Hi CakePHP'ers

We have just launched a new service in Beta mode and i was hoping for
some help to find some beta testers out there to trial the service.
(its free to use).

Browse your way over to:


It is the first step in solving the mobile and web crossover issues
which website owners / developers face when someone views their
website from any device other than a normal computer (I-phone / mobile
phone / PDA etc).

For anyone who wants to take part in the beta trial, just clip the
code supplied at our site into the website. Then, when someone visits
your site, a live request is sent to us, and we return a result back
to you on a live basis with details of the device, screen size, GEO
IP, make, model and many other fields of information.

From that point, you can do one of two things:

1. Depending on the result returned, you can then display an
appropriate view for the consumer i.e. A website that will fit their
device’s screen size and UI which is controlled by the way in which
they are browsing (i-phones suit touch screen menus, N95’s suit
joystick controls and so on...)

2. If option 1 is too much of a first leap, after you add the code
into your website, you can just login to our online reporting system
and view your traffic results based on device make, model, country,
city etc... This would be a great first step in understanding whether
you are getting traffic to your site from non traditional browsing

As I mentioned, we are in Beta stage, so we would value your feedback
on this.

Hope you get a chance to check it out. Also, if you know of anyone
else who may be interested in participating in this Beta stage, I
would be grateful if you could pass this message on...


David Manjra
skype: dmanjra

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