Re: Link submission email

2011-04-21 Thread dvvbrook79
Hi Cricket..

Sorry! No i havent tried this

Ok so how? and where do i put the above code for this?

Thanks again for trying to help,


On Apr 20, 11:42 pm, cricket wrote:
 Your message is mostly incomprehensible. (For the third time) have you
 tried debugging either the submitted data or the results of the find?

 On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 6:32 PM, dvvbrook79 wrote:
  Hi Cricket,

  You lost me now, i still have all my normal code how it was before,
  i havent changed any coding apart from adding to itCODE AS
  ABOVE, after i added the DB column i did a test submit and the link
  didnt show up in either the DB or the email i cant understand what
  needs doing with my code above...I have also just added to the booking
  form how did you hear about DVV section and this also is not showing
  up in the email..

  What is going on...i still know its something simple but i just cant
  get my head round it...

  Am i correct in saying that adding to the form, i would need to change
  the view (how the form looks) and the controller (how the form
  works)..?? really confused..

  Above in the code i pasted in-- are the views  controller that i
  modified to include the new form sections for the site,,,all i want is
  for the new sections to show in the email...arr..

  Cheers for helping so far.


  On Apr 20, 5:12 pm, cricket wrote:
  Did you ever check to see if it's being submitted?

  if (!empty($this-data))

  Also, check after you do the find()

  $link= $this-Link-findById($this-Link-id);

  // delete this line later


  On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 5:15 AM, dvvbrook79 wrote:
   Hi again Cricket,
   To make helping me easier, ive included below the files what i have
   now after adding the column to the here go's

   (THIS IS THE submit_link.ctp)

   h1?php __('LinkSubmission'); ?/h1

   p?php __('Alinkwas submitted on'); ?
      ?php __('You can approve/reject thislinkon the website by
   clicking the followinglink:'); ?/p

   pa href=?php echo $html-url(array('controller' = 'links',
   'action' = 'submissions', 'admin' = true), true); ??php __('Link
   Submissions'); ?/a/p

          td?php __('Category'); ?:/td
          td?php echo $link['LinkCategory']['title']; ?/td
          td?php __('Title'); ?:/td
          td?php echo $link['Link']['title']; ?/td
          td?php __('URL'); ?:/td
          td?php echo $html-link($link['Link']['url'], $link['Link']
   ['url']); ?/td
          td?php __('Description'); ?:/td
          td?php echo $link['Link']['description']; ?/td
          td?php __('ReciprocalLink'); ?:/td
          td?php echo $link['Link']['reciprocallink']; ?/td

   (THIS IS THE links_controller.php)

   class LinksController extends AppController {

      var $name = 'Links';
      var $uses = array('Link', 'LinkCategory', 'Page');
      var $helpers = array('Recaptcha');
      var $components = array('Email', 'Recaptcha');
      var $paginate = array (
          'limit' = 15,
                  'page' = 1,
          'order' = array ('Link.created' = 'ASC'),
          'conditions' = array ('Link.approved' = 1)

      function beforeFilter() {

          // Set up authentication

          // Allow access to public functions
          $this-Auth-allowedActions = array(
              'index', 'category', 'submit'


      function index() {

          // Get community page content
          $page = $this-Page-find('first', array('conditions' = array
   ('slug' = 'links')));
          $this-set('page', $page);
          $this-set('title_for_layout', $page['Page']['title']);

          // Display all categories
          $link_categories = $this-LinkCategory-find('all');
          $this-set('link_categories', $link_categories);


      function category($slug) {

          // Find Category
          $link_category = $this-LinkCategory-findBySlug($slug);
          $this-set('link_category', $link_category);

          // Find Links in Category
          $this-set('links', $this-paginate($this-LinkCategory-Link,
   array ('Link.link_category_id' = $link_category['LinkCategory']

          // Title
          $this-set('title_for_layout', $link_category['LinkCategory']


      function submit() {

          // Title
          $this-set('title_for_layout', __('SubmitLink', true));

          // Load category list
          $link_categories = $this-Link-LinkCategory-find('list',
   array (
              'order' = 'LinkCategory.title'
          $this-set('linkCategories', $link_categories);

Re: Link submission email

2011-04-20 Thread dvvbrook79
Hi Cricket,

Sorry if i confused you, im still trying to make peace with was just asking about option 2, and where i would need to
put that code in order for it to work

I took option 1:

i have added the DB column now, but the reciprocallink is still not
showing up in my email...Do i have to alter any other file in-
order for it to work correctly with the DB, all i want it to do is
show up in the emailim sure ill get there...

Thanks again for this assistance, it helps alot.


On Apr 20, 4:04 am, cricket wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 5:25 PM, dvvbrook79 wrote:
  Hi Cricket,

  Thanks for the help, much appreciated...

  Would option 2  go into the links controller??  I just tried
  adding the db column, but it didnt show up... but i know why as i
  changed some code back to how it was, so im sure it should work when i
  update it...i have updated the DB to include the column
  reciprocallinkIs it the controller and the view that need
  updating?? or will i have to update a model as well??

 I can't make heads nor tails about what you're asking.

