Redirect Loop

2012-11-27 Thread Andrew Johnston

I'm having the weirdest Cake error with my code. When the code below calls 
the add() method (also reproduced here and from a different controller), 
the code redirects him back the edit() action (in essence, to the user it 
appears as if nothing happens). To further complicate matters, when I call 
the same URL when I'm not on that page (despite the pages not being reliant 
on each other), I get redirected to the base of my app, which results in a 
redirect loop. I tried calling other methods from this controller (with 
their proper arguments) to see if this was just a problem with the add() 
action, but I get the same redirect loop.

Here is the relevant code:
 function edit($id=null) {
 if(!$id) {
'action' => 'index')

 else {
 //Get the slides themselves
$slides = $this->Slide->find('all', array('conditions' => 
array('Slide.module_id' => $id)));
$this->set('slides', $slides);
//Get the data for the Module
$module = $this->Module->find('first',
'conditions' => array (
'' => $id
'fields' => array(
And here is the add() code (again, from a different module):
function add($module = null) {
if ($this->request->is('get')) {
//Set some variables for the view (this code I know 
works as it has been used successfully elsewhere
else { //User is POSTing

Thanks to everyone in advance; I couldn't do this without your support!


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Re: Authorization causing redirect loop

2012-02-20 Thread lowpass
>   public function beforeFilter() {
>       $this->Auth->allow('index', 'view');
>       $this->set('logged_in', $this->Auth->loggedIn());
>       $this->set('current_user', $this->Auth->user());
>   }

The Auth->allow() should be in UsersController.

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Authorization causing redirect loop

2012-02-20 Thread Nif
Hi there,

I have posted on another group, but had no replies, so please forgive
me if this is a double up.

I am still fairly new at cake and have been trying, very
unsuccessfully to setup a login to some admin tools on a site I have
built using Cake 2.

I have now tried about 4 different methods for implementing the Auth
component and every time I add the Auth component to my AppController,
I get a redirect loop error.

Even if I go to a supposedly "allowed" page, this happens. I have just
finished doing a tutorial on yet another Auth implementation and have
setup the tutorials app fine and it works perfectly. But the minute I
port this across to my app, it gives me the redirect loop error.

Since I have now tried this with 4 different Auth implementations, my
assumption is that the issue is not in the Auth implementation code,
but in my origional Cake app. But, I cannot fathom where to start
looking and what exactly I am looking for.

I am pasting the current AppController Auth code below. The problem
appears to happen when the redirect to users/login happens. I have
tried turning redirect off with autoRedirect = false. I have tried
changing where the redirect should go as well. none seems to work.

Any ideas on where the problem might lie would be much appreciated.

Here's the code for the AppController:
   'authError'=>"You can't access that page",

   public function isAuthorized($user) {
   return true;

   public function beforeFilter() {
   $this->Auth->allow('index', 'view');
   $this->set('logged_in', $this->Auth->loggedIn());
   $this->set('current_user', $this->Auth->user());


Thanks in advance,

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Re: cakephp-wizard Redirect Loop

2011-03-22 Thread Ryan Schmidt

On Mar 22, 2011, at 07:46, grady wrote:

> The author of the tutorial you referenced mentioned submitting the form to 
> itself using 'url' => $this->here for the form created.  This doesn't work 
> for me due to the following behavior:
> Page the form is on:
> http://localhost/cakebox/create/wizard/artifact
> Form definition in my artifact.ctp view:
> Form->create('Create', array('id' => 'CreateForm', 'url' => 
> $this->here)); ?>
> Page the form sends me to upon submission:
> http://localhost/cakebox/cakebox/create/wizard/artifact
> It's obvious what is doing, but I just want to understand why the author 
> included this on the tutorial when I can't see how it would ever work as 
> intended.

It works fine for me, maybe because my CakePHP site is configured at the root 
of the hostname's URL space, and yours appears to be in a subdirectory 

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Re: cakephp-wizard Redirect Loop

2011-03-22 Thread grady
Ah!  Stupid mistake, my apologies.  Somewhat of a follow-up question 

The author of the tutorial you referenced mentioned submitting the form to 
itself using 'url' => $this->here for the form created.  This doesn't work 
for me due to the following behavior:

Page the form is on:

Form definition in my artifact.ctp view:
Form->create('Create', array('id' => 'CreateForm', 'url' 
=> $this->here)); ?>

Page the form sends me to upon submission:

It's obvious what is doing, but I just want to understand why the author 
included this on the tutorial when I can't see how it would ever work as 

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Re: cakephp-wizard Redirect Loop

2011-03-20 Thread ShadowCross
The first thing I see is that your wizard() method assigns the
parameter to the  "$steps" variable, but never uses $steps within the
method itself -- it passes the "$step" variable to $this->Wizard-
>process(), and you haven't defined the value of the "$step" variable.

