Internationalization & Localization in Cakephp switching languages

2015-08-05 Thread yusuf elhirar
Hello guys, 
I started to make a website in 3 different languages: French, English and 
Arabic. Therefore, I would like to know how to switch language and using a 
link in the view. I already extract PO file for French and configure the 
website for French (on the bootstrap file), but I want to know how to show 
the switching links. 
Thanks for everyone tries to help me with.

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Internationalization Extract Comments

2014-02-10 Thread John Doe

Can I make comments in my Code like:

*/// Comments for translatorecho __d('domain', 'Hello World');*

Then in console: *cake i18n extract*

So I get a POT-File like this:

*#. Comments for translatormsgid "Hello World"msgstr ""*

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Re: CakePhp 2.x - Internationalization/Localization/Translate Behavior/i18n - How to use in 2.x?

2013-04-14 Thread Livin Inchina

Hi Kicaj and thanks for your post, I stumbled upon it before to start the 
internationalization of project.
It was helpful but my main problem is that I can't save data with 
validation, I have to turn them off on my save($data,false) and I can't 
figure why it won't work!

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Re: CakePhp 2.x - Internationalization/Localization/Translate Behavior/i18n - How to use in 2.x?

2013-04-09 Thread kicaj
Read my article on bakery site:

W dniu wtorek, 2 kwietnia 2013 05:06:25 UTC+2 użytkownik Livin Inchina 
> Hi everyone!
> I'm having a hard time making my website multilingual and I after going 
> through the net seeking for answers, I found out that I wasn't the first 
> one to have these issues with version 2.x.
> I'm trying to translate my blog. So I have a Post.php model, a 
> PostsController.php and a view admin_edit.ctp.
> Using the console, I've created the i18n table by hitting the command > 
> cake i18n.
> Following are my files:
> *bootstrap.php*
> Configure::write('Config.languages', array('fra','eng'));
> Configure::write('Config.language','fra');
> *
> *
> *Post.php*
>  class Post extends AppModel{
> public $actsAs = array(
> 'Translate' => array(
> 'name'=> '_name',
> 'slug'=> '_slug',
> 'content' => '_content'
> )
> );
> }
> *PostsController.php*
> *
> *
> function admin_edit($id=null){
> if (!empty($this->request->data)) {
> $this->Post->create();
> $this->Post->locale = Configure::read('Config.languages');
> if (!empty($this->request->data['Post']['file']['name']) && 
> !empty($this->request->data['Post']['photo'])) {
> $dir = IMAGES.'news';
> if (!file_exists($dir)) {
> mkdir($dir,0777);
> }
> $photo = preg_replace('~[^\w-\.]~', '-', 
> strtolower($this->request->data['Post']['photo']['fra']));
> $f = explode('.',$this->request->data['Post']['file']['name']);
> $ext = '.'.end($f);
> $filename = $'-YmdHis');
> move_uploaded_file($this->request->data['Post']['file']['tmp_name'], 
> $dir.DS.$filename.$ext);
> }
> if ($this->Post->save($this->request->data, false)) {
> debug($this->request->data);
> // $this->redirect(array('action' => 'admin_index'));
> }
> if ($id!=null) {
> $this->Post->id = $id;
> $this->request->data = $this->Post->readAll();
> }
> }
> }
> *admin_edit.ctp*
> *
> *
>  echo $this->Form->create('Post', array('type' => 'file'));
> echo $this->Form->input('file', array('type' => 'file'));
> echo $this->Form->input('photo', array();
> foreach (Configure::read('Config.languages') as $lang):
> echo $this->Form->input(''.$lang, array('div' => false, 'label' 
> => false));
> echo $this->Form->input('Post.slug.'.$lang, array('div' => false, 'label' 
> => false));
> echo $this->Form->textarea('Post.content.'.$lang, array('div' => false, 
> 'label' => false));
> endforeach;
> echo $this->Form->input('id');
> echo $this->Form->hidden('created');
> echo $this->Form->end('done');
> ?>
> --
> You will notice that in my controller I use $this->Post->locale = 
> Configure::read('Config.languages'); to save all my languages at once.
> To do that, I also loop my input in the view foreach 
> (Configure::read('Config.languages') as $lang):
> This code is working as it but it's not enough. As you can see I have a 
> picture and I would like to insert its name in the posts table.
> Right now, if I want to save the name of the picture, I have to do like 
> that: my-image.jpg, meaning I have to manually format it in the form.
> Also, I have a slug and to create it I would like to use the name field 
> and add "-" instead of the spaces to format my slug.
> With my code above, I just do a simple 
> $this->Post->save($this->request->data, false) but I cannot format my data.
> What I'd like to do is something like that for example:
> $success = array(
> 'name'=> $name,
> 'slug'=> $slug,
> 'photo'   => $photo,
> 'content' => $content,
> 'id'  => $id
> );
> $this->Post->save($success,false);
> The problem when I do that is that it needs to be saved in as many 
> languages as I have because. When I loop it to save all the languages, 
> everything is save in the i18n table,
> all the values are translated, the only problem is that the locale column 
> data are all the same, the locale that has been used when saved.
> By the way, you will notice that I disabled the validation in the second 
> parameter of the save. If I don't do that, nothing happens.
> That's one of the problem I can't figure, why couldn't I do validations?
> So my questions are, how can I save my data in both tables i18n and posts 
> with the possibility to format the data before saving?
> How come I have to disable the validation to make the saving work?
> If you already done that on V2.x, how did you do it?
> I'm really stuck on this, the only solution I have right now is no 
> validations, and format data manually in the form.
> This is really not convenient and not pro.
> I really hope somebody will help me, I've posted this problem in every 
> forum and group I know, and nobody answered me yet.
> Help for a desperate guy...
> Thank you very very much for your help!

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CakePhp 2.x - Internationalization/Localization/Translate Behavior/i18n - How to use in 2.x?

2013-04-02 Thread Livin Inchina
Hi everyone!

I'm having a hard time making my website multilingual and I after going 
through the net seeking for answers, I found out that I wasn't the first 
one to have these issues with version 2.x.

I'm trying to translate my blog. So I have a Post.php model, a 
PostsController.php and a view admin_edit.ctp.

Using the console, I've created the i18n table by hitting the command > 
cake i18n.

Following are my files:


Configure::write('Config.languages', array('fra','eng'));

'name'=> '_name',
'slug'=> '_slug',
'content' => '_content'

function admin_edit($id=null){

if (!empty($this->request->data)) {

$this->Post->locale = Configure::read('Config.languages');

if (!empty($this->request->data['Post']['file']['name']) && 
!empty($this->request->data['Post']['photo'])) {
$dir = IMAGES.'news';
if (!file_exists($dir)) {
$photo = preg_replace('~[^\w-\.]~', '-', 
$f = explode('.',$this->request->data['Post']['file']['name']);
$ext = '.'.end($f);
$filename = $'-YmdHis');


if ($this->Post->save($this->request->data, false)) {
// $this->redirect(array('action' => 'admin_index'));

if ($id!=null) {
$this->Post->id = $id;
$this->request->data = $this->Post->readAll();

Form->create('Post', array('type' => 'file'));

echo $this->Form->input('file', array('type' => 'file'));
echo $this->Form->input('photo', array();

foreach (Configure::read('Config.languages') as $lang):
echo $this->Form->input(''.$lang, array('div' => false, 'label' 
=> false));
echo $this->Form->input('Post.slug.'.$lang, array('div' => false, 'label' 
=> false));
echo $this->Form->textarea('Post.content.'.$lang, array('div' => false, 
'label' => false));

echo $this->Form->input('id');
echo $this->Form->hidden('created');

echo $this->Form->end('done');


You will notice that in my controller I use $this->Post->locale = 
Configure::read('Config.languages'); to save all my languages at once.
To do that, I also loop my input in the view foreach 
(Configure::read('Config.languages') as $lang):

This code is working as it but it's not enough. As you can see I have a 
picture and I would like to insert its name in the posts table.
Right now, if I want to save the name of the picture, I have to do like 
that: my-image.jpg, meaning I have to manually format it in the form.
Also, I have a slug and to create it I would like to use the name field and 
add "-" instead of the spaces to format my slug.

With my code above, I just do a simple 
$this->Post->save($this->request->data, false) but I cannot format my data.
What I'd like to do is something like that for example:

$success = array(
'name'=> $name,
'slug'=> $slug,
'photo'   => $photo,
'content' => $content,
'id'  => $id

The problem when I do that is that it needs to be saved in as many 
languages as I have because. When I loop it to save all the languages, 
everything is save in the i18n table,
all the values are translated, the only problem is that the locale column 
data are all the same, the locale that has been used when saved.

By the way, you will notice that I disabled the validation in the second 
parameter of the save. If I don't do that, nothing happens.
That's one of the problem I can't figure, why couldn't I do validations?

So my questions are, how can I save my data in both tables i18n and posts 
with the possibility to format the data before saving?
How come I have to disable the validation to make the saving work?
If you already done that on V2.x, how did you do it?

I'm really stuck on this, the only solution I have right now is no 
validations, and format data manually in the form.
This is really not convenient and not pro.

I really hope somebody will help me, I've posted this problem in every 
forum and group I know, and nobody answered me yet.
Help for a desperate guy...

Thank you very very much for your help!

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TwigView and internationalization

2012-06-21 Thread Jorge Gonzalez Ortiz
Hi bakers,

I'm using the TwigView plugin and I wanted to know if there is some kind of
automated script to extract all the strings used with the trans filter. I
have been googling it, but I have been frustrated.