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Re: Link submission email

2011-04-20 Thread dvvbrook79
Hi again Cricket,
To make helping me easier, ive included below the files what i have
now after adding the column to the here go's

(THIS IS THE submit_link.ctp)

h1?php __('Link Submission'); ?/h1

p?php __('A link was submitted on'); ?
?php __('You can approve/reject this link on the website by
clicking the following link:'); ?/p

pa href=?php echo $html-url(array('controller' = 'links',
'action' = 'submissions', 'admin' = true), true); ??php __('Link
Submissions'); ?/a/p

td?php __('Category'); ?:/td
td?php echo $link['LinkCategory']['title']; ?/td
td?php __('Title'); ?:/td
td?php echo $link['Link']['title']; ?/td
td?php __('URL'); ?:/td
td?php echo $html-link($link['Link']['url'], $link['Link']
['url']); ?/td
td?php __('Description'); ?:/td
td?php echo $link['Link']['description']; ?/td
td?php __('Reciprocal Link'); ?:/td
td?php echo $link['Link']['reciprocallink']; ?/td

(THIS IS THE links_controller.php)

class LinksController extends AppController {

var $name = 'Links';
var $uses = array('Link', 'LinkCategory', 'Page');
var $helpers = array('Recaptcha');
var $components = array('Email', 'Recaptcha');
var $paginate = array (
'limit' = 15,
'page' = 1,
'order' = array ('Link.created' = 'ASC'),
'conditions' = array ('Link.approved' = 1)

function beforeFilter() {

// Set up authentication

// Allow access to public functions
$this-Auth-allowedActions = array(
'index', 'category', 'submit'


function index() {

// Get community page content
$page = $this-Page-find('first', array('conditions' = array
('slug' = 'links')));
$this-set('page', $page);
$this-set('title_for_layout', $page['Page']['title']);

// Display all categories
$link_categories = $this-LinkCategory-find('all');
$this-set('link_categories', $link_categories);


function category($slug) {

// Find Category
$link_category = $this-LinkCategory-findBySlug($slug);
$this-set('link_category', $link_category);

// Find Links in Category
$this-set('links', $this-paginate($this-LinkCategory-Link,
array ('Link.link_category_id' = $link_category['LinkCategory']

// Title
$this-set('title_for_layout', $link_category['LinkCategory']


function submit() {

// Title
$this-set('title_for_layout', __('Submit Link', true));

// Load category list
$link_categories = $this-Link-LinkCategory-find('list',
array (
'order' = 'LinkCategory.title'
$this-set('linkCategories', $link_categories);

// Handle form submission
if (!empty($this-data)) {

// Check CAPTCHA was matched
if (!$this-Recaptcha-validate()) {
$this-Link-validate['captcha'] = array (
'rule' = array('comparison', '=', 0),
'message' = 'You did not enter the CAPTCHA
$this-set('captcha_incorrect', true);

// Save and redirect to received message
$this-data['Link']['approved'] = 0;
if ($this-Link-save($this-data)) {

// Send email to admin
$this-set('link', $this-Link-findById($this-Link-
$this-Email-from =
__('', true) . ' ' .
Configure::read('') . '';
$this-Email-to   =
$this-Email-subject  = __('
- Link Submission', true);
$this-Email-template = 'submit_link';
$this-Email-sendAs   = 'both';

// Redirect back
$this-Session-setFlash('Your link has been
submitted, and is awaiting approval.');
$this-redirect(array('action' = 'index'));




(THIS IS THE submit.ctp)

h2?php __('Submit Link'); ?/h2

p?php __('If you would like to add your website to our links,
please fill in the form below.'); ?
?php __('Please note that links are moderated and must be
approved before they appear on the website.'); ?/p

?php echo $form-create('Link', array('action' = 'submit')); ?

echo $form-inputs(array (
'legend' = false,
'Link.link_category_id' = array (
'label' = __('Category', true)
'Link.url' = array(
'label' = __('URL', true)


Re: Link submission email

2011-04-20 Thread dvvbrook79
Hi again Cricket,
To make helping me easier, ive included below the files what i have
now after adding the column to the here go's

(THIS IS THE submit_link.ctp)

h1?php __('Link Submission'); ?/h1

p?php __('A link was submitted on'); ?
?php __('You can approve/reject this link on the website by
clicking the following link:'); ?/p

pa href=?php echo $html-url(array('controller' = 'links',
'action' = 'submissions', 'admin' = true), true); ??php __('Link
Submissions'); ?/a/p

td?php __('Category'); ?:/td
td?php echo $link['LinkCategory']['title']; ?/td
td?php __('Title'); ?:/td
td?php echo $link['Link']['title']; ?/td
td?php __('URL'); ?:/td
td?php echo $html-link($link['Link']['url'], $link['Link']
['url']); ?/td
td?php __('Description'); ?:/td
td?php echo $link['Link']['description']; ?/td
td?php __('Reciprocal Link'); ?:/td
td?php echo $link['Link']['reciprocallink']; ?/td

(THIS IS THE links_controller.php)

class LinksController extends AppController {

var $name = 'Links';
var $uses = array('Link', 'LinkCategory', 'Page');
var $helpers = array('Recaptcha');
var $components = array('Email', 'Recaptcha');
var $paginate = array (
'limit' = 15,
'page' = 1,
'order' = array ('Link.created' = 'ASC'),
'conditions' = array ('Link.approved' = 1)

function beforeFilter() {

// Set up authentication

// Allow access to public functions
$this-Auth-allowedActions = array(
'index', 'category', 'submit'


function index() {

// Get community page content
$page = $this-Page-find('first', array('conditions' = array
('slug' = 'links')));
$this-set('page', $page);
$this-set('title_for_layout', $page['Page']['title']);

// Display all categories
$link_categories = $this-LinkCategory-find('all');
$this-set('link_categories', $link_categories);


function category($slug) {

// Find Category
$link_category = $this-LinkCategory-findBySlug($slug);
$this-set('link_category', $link_category);

