Since my yoga teacher told me to stop googling after the sixth page
I'm here asking for help (my yoga teacher is a sage woman but she
knows nothing about cake).

I tried to use i18n with a default.po file in an application and it
Unfortunately with a single po file I can't get the best results, I
need different translations in different views.

So I found this article:
and tried what is suggested in comment #30. I had previously created
the multiple pot files with the console and translated them with
The problem is that this doesn't work for me. Nothing gets translated.
I tried to put the code suggested in the aforementioned article in a
controller or controllers/app_controller.php to no avail.

I even put some logging code in i18n.php but nothing of what I
expected happens:
I18n::translate always gets called with a null $domain.
I supposed that setting the $domain variable in beforeRender would
force cake to look for a different po file but this is not happening
with my setup.
Any suggestion?

thank you

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