Please use this code : I hope your problem will solve by this code.

<?php echo $html->link('Login', array('controller'=>'users','action'=>'


')); ?>

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 3:27 PM, gautam lakum <> wrote:

> I am new to cakePHP. I have used the last and newer both versions. In
> new version I am facing problem with generating html link using $html-
> >link....
> The link as output is currect. But with the link title, I am also
> getting the link as text that I have applied. Look below e.g.
> <?php echo $html->link("Login",'/users/login'); ?>
> The output should be just "Login" as text and when someone clicks in
> that link then it should open login form. But I am getting output like
> "Login (/cakeproject/users/login)" as text and rest of the output is
> OK.
> So give me the solution for this.
> How to get link title only "Login" but not "Login (/cakeproject/users/
> login)". I want to remove "(/cakeproject/users/login)" text from link
> title.
> Thank you.
> >

Mohammad Arif Hossen
Software Enginner
Epsilon Consulting and Development Services(ECDS)
+88 01714355911

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