// Find Links in Category
$this-set('links', $this-paginate($this-LinkCategory-Link,
array ('Link.link_category_id' = $link_category['LinkCategory']

// Title
$this-set('title_for_layout', $link_category['LinkCategory']


function submit() {

// Title
$this-set('title_for_layout', __('Submit Link', true));

// Load category list
$link_categories = $this-Link-LinkCategory-find('list',
array (
'order' = 'LinkCategory.title'
$this-set('linkCategories', $link_categories);

// Handle form submission
if (!empty($this-data)) {

// Check CAPTCHA was matched
if (!$this-Recaptcha-validate()) {
$this-Link-validate['captcha'] = array (
'rule' = array('comparison', '=', 0),
'message' = 'You did not enter the CAPTCHA
$this-set('captcha_incorrect', true);

// Save and redirect to received message
$this-data['Link']['approved'] = 0;
if ($this-Link-save($this-data)) {

// Send email to admin
$this-set('link', $this-Link-findById($this-Link-
$this-Email-from =
__('', true) . ' ' .
Configure::read('') . '';
$this-Email-to   =
$this-Email-subject  = __('
- Link Submission', true);
$this-Email-template = 'submit_link';
$this-Email-sendAs   = 'both';

// Redirect back
$this-Session-setFlash('Your link has been
submitted, and is awaiting approval.');
$this-redirect(array('action' = 'index'));




(THIS IS THE submit.ctp)

h2?php __('Submit Link'); ?/h2

p?php __('If you would like to add your website to our links,
please fill in the form below.'); ?
?php __('Please note that links are moderated and must be
approved before they appear on the website.'); ?/p

?php echo $form-create('Link', array('action' = 'submit')); ?

echo $form-inputs(array (
'legend' = false,
'Link.link_category_id' = array (
'label' = __('Category', true)
'Link.url' = array(
'label' = __('URL', true)


Re: Link submission email

2011-04-20 Thread cricket
Did you ever check to see if it's being submitted?

if (!empty($this-data))

Also, check after you do the find()

$link = $this-Link-findById($this-Link-id);

// delete this line later


On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 5:15 AM, dvvbrook79 wrote:
 Hi again Cricket,
 To make helping me easier, ive included below the files what i have
 now after adding the column to the here go's

 (THIS IS THE submit_link.ctp)

 h1?php __('Link Submission'); ?/h1

 p?php __('A link was submitted on'); ?
    ?php __('You can approve/reject this link on the website by
 clicking the following link:'); ?/p

 pa href=?php echo $html-url(array('controller' = 'links',
 'action' = 'submissions', 'admin' = true), true); ??php __('Link
 Submissions'); ?/a/p

        td?php __('Category'); ?:/td
        td?php echo $link['LinkCategory']['title']; ?/td
        td?php __('Title'); ?:/td
        td?php echo $link['Link']['title']; ?/td
        td?php __('URL'); ?:/td
        td?php echo $html-link($link['Link']['url'], $link['Link']
 ['url']); ?/td
        td?php __('Description'); ?:/td
        td?php echo $link['Link']['description']; ?/td
        td?php __('Reciprocal Link'); ?:/td
        td?php echo $link['Link']['reciprocallink']; ?/td

 (THIS IS THE links_controller.php)

 class LinksController extends AppController {

    var $name = 'Links';
    var $uses = array('Link', 'LinkCategory', 'Page');
    var $helpers = array('Recaptcha');
    var $components = array('Email', 'Recaptcha');
    var $paginate = array (
        'limit' = 15,
                'page' = 1,
        'order' = array ('Link.created' = 'ASC'),
        'conditions' = array ('Link.approved' = 1)

    function beforeFilter() {

        // Set up authentication

        // Allow access to public functions
        $this-Auth-allowedActions = array(
            'index', 'category', 'submit'


    function index() {

        // Get community page content
        $page = $this-Page-find('first', array('conditions' = array
 ('slug' = 'links')));
        $this-set('page', $page);
        $this-set('title_for_layout', $page['Page']['title']);

        // Display all categories
        $link_categories = $this-LinkCategory-find('all');
        $this-set('link_categories', $link_categories);


    function category($slug) {

        // Find Category
        $link_category = $this-LinkCategory-findBySlug($slug);
        $this-set('link_category', $link_category);

        // Find Links in Category
        $this-set('links', $this-paginate($this-LinkCategory-Link,
 array ('Link.link_category_id' = $link_category['LinkCategory']

        // Title
        $this-set('title_for_layout', $link_category['LinkCategory']


    function submit() {

        // Title
        $this-set('title_for_layout', __('Submit Link', true));

        // Load category list
        $link_categories = $this-Link-LinkCategory-find('list',
 array (
            'order' = 'LinkCategory.title'
        $this-set('linkCategories', $link_categories);

        // Handle form submission
        if (!empty($this-data)) {

            // Check CAPTCHA was matched
            if (!$this-Recaptcha-validate()) {
                $this-Link-validate['captcha'] = array (
                    'rule' = array('comparison', '=', 0),
                    'message' = 'You did not enter the CAPTCHA
                $this-set('captcha_incorrect', true);

            // Save and redirect to received message
            $this-data['Link']['approved'] = 0;
            if ($this-Link-save($this-data)) {

                // Send email to admin
                $this-set('link', $this-Link-findById($this-Link-
                $this-Email-from     =
 __('', true) . ' ' .
 Configure::read('') . '';
                $this-Email-to       =
                $this-Email-subject  = __('
 - Link Submission', true);
                $this-Email-template = 'submit_link';
                $this-Email-sendAs   = 'both';

