
I want to have a running numer for all entries for a specific blog, so
would this code be the cake way or what would be better?

Here are my Tables:

MySQL Table blogs:
 id        | next_entry_id | ...
 Autoincr. | int-default 1 |
 1         | 2             | ...
 2         | 1             | ...
 3         | 4             | ...

Blog hasMany Entries

Because cake understands only single keys I have
the id (in an normal Model blod_id AND display would be the key

displayed_id = an autoincrement on one blog
(this shoudl be static, so when I have 4 entries for blog x and I
delete entry 3, entry 4 should stay entry 4 and not become 3, thats
why I need another column for the display_id)
MySQL Table entries:
 id        | blog_id | display_id | ...
 Autoincr. | int     | int        | ...
 1         | 1       | 1          | ...
 2         | 3       | 1          | ...
 3         | 3       | 2          | ...
 4         | 3       | 3          | ...


So now to automatically set the right display_id I would add this
function to the Entries Model:

[CODE lang=PHP]
function beforeSave() {
  // is it an insert?
  if(!isset($this->data['Entry']['id']) {
      // new entry, so get the display_id
      mysql_query("lock record in blogs where blog_id = '".$this->data
      $result = mysql_query("select next_entry_id from blogs where
blog_id = '".$this->data['Entry']['blog_id']."'");
       if(!$next_entry_id = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)) {
         return false;
       mysql_query("update next_entry_id in blogs set next_entry_id =
'".$next_entry_id+1."' where blog_id = '".$this->data['Entry']
       mysql_query("unlock table blogs");
       $this->data['Entry']['display_id'] = $next_entry_id;
  return true;

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