I'm assuming you are trying to adapt the code from
.  Note the name of the variable being used for the parameter in the
function wizard().

On Mar 20, 7:47 am, grady  wrote:
> I have installed the cakephp-wizard plugin from github and am trying to
> progress through the tutorial but am unable to get past step one...
> I have set up a controller to handle the multi-page form as follows:
> class CreateController extends AppController {
> var $name = "Create";
> var $components = array("Wizard.Wizard");
> var $uses = array("Artifact");
>  function beforeFilter() {
> $this->Wizard->steps = array("artifact");}
>  function wizard($steps = null) {
> $this->Wizard->process($step);
> }
> function _prepareArtifact() {
>        // TODO
> }
> function _processArtifact() {
> $this->Artifact->set($this->data);
> if($this->Artifact->validates()) {
> return true;
> }
> return false;
> }
> }
> I have created a view for this controller in app/views/create/ called
> artifact.ctp which contains a simple creation form.
> I have re-routed in app/config/routes.php so that /create points to
> /create/wizard/artifact.
> When I try to navigate to the page Chrome (and Firefox, etc.) tells me that
> there is a redirect loop.  Is cakephp-wizard broken in cakephp 1.3.7, or
> (more likely) am I doing something stupid?

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cakephp-wizard Redirect Loop

2011-03-20 Thread grady
I have installed the cakephp-wizard plugin from github and am trying to 
progress through the tutorial but am unable to get past step one...

I have set up a controller to handle the multi-page form as follows:

class CreateController extends AppController {
var $name = "Create";
var $components = array("Wizard.Wizard");
var $uses = array("Artifact");
 function beforeFilter() {
$this->Wizard->steps = array("artifact");
 function wizard($steps = null) {

function _prepareArtifact() {
   // TODO

function _processArtifact() {

if($this->Artifact->validates()) {
return true;
return false;

I have created a view for this controller in app/views/create/ called 
artifact.ctp which contains a simple creation form.

I have re-routed in app/config/routes.php so that /create points to 

When I try to navigate to the page Chrome (and Firefox, etc.) tells me that 
there is a redirect loop.  Is cakephp-wizard broken in cakephp 1.3.7, or 
(more likely) am I doing something stupid?

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Re: redirect loop has me stumped

2011-01-18 Thread john lyles
I found my problem. It was two problems really.

The first problem was that $post was not set in the controller. The
second problem was a misplaced parentheses in the redirect function.
The third problem was I was creating urls that were hyphenated but
forgot to add the second parameter to the Inflector::slug() function
so that it was looping around never getting a match.

On Jan 18, 2:30 pm, john lyles  wrote:
> Ok sorry. Here's a more full explanation:
> In my index.ctp I have links that look like this:  $this->Html->link($post['Post']['title'], array('controller' => 'posts',
> 'action' => 'view', $post['Post']['id'],Inflector::slug($post['Post']
> ['title'], '-'))); ?>
> Then in the PostsController view() method, this is what it looks like:
> function view($id = null) {
>                 if (!$id) {
>                         $this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid post', true));
>                         $this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));
>                 }
>                 $post = $this->set('post', $this->Post->read(null, $id));
>                 $this->theme = 'jonlyles';
>               if(Inflector::slug($post['Post']['title']) != 
> $this->params['pass'][1] || count($this->params['pass']) != 2 ) {
> $post = $this->Post->read(null, $id);
>               $this->redirect(array($id, Inflector::slug($post['Post']
> ['title']), 301));
>                }
>         }
> If I remove the last if condition there are no errors, but then no
> protection against bad urls either.

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Re: redirect loop has me stumped

2011-01-18 Thread john lyles
Ok sorry. Here's a more full explanation:

In my index.ctp I have links that look like this: Html->link($post['Post']['title'], array('controller' => 'posts',
'action' => 'view', $post['Post']['id'],Inflector::slug($post['Post']
['title'], '-'))); ?>

Then in the PostsController view() method, this is what it looks like:

function view($id = null) {
if (!$id) {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid post', true));
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index'));

$post = $this->set('post', $this->Post->read(null, $id));
$this->theme = 'jonlyles';

  if(Inflector::slug($post['Post']['title']) != $this-
>params['pass'][1] || count($this->params['pass']) != 2 ) {
$post = $this->Post->read(null, $id);
  $this->redirect(array($id, Inflector::slug($post['Post']
['title']), 301));

If I remove the last if condition there are no errors, but then no
protection against bad urls either.