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Re: internationalization

2011-07-04 Thread Johan
If you are willing to pay for it, there is a company that translates .po
files, among other frameworks:

- Johan

On Mon, Jul 4, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Salines  wrote:

> Try
> On 1 srp, 17:00, Mati  wrote:
> > Hi Guys. I'm having a problem internationalizing my app.
> >
> > I need the default.po file in spanish. For example all the errors
> > Model, Controller, DB. But in spanish.
> >
> > Do you know if there is any group or blog who did this?
> > If there isn't a translation is any way to do it automatically? like
> > google translate?
> >
> > I apologize for my english xD Is not my native language!
> >
> > Thanks in advice!
> >
> > Mati.
> --
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Re: internationalization

2011-07-04 Thread Salines


On 1 srp, 17:00, Mati  wrote:
> Hi Guys. I'm having a problem internationalizing my app.
> I need the default.po file in spanish. For example all the errors
> Model, Controller, DB. But in spanish.
> Do you know if there is any group or blog who did this?
> If there isn't a translation is any way to do it automatically? like
> google translate?
> I apologize for my english xD Is not my native language!
> Thanks in advice!
> Mati.

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Re: internationalization

2011-07-02 Thread leugim somar
hi.. you have to bake, your app, then,, you have your default .po,,,

and you have to translate line per line.

lo que te respondi arriba es como yo he trabajado antes, pero si hay otra
manera no lo se.
si tu ingles no es muy bueno te recomiendo que preguntes aqui

2011/7/1 Mati 

> Hi Guys. I'm having a problem internationalizing my app.
> I need the default.po file in spanish. For example all the errors
> Model, Controller, DB. But in spanish.
> Do you know if there is any group or blog who did this?
> If there isn't a translation is any way to do it automatically? like
> google translate?
> I apologize for my english xD Is not my native language!
> Thanks in advice!
> Mati.
> --
> Our newest site for the community: CakePHP Video Tutorials
> Check out the new CakePHP Questions site and help
> others with their CakePHP related questions.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
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2011-07-02 Thread Mati
Hi Guys. I'm having a problem internationalizing my app.

I need the default.po file in spanish. For example all the errors
Model, Controller, DB. But in spanish.

Do you know if there is any group or blog who did this?
If there isn't a translation is any way to do it automatically? like
google translate?

I apologize for my english xD Is not my native language!

Thanks in advice!


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Re: USE Internationalization & Localization

2011-04-01 Thread hoss7
thanks daniel

On Apr 1, 6:45 pm, "Daniel S. Reichenbach" 
> Greetings,
> > i am new in cakephp,how can user choice language?
> As a primer, read this 
> one:
> and this question has a nice summary of what to 
> do.
> And if you are looking for a starters guide, then the Bakery has you
> covered:
> WkR,
> Daniel

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Re: USE Internationalization & Localization

2011-04-01 Thread Daniel S. Reichenbach


i am new in cakephp,how can user choice language?

As a primer, read this one:

and this question has a nice summary of what to do.

And if you are looking for a starters guide, then the Bakery has you


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Re: USE Internationalization & Localization

2011-04-01 Thread hoss7
i am new in cakephp,how can user choice language?
if i have website with default language :English ; how can user choice
another language for xample farsi?
and how can i find out user language choice in controls and view and

On Apr 1, 5:05 pm, Ryan Schmidt  wrote:
> On Apr 1, 2011, at 07:48, hoss7 wrote:
> > how can i call file from local folder from url?
> > for example i have :
> >    /app/locale/eng/LC_MESSAGES/default.po (English)
> >    /app/locale/fa/LC_MESSAGES/default.po (farsi)
> > how can i create url for call other po files?
> What do you mean, URL? You're not going to be accessing .po files directly in 
> a browser.

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Re: USE Internationalization & Localization

2011-04-01 Thread Ryan Schmidt

On Apr 1, 2011, at 07:48, hoss7 wrote:

> how can i call file from local folder from url?
> for example i have :
>/app/locale/eng/LC_MESSAGES/default.po (English)
>/app/locale/fa/LC_MESSAGES/default.po (farsi)
> how can i create url for call other po files?

What do you mean, URL? You're not going to be accessing .po files directly in a 

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USE Internationalization & Localization

2011-04-01 Thread hoss7
how can i call file from local folder from url?

for example i have :

/app/locale/eng/LC_MESSAGES/default.po (English)
/app/locale/fa/LC_MESSAGES/default.po (farsi)

how can i create url for call other po files?

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Re: Internationalization in Cake - not works for me

2010-12-12 Thread John Andersen
Please show the code in which you are using the __(...) function, so
that we can see that you are using it correctly.

Be aware, that passing true as the second parameter to the __(...)
function will make it return the translation, not echo the

Also, have you tried reversing the translation requirement, so that
you specify all text in english and have it translated into russian?

On 12 Dec., 01:31, Andrew Hodirevski  wrote:
> What am I doing wrong?
> I've got the next part of View:
> __('Ваш логин', true),
> After that I've generated using cake 'cake i18n extract' neccessary
> path and default.pot, which I copied to app/locale/eng/LC_MESSAGES/
> default.po and edited with PoEdit.
> The part of default.po for the previous string is:
> msgid "Ваш логин"
> msgstr "Your login"
> And:
> "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
> The Debug level is 2, so I have no caching.
> So, what the problem is?

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Internationalization in Cake - not works for me

2010-12-11 Thread Andrew Hodirevski
What am I doing wrong?
I've got the next part of View:

__('Ваш логин', true),

After that I've generated using cake 'cake i18n extract' neccessary
path and default.pot, which I copied to app/locale/eng/LC_MESSAGES/
default.po and edited with PoEdit.

The part of default.po for the previous string is:
msgid "Ваш логин"
msgstr "Your login"

"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

The Debug level is 2, so I have no caching.

So, what the problem is?

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Re: editing *.po files - internationalization

2010-06-13 Thread philp

What does the "Catalog/Configuration" window of your .po file speaks
of "INTEGER" or "EXPRESSION" in its "Plural forms" input? Do you have
the following line at the beginning of your .po file?

"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"

If yes, your plural forms are not configured and you need to take a
look at this page:

Anyway, telling what your fatal error exactly is would help…

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editing *.po files - internationalization

2010-06-13 Thread huoxito
I've been trying to translate the commom messages and words inside
cakephp core to portuguese using the internationalization feature...

i generated the default.pot file, put it in the right directory "/app/
locale/por/LC_MESSAGES/default.po" and then start translating the
messages, with Poedit,  but it seems to have a problem when
translating words with plural form in the code for example:

#: /cake/libs/view/helpers/time.php:450;455;459
msgid "week"
msgid_plural "weeks"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""

When I translate the word 'week' on Poedit and save the document it
says it has a fatal error ... All other words work perfectly, except
words that have singular and plural on the file generated by the i18n
console task

has it happened to anyone here? any ideas how can I make theses words
translations work?

ps. hope i was clear enough on this issue

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Re: Problem with internationalization

2010-05-18 Thread Miles J
Its "fre" not "fr". Its always 3 letters. Also try:

Configure::write('Config.language', 'fre');

On May 18, 8:35 am, thomaus  wrote:
> I just tried but it did not change anything...
> On May 18, 3:34 pm, "Dr. Loboto"  wrote:
> > Not "fr", but "fre".
> > On May 18, 7:29 pm, thomaus  wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I already made some multilingual websites with CakePHP but this time,
> > > it doesn't work and I don't get it.
> > > What I did :
> > > 1) Wrote this function in my app_controller.php file
> > > function beforeFilter()
> > > {
> > >                 $this->Session->write('Config.language', 'fr');
> > >                 pr($this->Session->read());
> > > }
> > > 2) Created my pot file : /locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/default.po containing
> > > this :
> > > msgid "hello_world"
> > > msgstr "Bonjour Monde!!!"
> > > 3) Echoed the "hello_world" word in my main view this way :
> > > 
> > > And this is what I get :
> > > Array
> > > (
> > >     [Config] => Array
> > >         (
> > >             [userAgent] => a306901d9caa36b51a9be87069755367
> > >             [time] => 1274221529
> > >             [timeout] => 10
> > >             [language] => fr
> > >         )
> > > )
> > > hello_world
> > > So it seems like the language is correctly set in the session, but the
> > > __() doesn't work. I don't get it. Does anybody know why it is so?
> > > Thanks in advance.
> > > Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://cakeqs.organdhelpothers 
> > > with their CakePHP related questions.
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > > "CakePHP" group.
> > > To post to this group, send email to
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> > > For more options, visit this group 
> > > at
> > Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://cakeqs.organdhelp others 
> > with their CakePHP related questions.
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "CakePHP" group.
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Re: Problem with internationalization

2010-05-18 Thread thomaus
A stupid bug of mine. Sorry for bugging!

On May 18, 5:35 pm, thomaus  wrote:
> I just tried but it did not change anything...
> On May 18, 3:34 pm, "Dr. Loboto"  wrote:
> > Not "fr", but "fre".
> > On May 18, 7:29 pm, thomaus  wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I already made some multilingual websites with CakePHP but this time,
> > > it doesn't work and I don't get it.
> > > What I did :
> > > 1) Wrote this function in my app_controller.php file
> > > function beforeFilter()
> > > {
> > >                 $this->Session->write('Config.language', 'fr');
> > >                 pr($this->Session->read());
> > > }
> > > 2) Created my pot file : /locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/default.po containing
> > > this :
> > > msgid "hello_world"
> > > msgstr "Bonjour Monde!!!"
> > > 3) Echoed the "hello_world" word in my main view this way :
> > > 
> > > And this is what I get :
> > > Array
> > > (
> > >     [Config] => Array
> > >         (
> > >             [userAgent] => a306901d9caa36b51a9be87069755367
> > >             [time] => 1274221529
> > >             [timeout] => 10
> > >             [language] => fr
> > >         )
> > > )
> > > hello_world
> > > So it seems like the language is correctly set in the session, but the
> > > __() doesn't work. I don't get it. Does anybody know why it is so?
> > > Thanks in advance.
> > > Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://cakeqs.organdhelpothers 
> > > with their CakePHP related questions.
> > > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > > "CakePHP" group.
> > > To post to this group, send email to
> > > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > > For more options, visit this group 
> > > at
> > Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://cakeqs.organdhelp others 
> > with their CakePHP related questions.
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "CakePHP" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > at
> Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://cakeqs.organd help others with 
> their CakePHP related questions.
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "CakePHP" group.
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Re: Problem with internationalization

2010-05-18 Thread thomaus
I just tried but it did not change anything...