                // Redirect back
                $this-Session-setFlash('Your link has been
 submitted, and is awaiting approval.');
                $this-redirect(array('action' = 'index'));




 (THIS IS THE submit.ctp)

 h2?php __('Submit Link'); ?/h2

 p?php __('If you would like to add your website to our links,
 please fill in the form below.'); ?
    ?php __('Please note that links are moderated and must be
 approved before they appear on the 

Re: Link submission email

2011-04-20 Thread dvvbrook79
Hi Cricket,

You lost me now, i still have all my normal code how it was before,
i havent changed any coding apart from adding to itCODE AS
ABOVE, after i added the DB column i did a test submit and the link
didnt show up in either the DB or the email i cant understand what
needs doing with my code above...I have also just added to the booking
form how did you hear about DVV section and this also is not showing
up in the email..

What is going on...i still know its something simple but i just cant
get my head round it...

Am i correct in saying that adding to the form, i would need to change
the view (how the form looks) and the controller (how the form
works)..?? really confused..

Above in the code i pasted in-- are the views  controller that i
modified to include the new form sections for the site,,,all i want is
for the new sections to show in the email...arr..

Cheers for helping so far.


On Apr 20, 5:12 pm, cricket wrote:
 Did you ever check to see if it's being submitted?

 if (!empty($this-data))

 Also, check after you do the find()

 $link= $this-Link-findById($this-Link-id);

 // delete this line later


 On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 5:15 AM, dvvbrook79 wrote:
  Hi again Cricket,
  To make helping me easier, ive included below the files what i have
  now after adding the column to the here go's

  (THIS IS THE submit_link.ctp)

  h1?php __('LinkSubmission'); ?/h1

  p?php __('Alinkwas submitted on'); ?
     ?php __('You can approve/reject thislinkon the website by
  clicking the followinglink:'); ?/p

  pa href=?php echo $html-url(array('controller' = 'links',
  'action' = 'submissions', 'admin' = true), true); ??php __('Link
  Submissions'); ?/a/p

         td?php __('Category'); ?:/td
         td?php echo $link['LinkCategory']['title']; ?/td
         td?php __('Title'); ?:/td
         td?php echo $link['Link']['title']; ?/td
         td?php __('URL'); ?:/td
         td?php echo $html-link($link['Link']['url'], $link['Link']
  ['url']); ?/td
         td?php __('Description'); ?:/td
         td?php echo $link['Link']['description']; ?/td
         td?php __('ReciprocalLink'); ?:/td
         td?php echo $link['Link']['reciprocallink']; ?/td

  (THIS IS THE links_controller.php)

  class LinksController extends AppController {

     var $name = 'Links';
     var $uses = array('Link', 'LinkCategory', 'Page');
     var $helpers = array('Recaptcha');
     var $components = array('Email', 'Recaptcha');
     var $paginate = array (
         'limit' = 15,
                 'page' = 1,
         'order' = array ('Link.created' = 'ASC'),
         'conditions' = array ('Link.approved' = 1)

     function beforeFilter() {

         // Set up authentication

         // Allow access to public functions
         $this-Auth-allowedActions = array(
             'index', 'category', 'submit'


     function index() {

         // Get community page content
         $page = $this-Page-find('first', array('conditions' = array
  ('slug' = 'links')));
         $this-set('page', $page);
         $this-set('title_for_layout', $page['Page']['title']);

         // Display all categories
         $link_categories = $this-LinkCategory-find('all');
         $this-set('link_categories', $link_categories);


     function category($slug) {

         // Find Category
         $link_category = $this-LinkCategory-findBySlug($slug);
         $this-set('link_category', $link_category);

         // Find Links in Category
         $this-set('links', $this-paginate($this-LinkCategory-Link,
  array ('Link.link_category_id' = $link_category['LinkCategory']

         // Title
         $this-set('title_for_layout', $link_category['LinkCategory']


     function submit() {

         // Title
         $this-set('title_for_layout', __('SubmitLink', true));

         // Load category list
         $link_categories = $this-Link-LinkCategory-find('list',
  array (
             'order' = 'LinkCategory.title'
         $this-set('linkCategories', $link_categories);

         // Handle formsubmission
         if (!empty($this-data)) {

             // Check CAPTCHA was matched
             if (!$this-Recaptcha-validate()) {
                 $this-Link-validate['captcha'] = array (
                     'rule' = array('comparison', '=', 0),
                     'message' = 'You did not enter the CAPTCHA
                 $this-set('captcha_incorrect', true);

             // Save and redirect to received message

Re: Link submission email

2011-04-20 Thread cricket
Your message is mostly incomprehensible. (For the third time) have you
tried debugging either the submitted data or the results of the find?

On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 6:32 PM, dvvbrook79 wrote:
 Hi Cricket,

 You lost me now, i still have all my normal code how it was before,
 i havent changed any coding apart from adding to itCODE AS
 ABOVE, after i added the DB column i did a test submit and the link
 didnt show up in either the DB or the email i cant understand what
 needs doing with my code above...I have also just added to the booking
 form how did you hear about DVV section and this also is not showing
 up in the email..

 What is going on...i still know its something simple but i just cant
 get my head round it...

 Am i correct in saying that adding to the form, i would need to change
 the view (how the form looks) and the controller (how the form
 works)..?? really confused..

 Above in the code i pasted in-- are the views  controller that i
 modified to include the new form sections for the site,,,all i want is
 for the new sections to show in the email...arr..