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Re: redirect loop has me stumped

2011-01-18 Thread DragonFlyEye
I'm guessing there is more to the problem than the code you're presenting. 
Like, where is $id coming from?

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redirect loop has me stumped

2011-01-18 Thread john lyles
Hi Everyone,
I need some help with a redirect loop...

Consider the following code (from Super Advanced CakePHP tips page

 if(Inflector::slug($post['Post']['title']) != $this->params['pass']
[1] || count($this->params['pass']) != 2 ) {
$post = $this->Post->read(null, $id);
  $this->redirect(array($id, Inflector::slug($post['Post']
['title']), 301));

Any ideas why this would cause a redirect loop?

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Re: Auth Login redirect loop

2010-06-18 Thread cricket
On Jun 18, 8:14 am, Hatori Nakumora  wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I'm using CakePhp 1.3 and the Auth component.
> Heres my setup for the beforeFilter in the app_controller.php
>   function beforeFilter() {
>         if (isset($this->params['requested'])) $this->Auth-
> >allow($this->action);
>         $this->Auth->userModel = 'Applicant';
>         $this->Auth->fields = array('username' => 'email', 'password'
> => 'password');
>         $this->Auth->loginAction = array('admin' => false,
> 'controller' => 'applicants', 'action' => 'login');
>         $this->Auth->loginRedirect = array('controller' =>
> 'applicants', 'action' => 'profile');
>         $this->Auth->authorize = 'controller';
>         $this->Auth->autoRedirect = false;
>     }
> Here's the applicants_controller.php
>  function beforeFilter() {
>         parent::beforeFilter();
>         $this->Auth->allow(array('login', 'logout'));
>     }

Don't include login action here as it causes problems for Auth. The
login action is special and Auth takes care of allowing it.

But, besides that, I see that you have set autoRedirect to false. Do
you also have some logic in your login() method?

Does anyone else think that Auth::allow() should simply ignore 'login'
if it's passed? It seems a bit absurd that this action name should be
so troublesome. It should be trivial to add some code to check if it
was passed in.

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Auth Login redirect loop

2010-06-18 Thread Hatori Nakumora
Hi Guys,

I'm using CakePhp 1.3 and the Auth component.

Heres my setup for the beforeFilter in the app_controller.php

  function beforeFilter() {
if (isset($this->params['requested'])) $this->Auth-

$this->Auth->userModel = 'Applicant';
$this->Auth->fields = array('username' => 'email', 'password'
=> 'password');
$this->Auth->loginAction = array('admin' => false,
'controller' => 'applicants', 'action' => 'login');
$this->Auth->loginRedirect = array('controller' =>
'applicants', 'action' => 'profile');
$this->Auth->authorize = 'controller';
$this->Auth->autoRedirect = false;

Here's the applicants_controller.php

 function beforeFilter() {

$this->Auth->allow(array('login', 'logout'));


I could access the login page on /applicants/login, but when you
submit the login form with a correct login details
a redirect loop occurs. But you could access the others functions when
you've type the url manually on the browser.
Here's the log on the applicants controller's beforeFilters :

2010-06-18 20:09:45 Debug: Here: /jobs/applicants/login, coming from: /
2010-06-18 20:09:46 Debug: Here: /jobs/applicants/login, coming from: /
2010-06-18 20:09:46 Debug: Here: /jobs/applicants/login, coming from: /

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Re: BeforeFilter Redirect Loop

2010-01-16 Thread John Andersen
You have to make sure that the beforeFilter method allows the user to
access /admin/index!
So add a check that if it is admin/index, then do not redirect :)

On Jan 16, 2:45 pm, Uresh  wrote:
> hi,
> I am beginner in cakephp.
> I made controller and i want to apply "Beforefilter()"  ,
> which checks every time when controller/action calls.
> i write beforefilter() in my controller and checking if session is exist and
> username is set or not.
> function beforefilter()
> {
>         $username = $this->Session->read('UserProfile');
>         if (!$username){
> $this->redirect(array('controller'=>'admin','action'=>'index'));
>         }
> }
> but every time code run and gives "REDIRECT LOOP" and hang.
> --
> View this message in 
> context:
> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
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BeforeFilter Redirect Loop

2010-01-16 Thread Uresh

I am beginner in cakephp.
I made controller and i want to apply "Beforefilter()"  ,
which checks every time when controller/action calls.

i write beforefilter() in my controller and checking if session is exist and
username is set or not.

function beforefilter()
$username = $this->Session->read('UserProfile');

if (!$username){


but every time code run and gives "REDIRECT LOOP" and hang.
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Re: Redirect loop using Auth + Acl component

2009-07-01 Thread Delberto

Thanks guys. I think I figured it out. I was using the Drayan's
version of the phpThumb component from the bakery (http:// I found another
post that says the phpThumb component should extent Object and not
Component. I made that change and my redirect loops have disappeared.
Can anyone tell me why?