On May 18, 3:34 pm, "Dr. Loboto"  wrote:
> Not "fr", but "fre".
> On May 18, 7:29 pm, thomaus  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I already made some multilingual websites with CakePHP but this time,
> > it doesn't work and I don't get it.
> > What I did :
> > 1) Wrote this function in my app_controller.php file
> > function beforeFilter()
> > {
> >                 $this->Session->write('Config.language', 'fr');
> >                 pr($this->Session->read());
> > }
> > 2) Created my pot file : /locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/default.po containing
> > this :
> > msgid "hello_world"
> > msgstr "Bonjour Monde!!!"
> > 3) Echoed the "hello_world" word in my main view this way :
> > 
> > And this is what I get :
> > Array
> > (
> >     [Config] => Array
> >         (
> >             [userAgent] => a306901d9caa36b51a9be87069755367
> >             [time] => 1274221529
> >             [timeout] => 10
> >             [language] => fr
> >         )
> > )
> > hello_world
> > So it seems like the language is correctly set in the session, but the
> > __() doesn't work. I don't get it. Does anybody know why it is so?
> > Thanks in advance.
> > Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://cakeqs.organdhelp others 
> > with their CakePHP related questions.
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> > "CakePHP" group.
> > To post to this group, send email to
> > To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> > For more options, visit this group 
> > at
> Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://cakeqs.organd help others with 
> their CakePHP related questions.
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "CakePHP" group.
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Re: Problem with internationalization

2010-05-18 Thread Dr. Loboto
Not "fr", but "fre".

On May 18, 7:29 pm, thomaus  wrote:
> Hi,
> I already made some multilingual websites with CakePHP but this time,
> it doesn't work and I don't get it.
> What I did :
> 1) Wrote this function in my app_controller.php file
> function beforeFilter()
> {
>                 $this->Session->write('Config.language', 'fr');
>                 pr($this->Session->read());
> }
> 2) Created my pot file : /locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/default.po containing
> this :
> msgid "hello_world"
> msgstr "Bonjour Monde!!!"
> 3) Echoed the "hello_world" word in my main view this way :
> And this is what I get :
> Array
> (
>     [Config] => Array
>         (
>             [userAgent] => a306901d9caa36b51a9be87069755367
>             [time] => 1274221529
>             [timeout] => 10
>             [language] => fr
>         )
> )
> hello_world
> So it seems like the language is correctly set in the session, but the
> __() doesn't work. I don't get it. Does anybody know why it is so?
> Thanks in advance.
> Check out the new CakePHP Questions sitehttp://cakeqs.organd help others with 
> their CakePHP related questions.
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
> "CakePHP" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> For more options, visit this group 
> at

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Problem with internationalization

2010-05-18 Thread thomaus

I already made some multilingual websites with CakePHP but this time,
it doesn't work and I don't get it.

What I did :

1) Wrote this function in my app_controller.php file

function beforeFilter()
$this->Session->write('Config.language', 'fr');

2) Created my pot file : /locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/default.po containing
this :
msgid "hello_world"
msgstr "Bonjour Monde!!!"

3) Echoed the "hello_world" word in my main view this way :

And this is what I get :

[Config] => Array
[userAgent] => a306901d9caa36b51a9be87069755367
[time] => 1274221529
[timeout] => 10
[language] => fr



So it seems like the language is correctly set in the session, but the
__() doesn't work. I don't get it. Does anybody know why it is so?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: custom Routing prefix internationalization - URL translated AND action name not ???

2010-02-04 Thread
anybody pls?

Thanks again.

On Feb 1, 11:03 am, ""  wrote:
> Hi, I need to set up 'member' prefix for my page with its
> localization.
> So my address is now ...
> BUT, how can I translate the word member to other language? Let say I
> wish to use a spanish word 'miembro' in URL but english word 'member'
> as action prefix in the controller.
> - New address would be ...
> - Controller's name: member_index() { ... }
> Is it possible?? ... that $html->link() will return always 'miembro'
> in address instead of 'member'??
> Thanks
> Tomas

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custom Routing prefix internationalization - URL translated AND action name not ???

2010-02-01 Thread
Hi, I need to set up 'member' prefix for my page with its

So my address is now ...

BUT, how can I translate the word member to other language? Let say I
wish to use a spanish word 'miembro' in URL but english word 'member'
as action prefix in the controller.

- New address would be ...
- Controller's name: member_index() { ... }

Is it possible?? ... that $html->link() will return always 'miembro'
in address instead of 'member'??


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Re: Internationalization in Cakephp help( for a newbie)

2009-12-11 Thread Jayanand Bhushi

Ur mail helped me alot Thanx a lot

I have to do like this
IM implementing German Language

msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Löschen"

msgid "Add New Post"
msgstr "Fügen Sie Neuen Posten hinzu"

Both words missing
But when I tried with Below one It worked

msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Loschen"

msgid "Add New Post"
msgstr "Fugen Sie Neuen Posten hinzu"

Obviously problem is with ö and ü in Löschen and Fügen...
Im using wordPad... How to get the desired words.


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Re: Internationalization in Cakephp help( for a newbie)

2009-12-10 Thread Jayanand Bhushi

when I tried to create po file.

I am getting the following error message

xgettext: waring: file`' extension `' is unknown; will try C

updation failed. click >>> more

I have given path

and keyword as __

But updation is failing..

Please guide..

Thanks in advance


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Re: Internationalization in Cakephp help( for a newbie)

2009-12-10 Thread Miles J
What kind of sample code?

All you need to do is , and then define it in the .po files.

// default.po
msgid "This string will be translated"
msgstr ""

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Re: Internationalization in Cakephp help( for a newbie)

2009-12-09 Thread Jay
Hi Marcelo,

Thanks for ur reply.

Can I get a sample code for internationalization?

I cant find it in google...

Jayanand Bhushi

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Re: Internationalization in Cakephp help( for a newbie)

2009-12-09 Thread Marcelo Andrade
On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 3:27 AM, Jayanand Bhushi  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Im newbie to cakephp. But have implemented so many cakephp concept.
> Now I want to implement internationalization to my application.
> I dont know wat to use. i18n, p28n or l10n.
> I even dont the difference between them.

Internacionalization: an "i", eighteen letters and a "n", i18n.
Localization: an "l", ten letters and a "n", l10n.

What's the difference?

p28n is name of a user component to change the language
of a CakePHP application based on parameters in the URL.
It's described here[1].

> Please give me one sample so that I can continue with it for my modules.

Start with the basics [2].

Best regards.


Belem, PA, Amazonia, Brazil
Linux User #221105

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Internationalization in Cakephp help( for a newbie)

2009-12-08 Thread Jayanand Bhushi
Hi all,

Im newbie to cakephp. But have implemented so many cakephp concept.

Now I want to implement internationalization to my application.

I dont know wat to use. i18n, p28n or l10n.

I even dont the difference between them.

Please give me one sample so that I can continue with it for my modules.

Thanks in advance.

Jayanand Bhushi

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Migrate content to the i18n Database Table (internationalization)

2009-09-23 Thread hasentopf

I spent a long time googling for a solution, now I have to ask you

In my application I have an articles table with some entries. Now I
would like to internationalize my application, so I need to translate
two fields in my articles-table (content and title).

Is there a possibilty to migrate my existing (monolingual) content to
the i18n database table?

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Prefix for Internationalization

2009-08-24 Thread blablu


I want to internationalize a cake website. My intention was to use
prefixes like
to differentiate the languages for the user, search machines and the
app itself.

Whit the routing I do something like that:
Router::connect('/:language/posts/:action/*', array('controller' =>
'posts'), array('language' => '[a-z]{3}'));

This works fine. Now what I don't get to work is the url generating
with the html helper function. I tried to overwrite the url Method
with the AppHelper class, so that the current, selected language will
automtically added to the url to match the above url layout:

function url($url = null, $full = false) {

if(!is_array($url)) {
$urlString = $url;
$url[] = $urlString;

if(isset($this->params['language'])) {
$url['prefix'] = $this->params['language'];
} else {
$url['prefix'] = Configure::read('App.defaultLang');

$result = parent::url($url, $full);

return $result;

I tried some other ideas with $url['bare'] = '/fra'.$urlString; but
nothing works properly.

Do you have any ideas?
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Re: Internationalization

2009-08-17 Thread RhythmicDevil

Thanks Larry, thats the trick.

On Aug 17, 4:59 pm, "Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut" 
> It is __(); notice the double underscore.
> --
> /**
> * @author Larry E. Masters
> * @var string $userName
> * @param string $realName
> * @returns string aka PhpNut
> * @access  public
> */
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 3:52 PM, RhythmicDevil wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am trying to understand how to get internationalization to work in
> > CakePHP. After reading the docs and searching around, looking at
> > Teknoid and some other place this is what I am left with.
> > CakePHP has a class I18n that handles the loading of the correct
> > string from a .po file based upon the language locale setting.
> > CakePHP has a console app that supposedly will read all the strings in
> > your view files and create language files for you.
> > I wrap my string ids in _() which will return the msg for that id.
> > I can use POEdit to create my files.
> > Given that. I created one message and placed it in the default.po file
> > for English. I then used the translator function for the heading on my
> > login page. However when I start the app it simply fails and tells me
> > that _()  is an undefined function.
> > Here is the content of my controller:
> > class SubscribersController extends Controller
> > {
> >    public $helpers = array ('Form', 'Html', 'Javascript');
> >    public $components = array ('DataPrep');
> >    public $SubscriberId = null;
> >    public function login()
> >    {
> >        $this->pageTitle = 'Please Login';
> >        $this->layout = 'login';
> >        $this->SubscriberId = $this->params['data']['Subscriber']
> > ['SubscriberId'];
> >        $this->log('Login attempt with SubscriberId: '.$this-
> > >SubscriberId, Configure::read('APP_LOG'));
> >        $subscriber = $this->Subscriber->QuerySub($this-
> > >SubscriberId);
> >        if ($subscriber->resultCode == 0)
> >        {
> >            $this->Session->write('Subscriber', $subscriber-
> > >querySubRsp);
> >            //debug($this->Session->read('Subscriber'));
> >            $this->redirect( array ('controller'=>'subscribers',
> > 'action'=>'basics'));
> >        }
> >    }
> > 
> > Here is the content of my View file:
> >  
> >        
> >                 > _("Please
> > Login"); ?>
> >                
> >                 >                        echo $form->create($options = array('action' =>
> > 'login'));
> >                        echo $form->input('Subscriber.SubscriberId');
> >                        echo $form->button('Login', array('type'=>'submit',
> > 'class'=>'button'));
> >                        echo $form->end();
> >                ?>
> >                
> >        
> >  
> > Here is the content of my default.po file that is in the directory /
> > app/locale/eng/LC_MESSAGES/
> > msgid ""
> > msgstr ""
> > "Project-Id-Version: \n"
> > "POT-Creation-Date: \n"
> > "PO-Revision-Date: \n"
> > "Last-Translator: Steven Wright \n"
> > "Language-Team: \n"
> > "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
> > "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
> > "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
> > msgid "Please Login"
> > msgstr "Please Login"
> > 1) I am assuming I need to tell Cake to use I18n. But how? Is it a
> > component, a helper?
> > 2) Does my .po file look correct?
> > 3) Am I on the right path?
> > Thanks
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Re: Internationalization

2009-08-17 Thread RhythmicDevil

Hahaha I am such a dummy. Thanks.

