I don't store the Cake core code in my project's SVN repository
either.  To upgrade, I just do an svn update on the cake directory I
am using for my project.  If something in the upgrade doesn't work I
can either:

-- backtrack the cake core
-- fix my project's code to work with the new core
-- in the rare case where there is a new bug in the core, fix the bug
and submit a diff to TRAC

Mainly this is possible because the releases have been quite stable
for a while now, and very little has broken backwards compatibility in
the last 6 months or so.

On Jul 6, 5:25 am, keymaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Are you saying you do not store cakephp in SVN as a separare "vendor",
> ie. you aren't using vendor branching?
> How do you handle cake upgrades? Do just replace the latest cake core
> folder into each project and recommit to SVN?
> Am now wondering whether vendor branching is overkill, since I don't
> change the cake core either?
> On Jul 4, 6:22 pm, aranworld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I will second what AD7six says.  For a while I tried out this type of
> > merging.  I soon realized that it is much easier to just leave the
> > Cake core alone.  I just have a shared cake folder for all my projects
> > that I do an SVN update on.
> > One advantage of this is that if you start submitting patches to trac
> > you can be sure they are based off the current code.
> > On Jul 3, 1:54 pm, AD7six <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Jul 3, 10:48 pm, keymaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Thanks Samuel and the_woodsman,
> > > > I went through the svn book chapter (wish that section would have come
> > > > up in my prior google searches...).
> > > > Yup, those markings are internal svn conflict markers enabling it to
> > > > determine your old stuff from the stuff you are merging against.
> > > > SVN will cause you trouble until you instruct it how to resolve the
> > > > conflict, or order it to forget about the conflct because you've
> > > > resolved it manually.
> > > > Merging for the first time is not simple, at least until you get the
> > > > hang of it.
> > > > For those that read this thread afterwards, you need to know three
> > > > things:
> > > > 1. Merging against revision range M to N requires you tell subversion
> > > > to use (M-1) to N.
> > > > 2. You  MUST either use SVN to resolve a conflict, or inform svn after
> > > > you've resolved the conflict yourself. It needs to know in order to
> > > > clean up all it's conflict markers from the merge.
> > > > 3. You need to learn the Svn conflict resolution tools both at the
> > > > file and line level, to do this properly.
> > > Or avoid ever hack your cake install - no risk of conflicts then.
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