Hi, In cakephp I cant set the selected option on a dropdown list  when i 
Wjat happens is that I select an option and Post. Then the controller will 
find the data and go back to the same page but the selected value in the 
selected list is the the default.

So I should select a date from the list, press button and be redirected to 
the same page with the selected date. That date should be selected in the 
select list. The code works but the selected option doesnt stay the same 
when the page is redirected back to the same page from the controller.

if (isset($this->request->data['button1'])) {
                 $enddate=date('Y-m-d',strtotime ( +13 . ' day' , strtotime 
( $startdate)));
                 $this->redirect(array('action' => 

  echo $this->Form->create();
            echo $this->Form->input('ChooseAPaycycleStartDate', 
array('options' => 
                    array('2014-10-06'=>'06-10-2014' , 
'2014-10-20'=>'20-10-2014', '2014-11-3'=>'3-11-2014', 
                    //   , 'type' => 'select', 'selected' => 2)));
            echo $this->Form->submit('Get Lesson 
            echo $this->Form->end(); 

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