 Cheers for helping so far.


 On Apr 20, 5:12 pm, cricket wrote:
 Did you ever check to see if it's being submitted?

 if (!empty($this-data))

 Also, check after you do the find()

 $link= $this-Link-findById($this-Link-id);

 // delete this line later


 On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 5:15 AM, dvvbrook79 wrote:
  Hi again Cricket,
  To make helping me easier, ive included below the files what i have
  now after adding the column to the here go's

  (THIS IS THE submit_link.ctp)

  h1?php __('LinkSubmission'); ?/h1

  p?php __('Alinkwas submitted on'); ?
     ?php __('You can approve/reject thislinkon the website by
  clicking the followinglink:'); ?/p

  pa href=?php echo $html-url(array('controller' = 'links',
  'action' = 'submissions', 'admin' = true), true); ??php __('Link
  Submissions'); ?/a/p

         td?php __('Category'); ?:/td
         td?php echo $link['LinkCategory']['title']; ?/td
         td?php __('Title'); ?:/td
         td?php echo $link['Link']['title']; ?/td
         td?php __('URL'); ?:/td
         td?php echo $html-link($link['Link']['url'], $link['Link']
  ['url']); ?/td
         td?php __('Description'); ?:/td
         td?php echo $link['Link']['description']; ?/td
         td?php __('ReciprocalLink'); ?:/td
         td?php echo $link['Link']['reciprocallink']; ?/td

  (THIS IS THE links_controller.php)

  class LinksController extends AppController {

     var $name = 'Links';
     var $uses = array('Link', 'LinkCategory', 'Page');
     var $helpers = array('Recaptcha');
     var $components = array('Email', 'Recaptcha');
     var $paginate = array (
         'limit' = 15,
                 'page' = 1,
         'order' = array ('Link.created' = 'ASC'),
         'conditions' = array ('Link.approved' = 1)

     function beforeFilter() {

         // Set up authentication

         // Allow access to public functions
         $this-Auth-allowedActions = array(
             'index', 'category', 'submit'


     function index() {

         // Get community page content
         $page = $this-Page-find('first', array('conditions' = array
  ('slug' = 'links')));
         $this-set('page', $page);
         $this-set('title_for_layout', $page['Page']['title']);

         // Display all categories
         $link_categories = $this-LinkCategory-find('all');
         $this-set('link_categories', $link_categories);


     function category($slug) {

         // Find Category
         $link_category = $this-LinkCategory-findBySlug($slug);
         $this-set('link_category', $link_category);

         // Find Links in Category
         $this-set('links', $this-paginate($this-LinkCategory-Link,
  array ('Link.link_category_id' = $link_category['LinkCategory']

         // Title
         $this-set('title_for_layout', $link_category['LinkCategory']


     function submit() {

         // Title
         $this-set('title_for_layout', __('SubmitLink', true));

         // Load category list
         $link_categories = $this-Link-LinkCategory-find('list',
  array (
             'order' = 'LinkCategory.title'
         $this-set('linkCategories', $link_categories);

         // Handle formsubmission
         if (!empty($this-data)) {

             // Check CAPTCHA was matched
             if (!$this-Recaptcha-validate()) {
                 $this-Link-validate['captcha'] = array (
                     'rule' = array('comparison', '=', 0),
                     'message' = 'You did not 

Re: Link submission email

2011-04-19 Thread dvvbrook79
Hi Cricket,

HAHAHAHAH! i told you i was fairly new, im trying to come to terms
with cakephpAND I DIDNT create a DB column for reciprocallink
LOL!...So is this all im missing, the DB column? and then it should
work right yes?

Thanks again for helping, much appreciated.

On Apr 19, 12:36 am, cricket wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 4:14 AM, dvvbrook79 wrote:
  Yeah ok sorry about that...heres my submitlink.ctp which is the
 emaili get. I have left the bottom part of the controller as i know
  this is for admin purposesHOPE YOU CAN HELP,cause ive been looking
  and cant seem to find anything wrong, but saying that im still fairly
  new to cakeCheers for the assistance.

  pa href=?php echo $html-url(array('controller' = 'links',
  'action' = 'submissions', 'admin' = true), true); ??php __('Link
  Submissions'); ?/a/p

         td?php __('Category'); ?:/td
         td?php echo $link['LinkCategory']['title']; ?/td
         td?php __('Title'); ?:/td
         td?php echo $link['Link']['title']; ?/td
         td?php __('URL'); ?:/td
         td?php echo $html-link($link['Link']['url'], $link['Link']
  ['url']); ?/td
         td?php __('Description'); ?:/td
         td?php echo $link['Link']['description']; ?/td
         td?php __('ReciprocalLink'); ?:/td
         td?php echo $link['Link']['reciprocallink']; ?/td

  HERES MY view
  ?php echo $form-create('Link', array('action' = 'submit')); ?

     echo $form-inputs(array (
         'legend' = false,
         'Link.link_category_id' = array (
             'label' = __('Category', true)
         'Link.url' = array(
             'label' = __('URL', true)



 Have you checked the DB to see if 'reciprocallink' is empty? Try also
 debugging the submitted data.

 if (!empty($this-data))

 Actually, are you sure the DB column isn't named 'reciprocal_link'?

  AND HERES MY controller
  class LinksController extends AppController {

     var $name = 'Links';
     var $uses = array('Link', 'LinkCategory', 'Page');

 You don't need LinkCategory here because you can access it throughLink:

 Better yet, put this in theLinkmodel:

 public function getCategories($order = array())
         if (empty($order))
                 $order = array('Linkcategory.title' = 'ASC');

         return $this-LinkCategory-find(
                         'order' = $order


 public function submit()
         if (!empty($this-data))
                 // ...