On Aug 17, 4:59 pm, "Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut" 
> It is __(); notice the double underscore.
> --
> /**
> * @author Larry E. Masters
> * @var string $userName
> * @param string $realName
> * @returns string aka PhpNut
> * @access  public
> */
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 3:52 PM, RhythmicDevil wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am trying to understand how to get internationalization to work in
> > CakePHP. After reading the docs and searching around, looking at
> > Teknoid and some other place this is what I am left with.
> > CakePHP has a class I18n that handles the loading of the correct
> > string from a .po file based upon the language locale setting.
> > CakePHP has a console app that supposedly will read all the strings in
> > your view files and create language files for you.
> > I wrap my string ids in _() which will return the msg for that id.
> > I can use POEdit to create my files.
> > Given that. I created one message and placed it in the default.po file
> > for English. I then used the translator function for the heading on my
> > login page. However when I start the app it simply fails and tells me
> > that _()  is an undefined function.
> > Here is the content of my controller:
> > class SubscribersController extends Controller
> > {
> >    public $helpers = array ('Form', 'Html', 'Javascript');
> >    public $components = array ('DataPrep');
> >    public $SubscriberId = null;
> >    public function login()
> >    {
> >        $this->pageTitle = 'Please Login';
> >        $this->layout = 'login';
> >        $this->SubscriberId = $this->params['data']['Subscriber']
> > ['SubscriberId'];
> >        $this->log('Login attempt with SubscriberId: '.$this-
> > >SubscriberId, Configure::read('APP_LOG'));
> >        $subscriber = $this->Subscriber->QuerySub($this-
> > >SubscriberId);
> >        if ($subscriber->resultCode == 0)
> >        {
> >            $this->Session->write('Subscriber', $subscriber-
> > >querySubRsp);
> >            //debug($this->Session->read('Subscriber'));
> >            $this->redirect( array ('controller'=>'subscribers',
> > 'action'=>'basics'));
> >        }
> >    }
> > 
> > Here is the content of my View file:
> >  
> >        
> >                 > _("Please
> > Login"); ?>
> >                
> >                 >                        echo $form->create($options = array('action' =>
> > 'login'));
> >                        echo $form->input('Subscriber.SubscriberId');
> >                        echo $form->button('Login', array('type'=>'submit',
> > 'class'=>'button'));
> >                        echo $form->end();
> >                ?>
> >                
> >        
> >  
> > Here is the content of my default.po file that is in the directory /
> > app/locale/eng/LC_MESSAGES/
> > msgid ""
> > msgstr ""
> > "Project-Id-Version: \n"
> > "POT-Creation-Date: \n"
> > "PO-Revision-Date: \n"
> > "Last-Translator: Steven Wright \n"
> > "Language-Team: \n"
> > "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
> > "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
> > "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
> > msgid "Please Login"
> > msgstr "Please Login"
> > 1) I am assuming I need to tell Cake to use I18n. But how? Is it a
> > component, a helper?
> > 2) Does my .po file look correct?
> > 3) Am I on the right path?
> > Thanks
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Re: Internationalization

2009-08-17 Thread RhythmicDevil

Ok problem solved is that my PHP was not compiled with gettext. So
thats done. The page loads but there is not message being displayed.

On Aug 17, 4:52 pm, RhythmicDevil  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to understand how to get internationalization to work in
> CakePHP. After reading the docs and searching around, looking at
> Teknoid and some other place this is what I am left with.
> CakePHP has a class I18n that handles the loading of the correct
> string from a .po file based upon the language locale setting.
> CakePHP has a console app that supposedly will read all the strings in
> your view files and create language files for you.
> I wrap my string ids in _() which will return the msg for that id.
> I can use POEdit to create my files.
> Given that. I created one message and placed it in the default.po file
> for English. I then used the translator function for the heading on my
> login page. However when I start the app it simply fails and tells me
> that _()  is an undefined function.
> Here is the content of my controller:
> class SubscribersController extends Controller
> {
>     public $helpers = array ('Form', 'Html', 'Javascript');
>     public $components = array ('DataPrep');
>     public $SubscriberId = null;
>     public function login()
>     {
>         $this->pageTitle = 'Please Login';
>         $this->layout = 'login';
>         $this->SubscriberId = $this->params['data']['Subscriber']
> ['SubscriberId'];
>         $this->log('Login attempt with SubscriberId: '.$this->SubscriberId, 
> Configure::read('APP_LOG'));
>         $subscriber = $this->Subscriber->QuerySub($this->SubscriberId);
>         if ($subscriber->resultCode == 0)
>         {
>             $this->Session->write('Subscriber', $subscriber->querySubRsp);
>             //debug($this->Session->read('Subscriber'));
>             $this->redirect( array ('controller'=>'subscribers',
> 'action'=>'basics'));
>         }
>     }
> Here is the content of my View file:
>                  _("Please
> Login"); ?>
>                                          echo $form->create($options = array('action' => 
> 'login'));
>                         echo $form->input('Subscriber.SubscriberId');
>                         echo $form->button('Login', array('type'=>'submit',
> 'class'=>'button'));
>                         echo $form->end();
>                 ?>
> Here is the content of my default.po file that is in the directory /
> app/locale/eng/LC_MESSAGES/
> msgid ""
> msgstr ""
> "Project-Id-Version: \n"
> "POT-Creation-Date: \n"
> "PO-Revision-Date: \n"
> "Last-Translator: Steven Wright \n"
> "Language-Team: \n"
> "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
> "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
> "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
> msgid "Please Login"
> msgstr "Please Login"
> 1) I am assuming I need to tell Cake to use I18n. But how? Is it a
> component, a helper?
> 2) Does my .po file look correct?
> 3) Am I on the right path?
> Thanks
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Re: Internationalization

2009-08-17 Thread Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut
It is __(); notice the double underscore.

* @author Larry E. Masters
* @var string $userName
* @param string $realName
* @returns string aka PhpNut
* @access  public

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 3:52 PM, RhythmicDevil wrote:

> Hi,
> I am trying to understand how to get internationalization to work in
> CakePHP. After reading the docs and searching around, looking at
> Teknoid and some other place this is what I am left with.
> CakePHP has a class I18n that handles the loading of the correct
> string from a .po file based upon the language locale setting.
> CakePHP has a console app that supposedly will read all the strings in
> your view files and create language files for you.
> I wrap my string ids in _() which will return the msg for that id.
> I can use POEdit to create my files.
> Given that. I created one message and placed it in the default.po file
> for English. I then used the translator function for the heading on my
> login page. However when I start the app it simply fails and tells me
> that _()  is an undefined function.
> Here is the content of my controller:
> class SubscribersController extends Controller
> {
>public $helpers = array ('Form', 'Html', 'Javascript');
>public $components = array ('DataPrep');
>public $SubscriberId = null;
>public function login()
>$this->pageTitle = 'Please Login';
>$this->layout = 'login';
>$this->SubscriberId = $this->params['data']['Subscriber']
> ['SubscriberId'];
>$this->log('Login attempt with SubscriberId: '.$this-
> >SubscriberId, Configure::read('APP_LOG'));
>$subscriber = $this->Subscriber->QuerySub($this-
> >SubscriberId);
>if ($subscriber->resultCode == 0)
>$this->Session->write('Subscriber', $subscriber-
> >querySubRsp);
>$this->redirect( array ('controller'=>'subscribers',
> 'action'=>'basics'));
> Here is the content of my View file:
> _("Please
> Login"); ?>
>echo $form->create($options = array('action' =>
> 'login'));
>echo $form->input('Subscriber.SubscriberId');
>echo $form->button('Login', array('type'=>'submit',
> 'class'=>'button'));
>echo $form->end();
> Here is the content of my default.po file that is in the directory /
> app/locale/eng/LC_MESSAGES/
> msgid ""
> msgstr ""
> "Project-Id-Version: \n"
> "POT-Creation-Date: \n"
> "PO-Revision-Date: \n"
> "Last-Translator: Steven Wright \n"
> "Language-Team: \n"
> "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
> "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
> "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
> msgid "Please Login"
> msgstr "Please Login"
> 1) I am assuming I need to tell Cake to use I18n. But how? Is it a
> component, a helper?
> 2) Does my .po file look correct?
> 3) Am I on the right path?
> Thanks
> >

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2009-08-17 Thread RhythmicDevil

I am trying to understand how to get internationalization to work in
CakePHP. After reading the docs and searching around, looking at
Teknoid and some other place this is what I am left with.

CakePHP has a class I18n that handles the loading of the correct
string from a .po file based upon the language locale setting.

CakePHP has a console app that supposedly will read all the strings in
your view files and create language files for you.

I wrap my string ids in _() which will return the msg for that id.

I can use POEdit to create my files.

Given that. I created one message and placed it in the default.po file
for English. I then used the translator function for the heading on my
login page. However when I start the app it simply fails and tells me
that _()  is an undefined function.