On Jul 1, 3:27 pm, NegoBlack®  wrote:
> I think that is not a good idea... I remeber to read in some place on
> the docs that it was not recomended. Could you tell more about your
> Auth system?
> On Jul 1, 9:03 am, GravyFace  wrote:
> > Not sure about your code, but try adding 
> > $this->Auth->allow('login');
> > On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 5:49 AM, Delberto wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > I am building an application and am having an issue with one of my
> > > controllers. I get the following message in Firefox
> > > "Redirection limit for this URL exceeded.  Unable to load the
> > > requested page.  This may be caused by cookies that are blocked"
> > > I have followed the cookbook tutorial Simple Acl controlled
> > > Application. I haven't got this error on my other controllers so I'm
> > > wondering what has gone wrong. The error is intermittent but it is a
> > > bit of a show stopper.
> > > Any help you can give would be gratefully received.
> > > Best Regards,
> > >  Derek
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Re: Redirect loop using Auth + Acl component

2009-07-01 Thread NegoBlack®

I think that is not a good idea... I remeber to read in some place on
the docs that it was not recomended. Could you tell more about your
Auth system?

On Jul 1, 9:03 am, GravyFace  wrote:
> Not sure about your code, but try adding 
> $this->Auth->allow('login');
> On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 5:49 AM, Delberto wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I am building an application and am having an issue with one of my
> > controllers. I get the following message in Firefox
> > "Redirection limit for this URL exceeded.  Unable to load the
> > requested page.  This may be caused by cookies that are blocked"
> > I have followed the cookbook tutorial Simple Acl controlled
> > Application. I haven't got this error on my other controllers so I'm
> > wondering what has gone wrong. The error is intermittent but it is a
> > bit of a show stopper.
> > Any help you can give would be gratefully received.
> > Best Regards,
> >  Derek
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Re: Redirect loop using Auth + Acl component

2009-07-01 Thread GravyFace

Not sure about your code, but try adding $this->Auth->allow('login');

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 5:49 AM, Delberto wrote:
> Hello,
> I am building an application and am having an issue with one of my
> controllers. I get the following message in Firefox
> "Redirection limit for this URL exceeded.  Unable to load the
> requested page.  This may be caused by cookies that are blocked"
> I have followed the cookbook tutorial Simple Acl controlled
> Application. I haven't got this error on my other controllers so I'm
> wondering what has gone wrong. The error is intermittent but it is a
> bit of a show stopper.
> Any help you can give would be gratefully received.
> Best Regards,
>  Derek
> >

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Redirect loop using Auth + Acl component

2009-07-01 Thread Delberto


I am building an application and am having an issue with one of my
controllers. I get the following message in Firefox

"Redirection limit for this URL exceeded.  Unable to load the
requested page.  This may be caused by cookies that are blocked"

I have followed the cookbook tutorial Simple Acl controlled
Application. I haven't got this error on my other controllers so I'm
wondering what has gone wrong. The error is intermittent but it is a
bit of a show stopper.

Any help you can give would be gratefully received.

Best Regards,

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Re: Redirect Loop

2009-03-14 Thread Tony Thomas

Since someone emailed me off the list to inquire about this, I thought
I'd post my fix for the problem for those who find this in the future.
Here's what I wrote in my email:

It turned out that I had moved some code in the layout that was trying
to check against Auth. I have this code in my app_controller.php file:

function beforeFilter(){
if ($role = $this->Auth->user('role')) {
$this->set('user_info', $this->Auth->user());

I check for that $user_info variable in the layout. I'm not sure
exactly what caused the problem but I'm pretty sure that was the root
of it. Here's what the layout has:

if (isset($user_info)) {

// display the username and some other info


I was modifying the layout and put that part of the code at the very
beginning. The effect was that the code was run before the page could
be rendered so that even when I went to log in, it was being checked,
thus trying to redirect me toward the login page. I think it went
something like this:

   1. I tried to access a page that was protected by Auth.
   2. I was redirected to the login page
   3. The login page tried to check for $user_info which wasn't set
because I hadn't logged in. Since it was checking before the page
rendered, it kept redirecting without ever rendering the page until
Firefox decided that it was an infinite loop (it was) and stopped

At least I think that's what was happening. As soon as I moved that
section down into a part of the page that would be run after the page
started to render, it solved my problem. It was bizarre. You wouldn't
think that modifying a layout would send the application into an
infinite loop. In retrospect it makes sense if my understanding of the
problem is correct. In any case, the problem was solved.

