....too much data is deleted from JOIN table.

2008-10-15 Thread LunarDraco
This appears to be a bug, I've been fighting the same problem, and
finally had some time to dig into it.
I originally thought the condition that is generated for the delete
was incorrect in the model.php __saveMulti when $this-
>hasAndBelongsToMany['unique'] is true. However I found that the
condition that is built IS correct.

The problem is in the call to $this->{$join}->deleteAll($conditions);
on or about line 1226 of model.php in the function __saveMulti
By default the deleteAll() function does a cascade delete which means
it is going to delete both sides of the relation table.

I've changed my code to be:

So the cascade doesn't occur, and this fixes the problem.

I'll be adding some test and a ticket as soon as I have them complete.

On Oct 2, 9:57 pm, Action <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a form that displays all tags for a specified Post in a text
> input field (separated by a space). If I add a tag to it and run the
> save operation, everything goes fine. BUT, if I remove a tag and save,
> it not only deletes the association with that Post, but also all
> associations that tag has with other Posts from the join table. If I
> set "unique" to true in the model, I have the opposite problem,
> nothing gets deleted when I call the save operation.
> My Controller:
>         function edit($id = null)
>         {
>                 if($this->Session->read('login') != 'admin')
>                 {
>                          $this->redirect('/users/login');
>                 }
>                 if(!$id)
>                 {
>                         $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
>                 }
>                 else
>                 {
>                         $this->pageTitle = 'Edit Post';
>                         if(!empty($this->data))
>                         {
>                                 $this->Post->create();
>                                 $this->data['Post']['id'] = $id;
>                                 $tags = explode(' ', 
> trim($this->data['Tag']['name']));
>                                 foreach($tags as $tag)
>                                 {
>                                         $this->Post->Tag->create(array('name' 
> => $tag));
>                                         $current_tag = 
> $this->Tag->findByName($tag);
>                                         if(is_array($current_tag))
>                                         {
>                                                 $this->data['Tag']['Tag'][] = 
> $current_tag['Tag']['id'];
>                                         }
>                                         else
>                                         {
>                                                 $this->Post->Tag->save();
>                                                 $this->data['Tag']['Tag'][] = 
> $this->Post->Tag->id;
>                                         }
>                                 }
>                                 $this->Post->save($this->data);
>                                 $this->Session->setFlash('Your changes have 
> been saved.', $layout
> = 'flash_success');
>                         }
>                 }
>         }
> My Models:
>         var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
>                         'Tag' => array('className' => 'Tag',
>                                                 'joinTable' => 'posts_tags',
>                                                 'foreignKey' => 'post_id',
>                                                 'associationForeignKey' => 
> 'tag_id',
>                                                 'conditions' => '',
>                                                 'fields' => '',
>                                                 'order' => '',
>                                                 'limit' => '',
>                                                 'offset' => '',
>                                                 'unique' => '',
>                                                 'finderQuery' => '',
>                                                 'deleteQuery' => '',
>                                                 'insertQuery' => ''),
>         );
>         var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
>                         'Post' => array('className' => 'Post',
>                                                 'joinTable' => 'posts_tags',
>                                                 'foreignKey' => 'tag_id',
>                                                 'associationForeignKey' => 
> 'post_id',
>                                                 'conditions' => '',
>                                                 'fields' => '',
>                                                 'order' => 'Post.created 
> DESC',
>                                                 'limit' => '',
>                                                 'offset' => '',
>                                                 'unique' 

Problem with updating data with HABTM (Posts and Tags).....too much data is deleted from JOIN table.

2008-10-02 Thread Action

I have a form that displays all tags for a specified Post in a text
input field (separated by a space). If I add a tag to it and run the
save operation, everything goes fine. BUT, if I remove a tag and save,
it not only deletes the association with that Post, but also all
associations that tag has with other Posts from the join table. If I
set "unique" to true in the model, I have the opposite problem,
nothing gets deleted when I call the save operation.

My Controller:

function edit($id = null)
if($this->Session->read('login') != 'admin')
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
$this->pageTitle = 'Edit Post';
$this->data['Post']['id'] = $id;
$tags = explode(' ', 
foreach($tags as $tag)
=> $tag));
$current_tag = 
$this->data['Tag']['Tag'][] = 
$this->data['Tag']['Tag'][] = 
$this->Session->setFlash('Your changes have 
been saved.', $layout
= 'flash_success');

My Models:

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'Tag' => array('className' => 'Tag',
'joinTable' => 'posts_tags',
'foreignKey' => 'post_id',
'associationForeignKey' => 
'conditions' => '',
'fields' => '',
'order' => '',
'limit' => '',
'offset' => '',
'unique' => '',
'finderQuery' => '',
'deleteQuery' => '',
'insertQuery' => ''),

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'Post' => array('className' => 'Post',
'joinTable' => 'posts_tags',
'foreignKey' => 'tag_id',
'associationForeignKey' => 
'conditions' => '',
'fields' => '',
'order' => 'Post.created DESC',
'limit' => '',
'offset' => '',
'unique' => '',
'finderQuery' => '',
'deleteQuery' => '',
'insertQuery' => ''),

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"CakePHP" group.
To post to this group, send email to
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