Here is the content of my controller:

class SubscribersController extends Controller
public $helpers = array ('Form', 'Html', 'Javascript');
public $components = array ('DataPrep');

public $SubscriberId = null;

public function login()
$this->pageTitle = 'Please Login';
$this->layout = 'login';
$this->SubscriberId = $this->params['data']['Subscriber']
$this->log('Login attempt with SubscriberId: '.$this-
>SubscriberId, Configure::read('APP_LOG'));
$subscriber = $this->Subscriber->QuerySub($this-
if ($subscriber->resultCode == 0)
$this->Session->write('Subscriber', $subscriber-
$this->redirect( array ('controller'=>'subscribers',


Here is the content of my View file:


create($options = array('action' => 
echo $form->input('Subscriber.SubscriberId');
echo $form->button('Login', array('type'=>'submit',
echo $form->end();


Here is the content of my default.po file that is in the directory /

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: Steven Wright \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"

msgid "Please Login"
msgstr "Please Login"

1) I am assuming I need to tell Cake to use I18n. But how? Is it a
component, a helper?
2) Does my .po file look correct?
3) Am I on the right path?


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Re: internationalization in model

2009-08-11 Thread Alexandru Ciobanu

On 8/11/2009 10:16 PM, tobi_one wrote:
> Hi,
> for future reference, this is IMHO the most elegant solution for this
> problem:
> Cheers,
> tobi_one
> On Jul 29, 4:07 am, "Dr. Loboto"  wrote:
>> With Model::invalidate() method reload you do not have such problems
>> at all.
>> On Jul 29, 12:17 am,tobi_one  wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> It works great, but there is one problem. I set the language of the
>>> app in the beforefilter of the app_controller. Apparently the models
>>> are loaded before this and so the models always return the default
>>> language.
>>> Where do you guys set the language of the app? Especially if you are
>>> using the __contruct method as mentioned in the post from above.
Why not use 'error' in the input() option array?

I believe it was designed for this purpose. Perhaps a cake developer can 
confirm/infirm this.

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Re: internationalization in model

2009-08-11 Thread tobi_one


for future reference, this is IMHO the most elegant solution for this


On Jul 29, 4:07 am, "Dr. Loboto"  wrote:
> With Model::invalidate() method reload you do not have such problems
> at all.
> On Jul 29, 12:17 am,tobi_one wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am using __() internationalization in my model as described here:
> >
> > It works great, but there is one problem. I set the language of the
> > app in the beforefilter of the app_controller. Apparently the models
> > are loaded before this and so the models always return the default
> > language.
> > Where do you guys set the language of the app? Especially if you are
> > using the __contruct method as mentioned in the post from above.
> > Thanks!
> > Cheers,
> >tobi_one
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Re: internationalization in model

2009-07-28 Thread Dr. Loboto

With Model::invalidate() method reload you do not have such problems
at all.

On Jul 29, 12:17 am, tobi_one  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using __() internationalization in my model as described here:
> It works great, but there is one problem. I set the language of the
> app in the beforefilter of the app_controller. Apparently the models
> are loaded before this and so the models always return the default
> language.
> Where do you guys set the language of the app? Especially if you are
> using the __contruct method as mentioned in the post from above.
> Thanks!
> Cheers,
> tobi_one
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internationalization in model

2009-07-28 Thread tobi_one


I am using __() internationalization in my model as described here:

It works great, but there is one problem. I set the language of the
app in the beforefilter of the app_controller. Apparently the models
are loaded before this and so the models always return the default

Where do you guys set the language of the app? Especially if you are
using the __contruct method as mentioned in the post from above.


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Re: Internationalization in find results

2009-04-17 Thread Stu

Thanks Marcelo, I wasn't using the correct approach for this.

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Re: Internationalization in find results

2009-04-16 Thread Marcelo Andrade

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 2:54 PM, Stu  wrote:
> basically what I want to do is, get a list result from find while
> still being able to translate the resulting data with : __('word')

You seen the TranslationBehavior?

Best regards.

Belem, PA, Amazonia, Brazil
Linux User #221105

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Internationalization in find results

2009-04-16 Thread Stu

Hey guys,

I would be surprised to find a solution to this, but here it goes.

basically what I want to do is, get a list result from find while
still being able to translate the resulting data with : __('word')

Didn't catch that now did you?  I don't blame you.. here's some code
to clear it up:

In my Holiday Controller:
// Simple, just populating an array with holiday names then sending it
to my view //
$oneHolidays = $this->OneIvrHoliday->OneHoliday->find('list');

In my add.ctp
//I'm populating my dropdown list with the array I got from my
controller, but I my Internationalization to translate them
echo $form->select('holiday_id', $oneHolidays, null, null, false);

Is this even possible?

Does anyone have any better advice?

I'm pretty sure I'm just complicating things

Thanks in advance for any help provided
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Re: need Help on Internationalization in CakePHP

2009-02-06 Thread exo_duz


This is a French tutorial for Internationalization, have a read of
this. This should help you with the basics

As for database content, I wouldn't suggest using the I18n in CakePHP
with database queries as it is quite difficult to use. I read this
tutorial and used the behavior model from this website. It is a lot
simpler and cleaner to use.

Hope this helps.

On Feb 6, 5:05 pm, Elianora  wrote:
> here is my test file, located in "app/locale/fre/LC_MESSAGES/
> default.po" :
> msgid "welcome_text"
> msgstr "Bienvenue sur le site de test de"
> msgid "test_by"
> msgstr "Les tests ici présents sont réalisés par"
> msgid "user_mgt"
> msgstr "Gestion des utilisateurs"
> I tried to name the language dir "fr", "fr_FR", "fra" but it does
> nothing...
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Re: need Help on Internationalization in CakePHP

2009-02-06 Thread Miles J

Try placing this in your bootstrap.php or your AppController

App::import('Core', 'l10n');
$l10n = new L10n();
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Re: need Help on Internationalization in CakePHP

2009-02-06 Thread Elianora

here is my test file, located in "app/locale/fre/LC_MESSAGES/
default.po" :

msgid "welcome_text"
msgstr "Bienvenue sur le site de test de"

msgid "test_by"
msgstr "Les tests ici présents sont réalisés par"

msgid "user_mgt"
msgstr "Gestion des utilisateurs"

I tried to name the language dir "fr", "fr_FR", "fra" but it does
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Re: need Help on Internationalization in CakePHP

2009-02-05 Thread Miles J

They are .po files. Can I see an example of your file?

Should look like:

msgid "signup"
msgstr "Sign Up"

msgid "signout"
msgstr "Sign Out"
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Re: need Help on Internationalization in CakePHP

2009-02-05 Thread Elianora

How could it print anything without a echo before the gettext alias ?

if I use this, it print nothing, and if I add echo before, it print
the msgid instead of msgstr

does cake generate .mo files ? should I do it myself ? if yes, how
must I name those files ?
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Re: need Help on Internationalization in CakePHP

2009-02-04 Thread teknoid

Hopefully this will shed some light on the things that are not covered
in the manual:

On Feb 4, 9:50 am, Elianora  wrote:
> Hi !
> I'm new with Cake and with gettext.
> I read [1] and [2] but I'm still lost ^^
> I don't understand how to choose the default language used in whole
> application.
> I name my locale dirs with the tree letter convention, I have eng and
> fre at the moment.
> The application doesn't require "live" language change, so I want to
> set the default language in a config file if possible, and just change
> it when installing the application in another language.
> I don't understand how cake "parses" the default.po files (I tested
> gettext with .mo files), is there anything in cache ?
> my app/tmp/cache dir contains 3 dirs only containing an "Empty" file;
> I think cake doesn't cache anything for me
> (chmod on app/tmp are set to 777)
> In [1], we could find this :
> $this->L10n = new L10n();
> $this->L10n->get("eng");
> but I don't know where to write those lines in my controller class.
> In [1], there's this line :
> App::import('Core', 'l10n');
> and in this group, I also find this :
> uses('L10n');
> is it the same (for different version of cakephp) or have I to use
> both ?
> hope someone could help me to understand and sorry for my bad english
> [1] :
> [2] :
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Re: need Help on Internationalization in CakePHP

2009-02-04 Thread Elianora

Hi !

I'm new with Cake and with gettext.

I read [1] and [2] but I'm still lost ^^

I don't understand how to choose the default language used in whole
I name my locale dirs with the tree letter convention, I have eng and
fre at the moment.
The application doesn't require "live" language change, so I want to
set the default language in a config file if possible, and just change
it when installing the application in another language.

I don't understand how cake "parses" the default.po files (I tested
gettext with .mo files), is there anything in cache ?
my app/tmp/cache dir contains 3 dirs only containing an "Empty" file;
I think cake doesn't cache anything for me
(chmod on app/tmp are set to 777)

In [1], we could find this :
$this->L10n = new L10n();

but I don't know where to write those lines in my controller class.

In [1], there's this line :
App::import('Core', 'l10n');

and in this group, I also find this :

is it the same (for different version of cakephp) or have I to use
both ?

hope someone could help me to understand and sorry for my bad english

[1] :
[2] :

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Re: need Help on Internationalization in CakePHP

2009-02-02 Thread Martin Westin

It is not as hard as you may think at first. The hard part about this
is figuring out what your language is called. :) There is an ISO
standard for this which can be a bit confusing.

Swedish (my native language) can be called up using:
swe - 3-letter version
sv - 2-letter version for standard Swedish
sv-fi - 2+2-letter version for Swedish in parts of Finland

English, for example has a bunch of these for Brittish, Australian,
American and so on.

When naming your folder you will probably use the 3-letter name: app/
I think you can also use the 2+2 version to support various dialects.

Selecting a language:
The simplest way I have found of setting the language is by setting a
configure value in the bootstrap.
Configure::write('Config.language', 'sv'); // loads Swedish
Configure::write('Config.language', 'swe'); // also loads Swedish

Now everything in this request will be translated into Swedish. the
value you set can be fetched from a cookie, or the url or anywhere you
like. The thing to remember is that this will work as long at you set
the language before any translations are attempted.