On Mar 11, 4:07 pm, Tony Thomas  wrote:
> I've been working on a local copy of my CakePHP app that runs on a my
> computer. Today I've only been working on a layout and the style
> sheet. I took a break and went back to it which prompted a new login.
> Suddenly I'm getting aredirectloop. Firefox gives me this following
> message:
> RedirectLoop
> Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for
> this address in a way that will never complete.
> The browser has stopped trying to retrieve the requested item. The
> site is redirecting the request in a way that will never complete.
>     * Have you disabled or blocked cookies required by this site?
>     * NOTE: If accepting the site's cookies does not resolve the
> problem, it is likely a server configuration issue and not your
> computer.
> Any thoughts on what might cause that if I wasn't working in the a
> controller? More importantly, how do I fix it?
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Redirect Loop

2009-03-11 Thread Tony Thomas

I've been working on a local copy of my CakePHP app that runs on a my
computer. Today I've only been working on a layout and the style
sheet. I took a break and went back to it which prompted a new login.
Suddenly I'm getting a redirect loop. Firefox gives me this following

Redirect Loop

Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for
this address in a way that will never complete.

The browser has stopped trying to retrieve the requested item. The
site is redirecting the request in a way that will never complete.

* Have you disabled or blocked cookies required by this site?
* NOTE: If accepting the site's cookies does not resolve the
problem, it is likely a server configuration issue and not your

Any thoughts on what might cause that if I wasn't working in the a
controller? More importantly, how do I fix it?
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Re: Auth + Custom Login + isAuthorized = Infinite Redirect Loop

2008-07-16 Thread Baz L

Nevermind everyone. I was being an idiot. My loginRedirect was to a
place that required authorization. As soon as I changed it some a
general controller and action that ALL loggged in users had access to,
I was fine.

On Jun 18, 8:46 am, Baz L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I believe I'm having a similar problem as 
> :
> I'm using controller authorization, so there is a isAuthorized() in my
> app_controller.php which goes off of a simple $this->Auth-
> >user('role').
> I'm pretty much working off of the examples in the Cook 
> Book:
> I have the same login() function.
> This is what I've noticed.
> After isAuthorized returns false (user logs in, but is not authorized)
> I get redirected to:
> $controller->redirect($this->noaccessRedirect, null, true);  (from
> Auth::isAuthorized() )
> This sends me back to my login page (which is fine), however (and I'm
> assuming here) Auth::startup gets called again, thus
> Auth::isAuthorized() gets called again, and the whole thing starts
> over and over again.
> If I clear out the UsersController::login(), then every thing works
> fine.
> Can someone with more experiece help me out, or do I submit a ticket.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> --
> Baz L
> Web Development 2.0
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Auth + Custom Login + isAuthorized = Infinite Redirect Loop

2008-06-18 Thread Baz L

I believe I'm having a similar problem as :

I'm using controller authorization, so there is a isAuthorized() in my
app_controller.php which goes off of a simple $this->Auth-

I'm pretty much working off of the examples in the Cook Book:

I have the same login() function.

This is what I've noticed.
After isAuthorized returns false (user logs in, but is not authorized)
I get redirected to:
$controller->redirect($this->noaccessRedirect, null, true);  (from
Auth::isAuthorized() )
This sends me back to my login page (which is fine), however (and I'm
assuming here) Auth::startup gets called again, thus
Auth::isAuthorized() gets called again, and the whole thing starts
over and over again.

If I clear out the UsersController::login(), then every thing works

Can someone with more experiece help me out, or do I submit a ticket.

Any help would be appreciated.
Baz L
Web Development 2.0
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Cakephp 1.2 AuthComponent Redirect Loop

2008-04-19 Thread Terrance Mok

Hi, I've followed through several AuthComponent tutorials and found
to be to my liking as it has a nice implementation that makes code in
each controller very easy to use to allow/deny access.

I've gotten it to work as far as registering new users, doing a login
and redirection to a page (non-protected). But from there whenever I
try to access a protected page I get an infinite redirect and my page
never resolves.

This is my current app_controller.php
I've tried changing around some configuration of the autoRedirect and
the loginRedirect but nothing seems to solve my problem.

So hopefully someone can help me out with this, thanks.

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