 You should fetch the categories after checking if $this-data is
 empty. If thesubmissionsucceeds you redirect, so there's no need to
 get the categories. If it fails, execution falls through, you get the
 categories, and show the form again. But you should add an else to set
 a flash message (but don't redirect) if save fails.

                 $this-Email-from     =
  __('', true) . ' ' .
  Configure::read('') . '';
                 $this-Email-to       =
                 $this-Email-subject  = __('
  -LinkSubmission', true);

 $this-Email-from =
 Configure::read('Email.from_name'). ' ' .
 Configure::read('') . '';
 $this-Email-to =
 $this-Email-subject = Configure::read('Email.subject');

 Configure::write('Email.from_name', '');
 Configure::write('Email.subject', '');- Hide quoted 
 text -

 - Show quoted text -

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

Re: Link submission email

2011-04-19 Thread dvvbrook79
DAM!!...Scrap that last note:
Just been checking the DB and theres is nothing for the forms, and i
just thought whilst looking...i dont need to store the Reciprocal
Link i just need it to show up in the emailNow im really
confused...PLEASE HELP!!

Cheers Cricket for helping with this.

On Apr 19, 8:48 am, dvvbrook79 wrote:
 Hi Cricket,

 HAHAHAHAH! i told you i was fairly new, im trying to come to terms
 with cakephpAND I DIDNT create a DB column for reciprocallink
 LOL!...So is this all im missing, the DB column? and then it should
 work right yes?

 Thanks again for helping, much appreciated.

 On Apr 19, 12:36 am, cricket wrote:

  On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 4:14 AM, dvvbrook79 wrote:
   Yeah ok sorry about that...heres my submitlink.ctp which is the
  emaili get. I have left the bottom part of the controller as i know
   this is for admin purposesHOPE YOU CAN HELP,cause ive been looking
   and cant seem to find anything wrong, but saying that im still fairly
   new to cakeCheers for the assistance.

   pa href=?php echo $html-url(array('controller' = 'links',
   'action' = 'submissions', 'admin' = true), true); ??php __('Link
   Submissions'); ?/a/p

          td?php __('Category'); ?:/td
          td?php echo $link['LinkCategory']['title']; ?/td
          td?php __('Title'); ?:/td
          td?php echo $link['Link']['title']; ?/td
          td?php __('URL'); ?:/td
          td?php echo $html-link($link['Link']['url'], $link['Link']
   ['url']); ?/td
          td?php __('Description'); ?:/td
          td?php echo $link['Link']['description']; ?/td
          td?php __('ReciprocalLink'); ?:/td
          td?php echo $link['Link']['reciprocallink']; ?/td

   HERES MY view
   ?php echo $form-create('Link', array('action' = 'submit')); ?

      echo $form-inputs(array (
          'legend' = false,
          'Link.link_category_id' = array (
              'label' = __('Category', true)
          'Link.url' = array(
              'label' = __('URL', true)



  Have you checked the DB to see if 'reciprocallink' is empty? Try also
  debugging the submitted data.

  if (!empty($this-data))

  Actually, are you sure the DB column isn't named 'reciprocal_link'?

   AND HERES MY controller
   class LinksController extends AppController {

      var $name = 'Links';
      var $uses = array('Link', 'LinkCategory', 'Page');

  You don't need LinkCategory here because you can access it throughLink:

  Better yet, put this in theLinkmodel:

  public function getCategories($order = array())
          if (empty($order))
                  $order = array('Linkcategory.title' = 'ASC');

          return $this-LinkCategory-find(
                          'order' = $order


  public function submit()
          if (!empty($this-data))
                  // ...



  You should fetch the categories after checking if $this-data is
  empty. If thesubmissionsucceeds you redirect, so there's no need to
  get the categories. If it fails, execution falls through, you get the
  categories, and show the form again. But you should add an else to set
  a flash message (but don't redirect) if save fails.

                  $this-Email-from     =
   __('', true) . ' ' .
   Configure::read('') . '';
                  $this-Email-to       =
                  $this-Email-subject  = __('
   -LinkSubmission', true);

  $this-Email-from =
  Configure::read('Email.from_name'). ' ' .
  Configure::read('') . '';
  $this-Email-to =
  $this-Email-subject = Configure::read('Email.subject');

  Configure::write('Email.from_name', '');
  Configure::write('Email.subject', '');- Hide quoted 
  text -

  - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

Re: Link submission email

2011-04-19 Thread cricket
On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 4:11 AM, dvvbrook79 wrote:
 DAM!!...Scrap that last note:
 Just been checking the DB and theres is nothing for the forms, and i
 just thought whilst looking...i dont need to store the Reciprocal
 Link i just need it to show up in the emailNow im really
 confused...PLEASE HELP!!

If there's no column for reciprocallink in the DB, when you save the
Link, that information will be ignored. You problem is that you're
saving the submitted data, then fetching it from the DB to create a
view var named $link. You're then trying to access reciprocallink from
the $link var. But, of course, there being no reciprocallink column in
the DB, $link will not contain it.

So you have two options.

1: Create the column in the DB table. The reciprocallink will be
stored and will also appear in $link for your view.

2: Set a separate view var for reciprocallink.




td?php echo $reciprocallink; ?/td

I think 1 is the simplest solution and makes most sense. If you're
going to store Link it may as well include reciprocallink.