Configure::write('Config.language', 'sv'); // loads Swedish
Configure::write('Config.language', 'eng'); // will not switch to
English (last I checked)

You only need to worry about the translation classes if you have to
switch back and forth during a request as above. I have a translated
application with no reference to any l10n or i18n classes anywhere...
all Cake magic.

The po file is just a textfile. it has a tricky header that will look
different for each language:
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
The above is valid for Swedish and a number of other languages.
Setting it the wrong way can be fatal (to the translation, not to

To learn more:
Look at
Download PoEdit
Google for anything you don't understand and add the word gettext to
the search. Gettext is the "name" of the translation used.


On Feb 2, 4:01 pm, vikas  wrote:
> Hello all..
> I want to convert my site in multilingual site.
> I have read the tutorial of Internationalization in CakePHP 
> at But
> not so much helpful, also no idea about what url have to use...
> So if somebody has a example file of ".po" or good tutorial link on
> Localizing Your Application and Internationalization in CakePHP, then
> plz help me..
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need Help on Internationalization in CakePHP

2009-02-02 Thread vikas

Hello all..

I want to convert my site in multilingual site.

I have read the tutorial of Internationalization in CakePHP at But
not so much helpful, also no idea about what url have to use...

So if somebody has a example file of ".po" or good tutorial link on
Localizing Your Application and Internationalization in CakePHP, then
plz help me..

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Re: Can't use internationalization on input label

2008-11-16 Thread Mateo San Román


On Nov 15, 11:38 pm, "David C. Zentgraf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> echo $form->input('names', array( 'label' => __('Names', true)));
> On 16 Nov 2008, at 13:15, Mateo San Román wrote:
> > Hello
> > When I try to use the __() function on
> > echo $form->input('names', array( 'label' => __('Names')));
> > on a view, the output shows both default table field name AND its
> > internationalization.
> > Thanks in advance.

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Re: Can't use internationalization on input label

2008-11-15 Thread David C. Zentgraf

echo $form->input('names', array( 'label' => __('Names', true)));

On 16 Nov 2008, at 13:15, Mateo San Román wrote:

> Hello
> When I try to use the __() function on
> echo $form->input('names', array( 'label' => __('Names')));
> on a view, the output shows both default table field name AND its
> internationalization.
> Thanks in advance.
> >

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Can't use internationalization on input label

2008-11-15 Thread Mateo San Román


When I try to use the __() function on

echo $form->input('names', array( 'label' => __('Names')));

on a view, the output shows both default table field name AND its

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Localization and Internationalization: Can't switch languages

2008-06-20 Thread deltawing

Sorry, but it wasn't deliberate :)
For some reason this post appeared like an hour after it was posted,
making me think it failed to send. Could be caching I don't know.

For people facing the same problem, refer to this link on

On Jun 21, 6:50 am, "Chris Hartjes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 1:21 PM, deltawing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I followed the CakePHP 1.2 tutorial and was able to set the language
> > in beforeFilter().
> > The problem is I want users to be able to switch the language at any
> > time, by clicking on a link. How can I do that? I've tried many things
> > but I still can't get it to work.
> > Any takers?
> > Thanks in advance.
> Please don't double post.  People will respond if they have an answer.
> --
> Chris Hartjes
> Internet Loudmouth
> Motto for 2008: "Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes..."
> @TheKeyBoard:

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Re: internationalization - switching languages

2008-06-20 Thread francky06l

There is something there that might help  you :

On Jun 20, 7:57 pm, deltawing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Help please I'm getting really desperate with this one. The problem is
> very typical of a multilingual site - the user needs to be able to
> switch between several languages.
> Following the CakePHP 1.2 Cookbook, I can a the language in the
> beforeFilter() and that seems to work. But I have no idea how to let
> the user click on a link and change the language.
> Can somebody help?
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Re: Localization and Internationalization: Can't switch languages

2008-06-20 Thread Chris Hartjes

On Fri, Jun 20, 2008 at 1:21 PM, deltawing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I followed the CakePHP 1.2 tutorial and was able to set the language
> in beforeFilter().
> The problem is I want users to be able to switch the language at any
> time, by clicking on a link. How can I do that? I've tried many things
> but I still can't get it to work.
> Any takers?
> Thanks in advance.

Please don't double post.  People will respond if they have an answer.

Chris Hartjes
Internet Loudmouth
Motto for 2008: "Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes..."

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Localization and Internationalization: Can't switch languages

2008-06-20 Thread deltawing

I followed the CakePHP 1.2 tutorial and was able to set the language
in beforeFilter().

The problem is I want users to be able to switch the language at any
time, by clicking on a link. How can I do that? I've tried many things
but I still can't get it to work.

Any takers?

Thanks in advance.

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internationalization - switching languages

2008-06-20 Thread deltawing

Help please I'm getting really desperate with this one. The problem is
very typical of a multilingual site - the user needs to be able to
switch between several languages.

Following the CakePHP 1.2 Cookbook, I can a the language in the
beforeFilter() and that seems to work. But I have no idea how to let
the user click on a link and change the language.

Can somebody help?

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Re: CakePHP 1.2 Internationalization

2008-05-16 Thread b logica

Have a look at Jason Chow's P28N tutorial:

He uses both a component and a controller fr switching. I haven't
implemented everything quite the same way but this part works like a

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 4:23 AM, Kukuda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi.
> I have tried to implement a multi-language website using the official
> internationalization guide (
> localization-internationalizat), but it only works if I change the
> DEFAULT_LANGUAGE in the bootstrap. I have created a language switching
> class
> uses('L10n'); print_r($this);
> class LangsController extends AppController
> {
>var $name = 'Langs';
>var $uses = array();
>function index() {}
>function switchto($lang) {
>if($lang == "eng") {
>$this->L10n = new L10n();
>Configure::write('Config.language', "eng");
>if($lang == "hrv") {
>$this->L10n = new L10n();
>Configure::write('Config.language', "hrv");
>$this->redirect(Controller::referer('/', true));
> }
> but id doesn't do anything :(
> Any ideas?
> >

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Re: 1.2 Internationalization

2008-05-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It is in reality a bit different from what the maunal currently
states. Both simpler and more complicated :)
Try this:

And search fir i18n, l10n or p28n for more.
There is also a bakery article with some ideas about the persistance
part of localizing.

I would suggest switching off all caching when trying this out since
language-data is caches and you may notget the result you expect until
the cache expires a while later. :)
I would also suggest starting with a "common" language like "eng" just
to get basic setup right before trying some crazy sub-dialect of
something like Spanish (there are many different versions of Spannish
which can trip you up at first.)


On May 16, 12:42 pm, Kukuda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi.
> I have tried to implement a multi-language website using the official
> internationalization guide (
> localization-internationalizat), but it only works if I change the
> DEFAULT_LANGUAGE in the bootstrap. I have created a language switching
> class
> uses('L10n'); print_r($this);
> class LangsController extends AppController
> {
>                 var $name = 'Langs';
>         var $uses = array();
>                 function index() {}
>                 function switchto($lang) {
>                         if($lang == "eng") {
>                                 $this->L10n = new L10n();
>                                 $this->L10n->get("eng");
>                                 Configure::write('Config.language', "eng");
>                         }
>                         if($lang == "hrv") {
>                                 $this->L10n = new L10n();
>                                 $this->L10n->get("hrv");
>                                 Configure::write('Config.language', "hrv");
>                         }
>                         $this->redirect(Controller::referer('/', true));
>                 }
> }
> but id doesn't do anything :(
> Any ideas?
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1.2 Internationalization

2008-05-16 Thread Kukuda


I have tried to implement a multi-language website using the official
internationalization guide (
localization-internationalizat), but it only works if I change the
DEFAULT_LANGUAGE in the bootstrap. I have created a language switching

uses('L10n'); print_r($this);
class LangsController extends AppController
var $name = 'Langs';
var $uses = array();

function index() {}

function switchto($lang) {
if($lang == "eng") {
$this->L10n = new L10n();
Configure::write('Config.language', "eng");
if($lang == "hrv") {
$this->L10n = new L10n();
Configure::write('Config.language', "hrv");
$this->redirect(Controller::referer('/', true));

but id doesn't do anything :(

Any ideas?

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CakePHP 1.2 Internationalization

2008-05-16 Thread Kukuda


I have tried to implement a multi-language website using the official
internationalization guide (
localization-internationalizat), but it only works if I change the
DEFAULT_LANGUAGE in the bootstrap. I have created a language switching

uses('L10n'); print_r($this);
class LangsController extends AppController
var $name = 'Langs';
var $uses = array();

function index() {}

function switchto($lang) {
if($lang == "eng") {
$this->L10n = new L10n();
Configure::write('Config.language', "eng");
if($lang == "hrv") {
$this->L10n = new L10n();
Configure::write('Config.language', "hrv");
$this->redirect(Controller::referer('/', true));

but id doesn't do anything :(

Any ideas?

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Re: I don't understand how internationalization works in CakePHP.

2008-05-05 Thread b logica

Thanks for the offer. I couldn't resist; sliv's suggestion seemed
pretty funny to me.

I'd been forced to put aside the Cake stuff I'd been working on for a
while but will be taking another stab at i18n for complete pages
stored in the DB. I'm just reviewing Rostislav's i18n behavior now,
actually. It looks very good to me.

A big problem with i18n is that nobody seemed to have (officially)
documented it very well and, meanwhile, several people have come up
with various solutions but have only partially explained what it is
they did. All of the links on the GG FAQ page, for instance, raise
more questions than they answer. That makes it difficult to decide if
it's a good solution for one's own project. After carefully going
through Rostislav's beavior, I think this is the way I'll be going.

But, given that it relies on a 3rd party behavior, I doubt that it
would be welcome in the official docs.

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 6:08 PM, John David Anderson
>  On May 5, 2008, at 4:05 PM, b logica wrote:
>  >
>  > You're suggesting i write the documentation for something i do not
>  > understand?
>  I do.
>  It's the best way to learn, and it's the best way for us to get docs
>  that are targeted to new people.
>  If you need help reviewing it, I'm available. :)
>  -- John
>  Docs Monkey
>  >

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Re: I don't understand how internationalization works in CakePHP.

