Re: CakePhp 2.x - Internationalization/Localization/Translate Behavior/i18n - How to use in 2.x?

2013-04-14 Thread Livin Inchina

Hi Kicaj and thanks for your post, I stumbled upon it before to start the 
internationalization of project.
It was helpful but my main problem is that I can't save data with 
validation, I have to turn them off on my save($data,false) and I can't 
figure why it won't work!

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Re: CakePhp 2.x - Internationalization/Localization/Translate Behavior/i18n - How to use in 2.x?

2013-04-09 Thread kicaj
Read my article on bakery site:

W dniu wtorek, 2 kwietnia 2013 05:06:25 UTC+2 użytkownik Livin Inchina 
> Hi everyone!
> I'm having a hard time making my website multilingual and I after going 
> through the net seeking for answers, I found out that I wasn't the first 
> one to have these issues with version 2.x.
> I'm trying to translate my blog. So I have a Post.php model, a 
> PostsController.php and a view admin_edit.ctp.
> Using the console, I've created the i18n table by hitting the command > 
> cake i18n.
> Following are my files:
> *bootstrap.php*
> Configure::write('Config.languages', array('fra','eng'));
> Configure::write('Config.language','fra');
> *
> *
> *Post.php*
>  class Post extends AppModel{
> public $actsAs = array(
> 'Translate' => array(
> 'name'=> '_name',
> 'slug'=> '_slug',
> 'content' => '_content'
> )
> );
> }
> *PostsController.php*
> *
> *
> function admin_edit($id=null){
> if (!empty($this->request->data)) {
> $this->Post->create();
> $this->Post->locale = Configure::read('Config.languages');
> if (!empty($this->request->data['Post']['file']['name']) && 
> !empty($this->request->data['Post']['photo'])) {
> $dir = IMAGES.'news';
> if (!file_exists($dir)) {
> mkdir($dir,0777);
> }
> $photo = preg_replace('~[^\w-\.]~', '-', 
> strtolower($this->request->data['Post']['photo']['fra']));
> $f = explode('.',$this->request->data['Post']['file']['name']);
> $ext = '.'.end($f);
> $filename = $'-YmdHis');
> move_uploaded_file($this->request->data['Post']['file']['tmp_name'], 
> $dir.DS.$filename.$ext);
> }
> if ($this->Post->save($this->request->data, false)) {
> debug($this->request->data);
> // $this->redirect(array('action' => 'admin_index'));
> }
> if ($id!=null) {
> $this->Post->id = $id;
> $this->request->data = $this->Post->readAll();
> }
> }
> }
> *admin_edit.ctp*
> *
> *
>  echo $this->Form->create('Post', array('type' => 'file'));
> echo $this->Form->input('file', array('type' => 'file'));
> echo $this->Form->input('photo', array();
> foreach (Configure::read('Config.languages') as $lang):
> echo $this->Form->input(''.$lang, array('div' => false, 'label' 
> => false));
> echo $this->Form->input('Post.slug.'.$lang, array('div' => false, 'label' 
> => false));
> echo $this->Form->textarea('Post.content.'.$lang, array('div' => false, 
> 'label' => false));
> endforeach;
> echo $this->Form->input('id');
> echo $this->Form->hidden('created');
> echo $this->Form->end('done');
> ?>
> --
> You will notice that in my controller I use $this->Post->locale = 
> Configure::read('Config.languages'); to save all my languages at once.
> To do that, I also loop my input in the view foreach 
> (Configure::read('Config.languages') as $lang):
> This code is working as it but it's not enough. As you can see I have a 
> picture and I would like to insert its name in the posts table.
> Right now, if I want to save the name of the picture, I have to do like 
> that: my-image.jpg, meaning I have to manually format it in the form.
> Also, I have a slug and to create it I would like to use the name field 
> and add "-" instead of the spaces to format my slug.
> With my code above, I just do a simple 
> $this->Post->save($this->request->data, false) but I cannot format my data.
> What I'd like to do is something like that for example:
> $success = array(
> 'name'=> $name,
> 'slug'=> $slug,
> 'photo'   => $photo,
> 'content' => $content,
> 'id'  => $id
> );
> $this->Post->save($success,false);
> The problem when I do that is that it needs to be saved in as many 
> languages as I have because. When I loop it to save all the languages, 
> everything is save in the i18n table,
> all the values are translated, the only problem is that the locale column 
> data are all the same, the locale that has been used when saved.
> By the way, you will notice that I disabled the validation in the second 
> parameter of the save. If I don't do that, nothing happens.
> That's one of the problem I can't figure, why couldn't I do validations?
> So my questions are, how can I save my data in both tables i18n and posts 
> with the possibility to format the data before saving?
> How come I have to disable the validation to make the saving work?
> If you already done that on V2.x, how did you do it?
> I'm really stuck on this, the only solution I have right now is no 
> validations, and format data manually in the form.
> This is really not convenient and not pro.
> I really hope somebody will help me, I've posted this problem in every 
> forum and group I know, and nobody answered me yet.
> Help for a desperate guy...
> Thank you very very much for your help!

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