However, it's unclear to me why you're doing an extra find immediately
after saving. Unless you have some need for the ID (it doesn't appear
so) or one or more fields are altered in a beforeSave or afterSave
calback in the Link model, there's no need to call find() after
saving. You could just do something like this:

function submit()
if (!empty($this-data))
// do CAPTCHA validation ...

$this-data['Link']['approved'] = 0;


if ($this-Link-validates())
// validation ok, try to save
if ($this-Link-save($this-data))

// send email
// save failed, set flash msg
// validation failed, set flash msg


td?php echo $link['title']; ?/td
td?php echo $link['description']; ?/td
td?php echo $link['reciprocallink']; ?/td

Notice that you don't need to include ['Link'] in the view because
$link was set from $this-data['Link'], not $this-data.

You should also do $this-Link-set($this-data), then perform
validation, setting flash messages as needed.

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

Re: Link submission email

2011-04-19 Thread dvvbrook79
Hi Cricket,

Thanks for the help, much appreciated...

Would option 2  go into the links controller??  I just tried
adding the db column, but it didnt show up... but i know why as i
changed some code back to how it was, so im sure it should work when i
update it...i have updated the DB to include the column
reciprocallinkIs it the controller and the view that need
updating?? or will i have to update a model as well??

Thanks again for helping...


On Apr 19, 7:47 pm, cricket wrote:
 On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 4:11 AM, dvvbrook79 wrote:
  DAM!!...Scrap that last note:
  Just been checking the DB and theres is nothing for the forms, and i
  just thought whilst looking...i dont need to store the Reciprocal
 Link i just need it to show up in theemailNow im really
  confused...PLEASE HELP!!

 If there's no column for reciprocallink in the DB, when you save theLink, 
 that information will be ignored. You problem is that you're
 saving the submitted data, then fetching it from the DB to create a
 view var named $link. You're then trying to access reciprocallink from
 the $linkvar. But, of course, there being no reciprocallink column in
 the DB, $linkwill not contain it.

 So you have two options.

 1: Create the column in the DB table. The reciprocallink will be
 stored and will also appear in $linkfor your view.

 2: Set a separate view var for reciprocallink.




 td?php echo $reciprocallink; ?/td

 I think 1 is the simplest solution and makes most sense. If you're
 going to storeLinkit may as well include reciprocallink.

 However, it's unclear to me why you're doing an extra find immediately
 after saving. Unless you have some need for the ID (it doesn't appear
 so) or one or more fields are altered in a beforeSave or afterSave
 calback in theLinkmodel, there's no need to call find() after
 saving. You could just do something like this:

 function submit()
         if (!empty($this-data))
                 // do CAPTCHA validation ...

                 $this-data['Link']['approved'] = 0;


                 if ($this-Link-validates())
                         // validation ok, try to save
                         if ($this-Link-save($this-data))

                                 // sendemail
                                 // save failed, set flash msg
                         // validation failed, set flash msg



 td?php echo $link['title']; ?/td
 td?php echo $link['description']; ?/td
 td?php echo $link['reciprocallink']; ?/td

 Notice that you don't need to include ['Link'] in the view because
 $linkwas set from $this-data['Link'], not $this-data.

 You should also do $this-Link-set($this-data), then perform
 validation, setting flash messages as needed.

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

Re: Link submission email

2011-04-19 Thread cricket
On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 5:25 PM, dvvbrook79 wrote:
 Hi Cricket,

 Thanks for the help, much appreciated...

 Would option 2  go into the links controller??  I just tried
 adding the db column, but it didnt show up... but i know why as i
 changed some code back to how it was, so im sure it should work when i
 update it...i have updated the DB to include the column
 reciprocallinkIs it the controller and the view that need
 updating?? or will i have to update a model as well??

I can't make heads nor tails about what you're asking.

Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials 
Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help others 
with their CakePHP related questions.

To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at

Re: Link submission email

2011-04-18 Thread dvvbrook79
Yeah ok sorry about that...heres my submitlink.ctp which is the
email i get. I have left the bottom part of the controller as i know
this is for admin purposesHOPE YOU CAN HELP,cause ive been looking
and cant seem to find anything wrong, but saying that im still fairly
new to cakeCheers for the assistance.

pa href=?php echo $html-url(array('controller' = 'links',
'action' = 'submissions', 'admin' = true), true); ??php __('Link
Submissions'); ?/a/p

td?php __('Category'); ?:/td
td?php echo $link['LinkCategory']['title']; ?/td
td?php __('Title'); ?:/td
td?php echo $link['Link']['title']; ?/td
td?php __('URL'); ?:/td
td?php echo $html-link($link['Link']['url'], $link['Link']
['url']); ?/td
td?php __('Description'); ?:/td
td?php echo $link['Link']['description']; ?/td
td?php __('Reciprocal Link'); ?:/td
td?php echo $link['Link']['reciprocallink']; ?/td

?php echo $form-create('Link', array('action' = 'submit')); ?

echo $form-inputs(array (
'legend' = false,
'Link.link_category_id' = array (
'label' = __('Category', true)
'Link.url' = array(
'label' = __('URL', true)



?php if (isset($captcha_incorrect)): ?
p?php __('You have entered the CAPTCHA incorrectly. Please
try again.'); ?/p
?php else: ?
p?php __('Please enter the words you see below:'); ?/p
?php endif; ?

?php echo $recaptcha-show(); ?

?php echo $form-end(__('Submit Link', true)); ?