2008-05-05 Thread John David Anderson

On May 5, 2008, at 4:05 PM, b logica wrote:

> You're suggesting i write the documentation for something i do not  
> understand?

I do.

It's the best way to learn, and it's the best way for us to get docs  
that are targeted to new people.

If you need help reviewing it, I'm available. :)

-- John
Docs Monkey

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Re: I don't understand how internationalization works in CakePHP.

2008-05-05 Thread b logica

You're suggesting i write the documentation for something i do not understand?

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 3:19 PM, Sliv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I could, but then again, so could you:
>  click on 'edit this section' ;)
>  >

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Re: I don't understand how internationalization works in CakePHP.

2008-05-05 Thread Sliv

I could, but then again, so could you:
click on 'edit this section' ;)

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Re: I don't understand how internationalization works in CakePHP.

2008-05-05 Thread b logica

OK, missed that.

Could you change the docs to better describe how i18n is supposed to
work in cake, too ;-)

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 3:05 PM, Sliv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I changed the topic to more appropriately describe the OP and the
>  subsequent answer.
>  On May 5, 2:50 pm, "b logica" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > Er, what? Were you just thinking out loud?
>  >
>  > I don't understand how i18n is supposed to work in Cake either, FWIW.
>  >
> > On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 12:13 PM, Sliv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >
>  > >  Better.
>  >

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Re: I don't understand how internationalization works in CakePHP.

2008-05-05 Thread Sliv

I changed the topic to more appropriately describe the OP and the
subsequent answer.

On May 5, 2:50 pm, "b logica" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Er, what? Were you just thinking out loud?
> I don't understand how i18n is supposed to work in Cake either, FWIW.
> On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 12:13 PM, Sliv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  Better.
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Re: I don't understand how internationalization works in CakePHP.

2008-05-05 Thread b logica

Er, what? Were you just thinking out loud?

I don't understand how i18n is supposed to work in Cake either, FWIW.

On Mon, May 5, 2008 at 12:13 PM, Sliv <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Better.
>  >

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I don't understand how internationalization works in CakePHP.

2008-05-05 Thread Sliv

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Re: I'm very confused by your approach to internationalization.

2008-05-03 Thread Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut
Sorry should have been...
sprintf(__('User with e-mail address %s already exists in our database.
Please try to use another e-mail address.', true), $value);

* @author Larry E. Masters
* @var string $userName
* @param string $realName
* @returns string aka PhpNut
* @access public

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Re: I'm very confused by your approach to internationalization.

2008-05-03 Thread Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut

* @author Larry E. Masters
* @var string $userName
* @param string $realName
* @returns string aka PhpNut
* @access public

On Sat, May 3, 2008 at 1:07 PM, Ivans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Consider flash message you need show to your visitor during
> registration process because user with that e-mail address already
> exists in your users table.
> "User with e-mail address "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" already exists in our
> database. Please try to use another e-mail address".
> YOU CAN'T, because __() function is very primitive. It doesn't take
> additional parameters which could replace some placeholders like %s in
> msgstr. You can just append some echo at the end of returned (echoed)
> string comming from __() function and your message than looks like
> machine translated.
> Crazy.
> >

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I'm very confused by your approach to internationalization.

2008-05-03 Thread Ivans

Consider flash message you need show to your visitor during
registration process because user with that e-mail address already
exists in your users table.

"User with e-mail address "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" already exists in our
database. Please try to use another e-mail address".

YOU CAN'T, because __() function is very primitive. It doesn't take
additional parameters which could replace some placeholders like %s in
msgstr. You can just append some echo at the end of returned (echoed)
string comming from __() function and your message than looks like
machine translated.


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Re: internationalization in validation

2008-04-26 Thread Jippi

i18n extract console wont extract from models, the error messages is
supposed to be put in the form at the frontend, not at the model

$form->input('field', array('error' => array('validationName' =>
__('your validation error string here', true)));


$form->error('field', array('validationName' =>__('Your validation
error string here', true)));

> You could build the variable into a __construct() function :
> $this->validate =  __('must be alphanumeric') 
> On 15 avr, 18:04, gino pilotino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > i was wondering... when setting custom messages in validation arrays
> > for Models
> > how can i useinternationalization?
> > i.e.
> >         var $validate = array(
> >           'item' =>
> >             array(
> >             'rule' => 'alphaNumeric',
> >             'message' => 'must be alphanumeric'
> >           ),
> > i want the message to be translated eventually.
> > i cannot use __() because it's an in class initialization of a member
> > variable
> > ($validate) so it only accepts constant inizialization (a simple
> > string).
> > I cannot either find documentation for the translate behaviour,
> > can somebody please post a link ? can it be useful in this case ?
> > thanks in advance,
> > -d.- Skjul tekst i anførselstegn -
> - Vis tekst i anførselstegn -
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Re: internationalization in validation

2008-04-15 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You could build the variable into a __construct() function :
$this->validate =  __('must be alphanumeric') 

On 15 avr, 18:04, gino pilotino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> i was wondering... when setting custom messages in validation arrays
> for Models
> how can i use internationalization ?
> i.e.
>         var $validate = array(
>           'item' =>
>             array(
>             'rule' => 'alphaNumeric',
>             'message' => 'must be alphanumeric'
>           ),
> i want the message to be translated eventually.
> i cannot use __() because it's an in class initialization of a member
> variable
> ($validate) so it only accepts constant inizialization (a simple
> string).
> I cannot either find documentation for the translate behaviour,
> can somebody please post a link ? can it be useful in this case ?
> thanks in advance,
> -d.
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internationalization in validation

2008-04-15 Thread gino pilotino

i was wondering... when setting custom messages in validation arrays
for Models
how can i use internationalization ?


var $validate = array(
  'item' =>
'rule' => 'alphaNumeric',
'message' => 'must be alphanumeric'

i want the message to be translated eventually.
i cannot use __() because it's an in class initialization of a member
($validate) so it only accepts constant inizialization (a simple

I cannot either find documentation for the translate behaviour,
can somebody please post a link ? can it be useful in this case ?

thanks in advance,

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Re: url internationalization

2008-03-06 Thread b logica

I think what you need to do is add something to your AppController to
look for $this->params['lang'] and
$this->Session->write('Config.language', $lang);

I'm really not sure but this is what I had in mind. I'll need to do
this same thing very shortly. If you figure it out, please post your

BTW, I think you need to use the 3-letter code. I prefer 2-letter
myself but it seems Cake needs the 3-letter version. Correct me if I'm
wrong (the information on I18N, L10N, etc. is very confusing).

On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 6:19 AM, TriLLi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I need help
>  How can I tell cake that first paramter in routing is language
>  Router:Connect('/en/products/index/', Array('lang' =>'en',
>  'controller'=>'products', 'action'=>'index'));
>  so it can rewrite links in my views
>  $html->link(__('New Product', true), array('action'=>'add'));
>  so link can be
>  this is because I have dozen languages on web site...
>  npr for bosnian link should be
>  I have routing file filled with all routes
>  like
>  Router:Connect('/ba/products/pocetna/', Array('lang' =>'ba',
>  'controller'=>'products', 'action'=>'index'));
>  >

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url internationalization

2008-03-06 Thread TriLLi

I need help
How can I tell cake that first paramter in routing is language
Router:Connect('/en/products/index/', Array('lang' =>'en',
'controller'=>'products', 'action'=>'index'));

so it can rewrite links in my views
$html->link(__('New Product', true), array('action'=>'add'));
so link can be

this is because I have dozen languages on web site...
npr for bosnian link should be

I have routing file filled with all routes
Router:Connect('/ba/products/pocetna/', Array('lang' =>'ba',
'controller'=>'products', 'action'=>'index'));

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fixed: re. bakery article 'p28n, the top to bottom persistent internationalization tutorial.'

2008-02-15 Thread leo

Woops, I found a space after a ?> ... got to watch out for those

On 15 Feb, 13:37, leo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been trying to implement this in 1.2, but I always get a headers
> already sent error. Has anyone had any success with it? Does anyone
> know the answer to my problem?
> I've already spent the morning picking it to pieces and now I have to
> move on to something else.
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re. bakery article 'p28n, the top to bottom persistent internationalization tutorial.'

2008-02-15 Thread leo

I've been trying to implement this in 1.2, but I always get a headers
already sent error. Has anyone had any success with it? Does anyone
know the answer to my problem?

I've already spent the morning picking it to pieces and now I have to
move on to something else.
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Re: What is the speed of internationalization with __() ?

2007-10-29 Thread VolCh

> I know that we want to add flexibility but when using databases
> (especially mysql), the advantages are not little and i think we
> should consider an internationalization system with db support.
> What do you think?
> Thanks, Cristian


Now I use both ways:
- "system" strings like "Error", "Erreur", "Fehler" or "Ошибка" stored
in .po files and used by __(). It easy to develope, but only
specialist (me for example :) ) can change them.
- "content" strings like "Description of photo in English",
"Description de la photo en français", "Beschreibung des Fotos in
deutscher Sprache" and "Описание фотографии на русском" stored in DB
and used by my library. User (admin of site, not IT specialist) can
change them in CMS, it easy.

Sometime user want to change translation of system strings (some of
them translated by Google Translate :-) ) and call me, but I don't
like it. It would be good that he can change translation of system
strings. Of course, I can change CMS for working with .po files too
(not sure) or change my code for using DB only, but I think standard
class of framework with transparent using both, db and .po files would
be better for all :)

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Re: What is the speed of internationalization with __() ?

2007-10-28 Thread Dérico Filho

it sounds like a "in DB we trust" pattern.

