I don't know if this will help or not.  I'm working under the
(possibly false) assumption that you are using an alias to make things
work with your eclipse workspace (I tried that).  I use eclipse and
xampp (apache, etc) on windows xp sp2.  I've had issues using an alias
( it was awhile ago, so I don't remember exactly what the problem
was).  Here's how I got things working.  I know this doesn't fix your
problem, but I'm pragmatic and just like to get things working.

1.  I installed xampp into c:\web\xampp.
2.  I made a folder called projects to put all my cake apps in and set
my document root to c:\web\projects.
3.  I set my eclipse workspace to c:\web\projects.

Everything works.  I hope that helps a little.


On Oct 23, 8:06 pm, JS Bournival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am unable to get Cake to work locally.  I always get a HTTP 400 when
> I hit the URL:
> http://localhost/csqv2(/) with or without trailing slash
> I'm using:
> WinXP
> Apache 2.2
> PHP 5.2.3
> I have a directory in my httpd.conf
> Alias /csqv2 "C:/dev/workspaces/ECLIPSEWorkspaces/csq/csqv2/"
> <Directory "C:/dev/workspaces/ECLIPSEWorkspaces/csq/csqv2">
>     Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
>     AllowOverride All
>     Order allow,deny
>     Allow from all
> </Directory>
> Also, I enabled logging for the mod_rewrite module, here is the output
> it gave me:
> - - [23/Oct/2007:20:37:43 --0400] [localhost/sid#26c6d8]
> [rid#12beed0/initial] (3) [perdir C:/dev/workspaces/ECLIPSEWorkspaces/
> csq/csqv2/] strip per-dir prefix: C:/dev/workspaces/ECLIPSEWorkspaces/
> csq/csqv2/ ->
> - - [23/Oct/2007:20:37:43 --0400] [localhost/sid#26c6d8]
> [rid#12beed0/initial] (3) [perdir C:/dev/workspaces/ECLIPSEWorkspaces/
> csq/csqv2/] applying pattern '^$' to uri ''
> - - [23/Oct/2007:20:37:43 --0400] [localhost/sid#26c6d8]
> [rid#12beed0/initial] (2) [perdir C:/dev/workspaces/ECLIPSEWorkspaces/
> csq/csqv2/] rewrite '' -> 'app/webroot/'
> - - [23/Oct/2007:20:37:43 --0400] [localhost/sid#26c6d8]
> [rid#12beed0/initial] (3) [perdir C:/dev/workspaces/ECLIPSEWorkspaces/
> csq/csqv2/] add per-dir prefix: app/webroot/ -> C:/dev/workspaces/
> ECLIPSEWorkspaces/csq/csqv2/app/webroot/
> - - [23/Oct/2007:20:37:43 --0400] [localhost/sid#26c6d8]
> [rid#12beed0/initial] (1) [perdir C:/dev/workspaces/ECLIPSEWorkspaces/
> csq/csqv2/] internal redirect with C:/dev/workspaces/ECLIPSEWorkspaces/
> csq/csqv2/app/webroot/ [INTERNAL REDIRECT]
> I really found this bug annoying ... especially when you think things
> are gonna be simpler switching to CakePHP.  I am aware that this bug
> have been talked about in other posts, but no good solution have been
> provided, can someone from the dev team answer it once and for all?
> Thanks in advance for your time.
> Regards,
> JS.

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