AND HERES MY controller
class LinksController extends AppController {

var $name = 'Links';
var $uses = array('Link', 'LinkCategory', 'Page');
var $helpers = array('Recaptcha');
var $components = array('Email', 'Recaptcha');
var $paginate = array (
'limit' = 15,
'page' = 1,
'order' = array ('Link.created' = 'ASC'),
'conditions' = array ('Link.approved' = 1)

function beforeFilter() {

// Set up authentication

// Allow access to public functions
$this-Auth-allowedActions = array(
'index', 'category', 'submit'


function index() {

// Get community page content
$page = $this-Page-find('first', array('conditions' = array
('slug' = 'links')));
$this-set('page', $page);
$this-set('title_for_layout', $page['Page']['title']);

// Display all categories
$link_categories = $this-LinkCategory-find('all');
$this-set('link_categories', $link_categories);


function category($slug) {

// Find Category
$link_category = $this-LinkCategory-findBySlug($slug);
$this-set('link_category', $link_category);

// Find Links in Category
$this-set('links', $this-paginate($this-LinkCategory-Link,
array ('Link.link_category_id' = $link_category['LinkCategory']

// Title
$this-set('title_for_layout', $link_category['LinkCategory']


function submit() {

// Title
$this-set('title_for_layout', __('Submit Link', true));

// Load category list
$link_categories = $this-Link-LinkCategory-find('list',
array (
'order' = 'LinkCategory.title'
$this-set('linkCategories', $link_categories);

// Handle form submission
if (!empty($this-data)) {

// Check CAPTCHA was matched
if (!$this-Recaptcha-validate()) {
$this-Link-validate['captcha'] = array (
'rule' = array('comparison', '=', 0),
'message' = 'You did not enter the CAPTCHA
$this-set('captcha_incorrect', true);

// Save and redirect to received message
$this-data['Link']['approved'] = 0;
if ($this-Link-save($this-data)) {

// Send email to admin
$this-set('link', $this-Link-findById($this-Link-
$this-Email-from =
__('', true) . ' ' .
Configure::read('') . '';
$this-Email-to   =
$this-Email-subject  = __('
- Link Submission', true);
$this-Email-template = 'submit_link';
$this-Email-sendAs   = 'both';

// Redirect back
$this-Session-setFlash('Your link has been
submitted, and is awaiting approval.');
$this-redirect(array('action' = 'index'));

Re: Link submission email

2011-04-18 Thread cricket
On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 4:14 AM, dvvbrook79 wrote:
 Yeah ok sorry about that...heres my submitlink.ctp which is the
 email i get. I have left the bottom part of the controller as i know
 this is for admin purposesHOPE YOU CAN HELP,cause ive been looking
 and cant seem to find anything wrong, but saying that im still fairly
 new to cakeCheers for the assistance.

 pa href=?php echo $html-url(array('controller' = 'links',
 'action' = 'submissions', 'admin' = true), true); ??php __('Link
 Submissions'); ?/a/p

        td?php __('Category'); ?:/td
        td?php echo $link['LinkCategory']['title']; ?/td
        td?php __('Title'); ?:/td
        td?php echo $link['Link']['title']; ?/td
        td?php __('URL'); ?:/td
        td?php echo $html-link($link['Link']['url'], $link['Link']
 ['url']); ?/td
        td?php __('Description'); ?:/td
        td?php echo $link['Link']['description']; ?/td
        td?php __('Reciprocal Link'); ?:/td
        td?php echo $link['Link']['reciprocallink']; ?/td

 HERES MY view
 ?php echo $form-create('Link', array('action' = 'submit')); ?

    echo $form-inputs(array (
        'legend' = false,
        'Link.link_category_id' = array (
            'label' = __('Category', true)
        'Link.url' = array(
            'label' = __('URL', true)



Have you checked the DB to see if 'reciprocallink' is empty? Try also
debugging the submitted data.

if (!empty($this-data))

Actually, are you sure the DB column isn't named 'reciprocal_link'?

 AND HERES MY controller
 class LinksController extends AppController {

    var $name = 'Links';
    var $uses = array('Link', 'LinkCategory', 'Page');

You don't need LinkCategory here because you can access it through Link:

Better yet, put this in the Link model:

public function getCategories($order = array())
if (empty($order))
$order = array('Linkcategory.title' = 'ASC');

return $this-LinkCategory-find(
'order' = $order

public function submit()
if (!empty($this-data))
// ...


You should fetch the categories after checking if $this-data is
empty. If the submission succeeds you redirect, so there's no need to
get the categories. If it fails, execution falls through, you get the
categories, and show the form again. But you should add an else to set
a flash message (but don't redirect) if save fails.

$this-Email-from =
 __('', true) . ' ' .
 Configure::read('') . '';
                $this-Email-to       =
                $this-Email-subject  = __('
 - Link Submission', true);

$this-Email-from =
Configure::read('Email.from_name'). ' ' .
Configure::read('') . '';
$this-Email-to =
$this-Email-subject = Configure::read('Email.subject');

Configure::write('Email.from_name', '');
Configure::write('Email.subject', '');

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Re: Link submission email

2011-04-17 Thread cricket
On Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 9:17 AM, dvvbrook79 wrote:

 I have a link submission page, and have just added a reciprocal link
 field...which worked fine, however i cant get to draw this information
 out of the field into the email that is sent to me when i have a
 link submittedit ends up like this..

 Title: example
 Description: Example example.etc
 Reciprocal Link: blank (this is the info im trying to get from the
 new field)

 Can anyone point me in the right direction.

There's no way anyone could spot the problem without seeing the email
template as well as the controller code to see what variables you're
setting for the view (and how you're setting them).

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