On Oct 27, 9:02 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Hey everybody,
> i was just checking the new features in 1.2.x and noticed how
> internationalization was implemented. I was wondering how reading from
> file behaves? Isn't loading a file that sometimes might be really big
> at every page access slow? Is there any caching (maybe using shared
> memory)?
> I usually keep my translations in database.  This allows me several
> things:
> - create a cms for translations (the usual case is that a site-builder
> won't handle the translation, but the client will, and a nice cms is
> always appreciated)
> - organize the words/phrases in categories and add meta data like the
> date of last change, which adds flexibility (you don't have to scroll
> 1000 not ordered words to find one, and maybe add tracking and
> rollback for donkey clients - belive me there are many)
> - speed things up significantly with a little trick: create a mirror
> table for translations (of type MEMORY) that will contain all the
> words/phrases in the normal table and will be used for queries.
> Because MEMORY type tables only handle fixed length columns, i
> fragment the words in peaces of fixed length (let's say 32char), but
> my benchmarks showed me that even with the reconstruction of the
> fragments, on heavily loaded sites, this is way way faster than normal
> reads from db or file. To keep database integrity and not loose it in
> case the server crashes cms makes modifications on both tables. But
> this doesn't affect anything because 99.999% of the operations on this
> table will be read.
> I know that we want to add flexibility but when using databases
> (especially mysql), the advantages are not little and i think we
> should consider an internationalization system with db support.
> What do you think?
> Thanks, Cristian

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Re: What is the speed of internationalization with __() ?

2007-10-27 Thread the_woodsman

> I know that we want to add flexibility but when using databases
> (especially mysql), the advantages are not little and i think we
> should consider an internationalization system with db support.

Ive yet to use it, but I was under the impression that
internationalization via the DB was supported via the Tranlsate Modle
Behaviour... Is that what you´re looking for?

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What is the speed of internationalization with __() ?

2007-10-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hey everybody,
i was just checking the new features in 1.2.x and noticed how
internationalization was implemented. I was wondering how reading from
file behaves? Isn't loading a file that sometimes might be really big
at every page access slow? Is there any caching (maybe using shared

I usually keep my translations in database.  This allows me several
- create a cms for translations (the usual case is that a site-builder
won't handle the translation, but the client will, and a nice cms is
always appreciated)
- organize the words/phrases in categories and add meta data like the
date of last change, which adds flexibility (you don't have to scroll
1000 not ordered words to find one, and maybe add tracking and
rollback for donkey clients - belive me there are many)
- speed things up significantly with a little trick: create a mirror
table for translations (of type MEMORY) that will contain all the
words/phrases in the normal table and will be used for queries.
Because MEMORY type tables only handle fixed length columns, i
fragment the words in peaces of fixed length (let's say 32char), but
my benchmarks showed me that even with the reconstruction of the
fragments, on heavily loaded sites, this is way way faster than normal
reads from db or file. To keep database integrity and not loose it in
case the server crashes cms makes modifications on both tables. But
this doesn't affect anything because 99.999% of the operations on this
table will be read.

I know that we want to add flexibility but when using databases
(especially mysql), the advantages are not little and i think we
should consider an internationalization system with db support.

What do you think?
Thanks, Cristian

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Re: dynamic internationalization -->multilanguage website

2007-09-22 Thread cakeFreak

Cheers guys,

I also found the new P28n behavior tutorial and code very usefull for
static translation/lang switch.


On 11 Set, 08:25, the_woodsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Unless I've misunderstood, I think what you are looking for is the
> Model Translate behaviour, a related part of the new
> internationalisation features of 1.2.
> On Sep 10, 6:11 pm, francky06l <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well you can use the current language ('Config.language') to set it in
> > your DB and then use the current language as a condition when
> > querying. In anyway that will force the user to enter his post in the
> > language he decided to display the page ...Unless you can detect the
> > language from the fields in the post ...but that's another story.
> > On Sep 10, 8:56 pm, cakeFreak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > hey guys, sorry for my late replay, and cheers for your help.
> > > I'll try to be less cryptic.
> > > Let's take a multilingual website with a specular section in language
> > > 1 (italian), and language 2 (english). When in other circumstances I
> > > was in this kind of situation I used to add an extra "language field"
> > > in the DB, that was "it" when I was posting in Italian, and "en" when
> > > posting in English.
> > > When an user was surfing the API in english, the system was retrieving
> > > posts marked with the language field "en", while it was retrieving
> > > posts marked with "it" when the user was broasing the API clicking the
> > > italian flag.
> > > Has the "i18n" library been set in order to handle the problem I
> > > described above?
> > > cheers Dan

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Re: dynamic internationalization -->multilanguage website

2007-09-10 Thread the_woodsman

Unless I've misunderstood, I think what you are looking for is the
Model Translate behaviour, a related part of the new
internationalisation features of 1.2.

On Sep 10, 6:11 pm, francky06l <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well you can use the current language ('Config.language') to set it in
> your DB and then use the current language as a condition when
> querying. In anyway that will force the user to enter his post in the
> language he decided to display the page ...Unless you can detect the
> language from the fields in the post ...but that's another story.
> On Sep 10, 8:56 pm, cakeFreak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > hey guys, sorry for my late replay, and cheers for your help.
> > I'll try to be less cryptic.
> > Let's take a multilingual website with a specular section in language
> > 1 (italian), and language 2 (english). When in other circumstances I
> > was in this kind of situation I used to add an extra "language field"
> > in the DB, that was "it" when I was posting in Italian, and "en" when
> > posting in English.
> > When an user was surfing the API in english, the system was retrieving
> > posts marked with the language field "en", while it was retrieving
> > posts marked with "it" when the user was broasing the API clicking the
> > italian flag.
> > Has the "i18n" library been set in order to handle the problem I
> > described above?
> > cheers Dan

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Re: dynamic internationalization -->multilanguage website

2007-09-10 Thread francky06l

Well you can use the current language ('Config.language') to set it in
your DB and then use the current language as a condition when
querying. In anyway that will force the user to enter his post in the
language he decided to display the page ...Unless you can detect the
language from the fields in the post ...but that's another story.

On Sep 10, 8:56 pm, cakeFreak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hey guys, sorry for my late replay, and cheers for your help.
> I'll try to be less cryptic.
> Let's take a multilingual website with a specular section in language
> 1 (italian), and language 2 (english). When in other circumstances I
> was in this kind of situation I used to add an extra "language field"
> in the DB, that was "it" when I was posting in Italian, and "en" when
> posting in English.
> When an user was surfing the API in english, the system was retrieving
> posts marked with the language field "en", while it was retrieving
> posts marked with "it" when the user was broasing the API clicking the
> italian flag.
> Has the "i18n" library been set in order to handle the problem I
> described above?
> cheers Dan

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Re: dynamic internationalization -->multilanguage website

2007-09-10 Thread cakeFreak

hey guys, sorry for my late replay, and cheers for your help.

I'll try to be less cryptic.

Let's take a multilingual website with a specular section in language
1 (italian), and language 2 (english). When in other circumstances I
was in this kind of situation I used to add an extra "language field"
in the DB, that was "it" when I was posting in Italian, and "en" when
posting in English.

When an user was surfing the API in english, the system was retrieving
posts marked with the language field "en", while it was retrieving
posts marked with "it" when the user was broasing the API clicking the
italian flag.

Has the "i18n" library been set in order to handle the problem I
described above?

cheers Dan

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Re: dynamic internationalization -->multilanguage website

2007-09-07 Thread dardosordi

Look at the "How to add i18n support?" section. in .

On Sep 7, 1:46 pm, francky06l <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I do not really understand "I mean for example retrieving/storing a
> post content in English or
> another language depending on the stored locale in sessions. ".. If
> the post is entered only once you'll have one occurrence of it.
> i18n will not translate your captured data  in cake. The user can
> choose the Spanish language and enter the data in English for example.
> Concerning the database itself, I always use UTF-8 as encoding, that
> permit to store all languages.
> hope this helps
> On Sep 7, 4:01 pm, cakeFreak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hey guys,
> > cheers for the clues on how to use l10n (
> > group/cake-php/browse_frm/thread/1edcbbaed20657b9/13afbe9841b91314?
> > #13afbe9841b91314). This will be super in order to handle static
> > language messages.
> > But what about retrieving content in database for different languages?
> > I mean for example retrieving/storing a post content in english or
> > another language depending on the stored locale in sessions.
> > How does i18n works?
> > Cheers
> > Dan

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Re: dynamic internationalization -->multilanguage website

2007-09-07 Thread francky06l

I do not really understand "I mean for example retrieving/storing a
post content in English or
another language depending on the stored locale in sessions. ".. If
the post is entered only once you'll have one occurrence of it.

i18n will not translate your captured data  in cake. The user can
choose the Spanish language and enter the data in English for example.
Concerning the database itself, I always use UTF-8 as encoding, that
permit to store all languages.

hope this helps

On Sep 7, 4:01 pm, cakeFreak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> cheers for the clues on how to use l10n (
> group/cake-php/browse_frm/thread/1edcbbaed20657b9/13afbe9841b91314?
> #13afbe9841b91314). This will be super in order to handle static
> language messages.
> But what about retrieving content in database for different languages?
> I mean for example retrieving/storing a post content in english or
> another language depending on the stored locale in sessions.
> How does i18n works?
> Cheers
> Dan

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dynamic internationalization -->multilanguage website

2007-09-07 Thread cakeFreak

Hey guys,

cheers for the clues on how to use l10n (
#13afbe9841b91314). This will be super in order to handle static
language messages.

But what about retrieving content in database for different languages?
I mean for example retrieving/storing a post content in english or
another language depending on the stored locale in sessions.
How does i18n works?



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Re: About internationalization (i18n)

2006-04-24 Thread nate

The locale code isn't in the nightly, it's here:

However, there are several complete implementations which are being
used in production settings, most notably Andy Dawson's (AD7six)
implementation, which I believe you can find on CakeForge.

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About internationalization (i18n)

2006-04-24 Thread Pepepaco

I am starting a new web project, and I want to give Cake a try. But
there's a caveat: I have to create a multilanguage site.
After searching this group and the Cake docs, I have found only a
couple of "hand made" solutions, and the promise to have i18n in
version 2 of CakePHP, but with a mention of it being "almost done"
If this is true, is there any information or source code of the current
progress? I have searched a nightly build for "locale", "language",
"i18n" with no success... Before coding my own solution, I would like
to have an idea of the proposed "official" one.

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