hi guys,... can anyone help please,... I'm using cake 1.3 

I have a autoComplete form where I want to search and filter/results 
members by 'firstname', 'lastname', and 'city',... 
It only works with 'firstname' : e.g. 

here is the form: 
<?php echo $this->Form->create('User', array('url' => '/search', 'id' => 
'PageID')); ?>
<?php echo $this->Ajax->autoComplete('User.name', '/users/autoComplete', 
array('label' => false)); ?>
<?php echo $this->Form->submit('magnifier.png'); ?>
<?php echo $this->Form->end(); ?>

here is auto_complete.ctp: 
    <?php foreach($members as $member): ?>
<?php echo $member['User']['firstname'] . "\n" ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

and controller functions: 

function autoComplete() {

    $this->set('members', $this->User->find('all', array(
                'conditions' => array('User.token IS NULL', 
            'OR' => array( 
                    'User.firstname LIKE' => $this->params['url']['q'].'%', 
                    'User.lastname LIKE' => $this->params['url']['q'].'%',
                    'User.city LIKE' => $this->params['url']['q'].'%'
   'limit' => $this->params['url']['limit'],
   'fields' => array('firstname', 'lastname', 'city')
    $this->layout = 'ajax';

  function search() 
$this->paginate = array('User' => array('conditions' => array('User.token 
IS NULL', 'User.firstname LIKE'=>'%'.$this->data['User']['name'].'%')));

HOWEVER when I add $member['User']['lastname'] . ' ' . 
$member['User']['city'] in auto_complete.ctp

    <?php foreach($members as $member): ?>
<?php echo $member['User']['firstname'] . ' ' . $member['User']['lastname'] 
. ' ' . $member['User']['city'] . "\n" ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?> 

I can NOT filter results in function search(),...  here is what I have 
already tried: 

function search()
      // $this->paginate = array('User' => array('conditions' => 
array('User.token IS NULL', 'fields' => array('User.firstname 
LIKE'=>$this->data['User']['name'].'%', 'User.lastname 
LIKE'=>$this->data['User']['name'].'%', 'User.city 
LIKE'=>$this->data['User']['name'].'%') )));

     //  $this->paginate = array('User' => array('conditions' => 
array('User.token IS NULL', 'User.firstname 
LIKE'=>$this->data['User']['name'].'%', 'fields' => array('firstname', 
'lastname', 'city') )));

      // $this->paginate = array('User' => array('conditions' => 
array('User.token IS NULL', 'OR' => array('User.firstname LIKE' => 
$this->data['User']['name'].'%', 'User.lastname LIKE' => 
$this->data['User']['name'].'%', 'User.city LIKE' => 
$this->data['User']['name'].'%') )));

     //  $this->paginate = array('User' => array('conditions' => 
array('User.token IS NULL', 'User.firstname 
LIKE'=>'%'.$this->data['User']['name'].'%', 'User.lastname 
LIKE'=>'%'.$this->data['User']['name'].'%', 'User.city 


how can I do this please,...? 

thanks in advance 

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