I apologize if I'm just not finding the right posts in the archives,
but I'm having a problem I'm guessing some of you have had an might
know the answer to.  I've got two models setup as follows:
var $hasMany = array(
                'Resident' => array('className' => 'Resident',
                                           'foreignKey' => 'incident_id'));

var $belongsTo = array(
               'Incident' => array('className' => 'Incident',
                                          'foreignKey' => 'incident_id'));

I'm trying to search for any incidents with residents who have a given
campus id.  So, in my incident controller, I'm trying to do this:

$this->Incident->findAll(array("Resident.campusid" => "123456", '',
'', '', 1, 2));

When I try this though, rather than recognizing Resident as an
associated model, it just plugs it in as a table name and I receive a
SQL error.  When I remove the search condition (and just do a
recursive search), it finds the associated resident just fine.  Any
guesses on what I might be doing wrong to not have the ability to
search by this associated model?

Thanks a bunch and hopefully this isn't something that gets asked all
the time!


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